Well-known member
I definitely think that people who are very religious experience similar benefits (can't remember the details but know there's some stuff out there on the net about it!)
I get my benefits from the Lord Himself, not from meditating. You will get very different results from people from different religions. It is very hard for a unbeliever to understand all this, so they try to get a scientific reasoning for it, and you will find many. But I do not need any scientific proof for my faith, I just need God.
God bless!
BTW, I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone here, that is up to you and God, but what I am trying to do is dismiss all the misinformation out there concerning Christianity because there is a whole lot out there.
Also like I stated before, I do not like that word "religion", because what religion means to me is tradition, following some long standing traditions the early church followed or just saying I am a Christian because my mom was or my dad was, so I must be also, or I go to church so I must be religious. What everyone needs to know, even Christians, is Christianity is a way of life, following Christ, being Christ like!