Religion and Faith

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Religion and Faith

  • I?ve always had a strong faith and this hasn?t been affected by my condition/surgery.

    Votes: 42 62.7%
  • I didn?t have a (strong) faith prior to learning about my condition/surgery, but do now.

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • I have always been atheist/agnostic regardless of my surgery/learning of my condition.

    Votes: 19 28.4%
  • I had a strong faith prior to surgery/learning about my condition, but don?t now.

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
I definitely think that people who are very religious experience similar benefits (can't remember the details but know there's some stuff out there on the net about it!)

I get my benefits from the Lord Himself, not from meditating. You will get very different results from people from different religions. It is very hard for a unbeliever to understand all this, so they try to get a scientific reasoning for it, and you will find many. But I do not need any scientific proof for my faith, I just need God.
God bless!

BTW, I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone here, that is up to you and God, but what I am trying to do is dismiss all the misinformation out there concerning Christianity because there is a whole lot out there.

Also like I stated before, I do not like that word "religion", because what religion means to me is tradition, following some long standing traditions the early church followed or just saying I am a Christian because my mom was or my dad was, so I must be also, or I go to church so I must be religious. What everyone needs to know, even Christians, is Christianity is a way of life, following Christ, being Christ like!
I get my benefits from the Lord Himself, not from meditating. You will get very different results from people from different religions. It is very hard for a unbeliever to understand all this, so they try to get a scientific reasoning for it, and you will find many. But I do not need any scientific proof for my faith, I just need God.
God bless!

BTW, I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone here, that is up to you and God, but what I am trying to do is dismiss all the misinformation out there concerning Christianity because there is a whole lot out there.

Also like I stated before, I do not like that word "religion", because what religion means to me is tradition, following some long standing traditions the early church followed or just saying I am a Christian because my mom was or my dad was, so I must be also, or I go to church so I must be religious. What everyone needs to know, even Christians, is Christianity is a way of life, following Christ, being Christ like!

The researchers' aim wasn't to prove or disprove any religion - some of the researchers were in fact religious/followed a faith themselves. The interesting part was that people experienced tangible changes in biological activity when carrying out things like meditating or prayers and it seemed to be good for them. There's no implication here about the existence of any faith :p

But anyway I feel this thread is going off track - back to the experience of 'hearties' and whether this affected our religious views! :)
Un Real, I knew this was gonna be a tough one. We all have the right to believe what we want? My opinion,:cool: IM NOT GONNA GET CAUGHT RED HANDED Wishing you all well.
Remember the books in the bible were written by men that were inspired by God, they got it straight from God, they did not make it up.

And I'm happy to hear it straight from God too :)

Until then, the best I can do is work with the evidence I have (and I'm afraid I don't see the evidence of a creator in the world around me - I see chain of biological events, which given the breadth and size of the Universe, is not beyond reason).

That said, for those of you who do find comfort in a higher power - however that may be perceived - and it feels right for you, then what I think is of little consequence. Each to their own :)
Hello Everyone,

Well reading the remarks of ajay, woodbutcher, and a few others, it makes me think of my own adult children! Please don't take offense, but I have heard the same exact argument, opinion, whatever you want to call it quiet a few times. I love my children deeply, and I have to admit, it makes me feel very sad for them. It hurts me, I suppose you could say. Faith however, is not something you can force on someone. It has to come from deep within that person. I did raise my children to be Christians, but as adults we have to take our own path. I respect their opinions, they are good people, but I do pray that somehow they will eventually come back to the Lord. I have known a few agnostics, my husband included, that are quiet devout in their faith now.


The original survey was on faith rather than just Christianity which is one of many faiths; hence I was interested to read the responses of the two people of non Christian faith who have responded so far. :)
Well, I am Jewish. Not terribly religious but I have faith in G-d and something bigger than myself. Consider myself more spiritual than anything. Before my second surgery I was very fearful and visited a Rabbi... I feel that sheer will got me through the surgery, plus the love and support I received from others. I don't think my faith has changed but maybe I am more appreciative towards whatever higher power there is.

I truly believe, and have seen it said here in VR many times, that we are mostly all more appreciative of life itself, after heart surgery. I don't know if that's something to do with faith or not, but there it is. I know that my feelings about life are different now - way better.
I truly believe, and have seen it said here in VR many times, that we are mostly all more appreciative of life itself, after heart surgery. I don't know if that's something to do with faith or not, but there it is. I know that my feelings about life are different now - way better.

Nicely said and I agree :)

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