Religion and Faith

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Religion and Faith

  • I?ve always had a strong faith and this hasn?t been affected by my condition/surgery.

    Votes: 42 62.7%
  • I didn?t have a (strong) faith prior to learning about my condition/surgery, but do now.

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • I have always been atheist/agnostic regardless of my surgery/learning of my condition.

    Votes: 19 28.4%
  • I had a strong faith prior to surgery/learning about my condition, but don?t now.

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
I was a bit aprehensive about making this thread but I reminded myself everyone's an adult here and pretty nice :p No-one should get upset about anyone else's views (I hope!). This isn't a thread arguing there is a god or not, simply about your own personal experiences of faith. As long as people agree to differ it's all good :)

ajay that is why I'm here. If things get out of control, I put the smack down. :D


....or sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Whenever I can I offer support by writing "you're in my thoughts." Jim


He hears your ?thoughts? even if you don?t believe in Him. :D;):p

I answered #1. As a young whippersnapper, I was dragged kicking and screaming into bible study and church service every Sunday. I vividly remember the bible study about the trials of Job. Although all that happened to him was at the hand of Satan, I was surprised and disappointed that my God had allowed all this to happen to him. I came out of that study shaking my head and really wondering how God could be so mean to us. :eek::eek:

I also agree with ?Car-Lin? that 100 per cent church attendance does not always make you a ?better Christian?. I?m afraid some of those will be in for a rude awaking one day. But I have always considered myself religious. I have seen His Hand in my life over the years. As Ross said, sometimes I felt like He had forgotten about me. But, as they say, He answers all prayers?sometimes the answer is ?NO?. Just a nice though, best wishes or a more ?formal? prayer at the keyboard does wonders, no matter what your beliefs are. We are there for each other.

I thank all of you for your support and thoughts thru our troubled times, no matter where the belief or source comes from. We always had a saying in the military, ?there are no atheists in foxholes?. Although I sat in a foxhole or two during my career, I was never placed in a dangerous position. I believe God had something to do with that too.

To those that do not believe I respect your decision. But as I told someone one day, I would rather be a believer, die and find out I had been ?conned? than to be a non-believer, die and have to say ?Man, did I miss that boat?.:rolleyes::D:D

Ok, I?ll roll up my tent, pick up palmaceae and avery582008, and move on.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Well all I can say is, there better be something better then the hell I've been put through on Earth or I'm gonna kill someone.
I voted for #1. I know that prayers & faith in God has made it possible for me to be alive today given all the stuff I've been thru in my life.

I try to attend church on a weekly basis, but, I also believe in my heart, that God is all around me & if I want to talk to HIM or pray to HIM, I can do that anywhere I am. :)
I voted # 1 all the way.
I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior at a young age. My mom would drag us to church two to three times a week. That was my life I hung around there all the time even in HS I would walk over to the church just to hang out. I was very involved not that made me better then anybody just loved it.
Jesus means everything to me there's no way with all I've been through I would of made it without His love and Grace. He is and always will be the #1 in my life and I look forward to seeing Him someday when my life here is over. It brings great joy to me to see so many on the forum believe. :)
I voted for #1. I was in church a few weeks after I was born and grew up in it. But it wasn't until I was in my mid-twenties that I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. It was as if my eyes were opened at one specific moment. I have tried to put everything into His hands. Is it hard sometimes? bet. I believe my faith is a work in progress. I do know that God created me and has me in the palm of His hand. After the premature death of twin sons, two OHS, and many other little trials, I'm glad I didn't have to handle these things alone. And God is still in the business of miracles! Five years after our premature identical twin sons died, we were blessed with another set of identical twin boys! LINDA
Belief/Non Belief

Belief/Non Belief

Anna reply captured my outlook perfectly
I'm a devout irreligionist - always have been, can't see that changing. Life taught me very well that the only person I can have faith in is myself, and I'm pretty OK with that.
I am easy going and accept others have different beliefs to myself and we get along fine. :) I usually only have issues when I encounter others that want to convert me to their beliefs. :mad:
You forgot an option.

I have strong faith in the goodness of humanity and the dedication of the medical profession to make my life better has supported that trust...

Take Heart, you are all always in my thoughts.
As a teenager, I started to worship the creation rather than the creator. I now see life and all of creation as being to complex to have started by accident. My faith in Christ has grown stronger because of my surgery and other difficult circumstances.

Irreligionist? Great word. Interesting that most of the people here who are not god-fearing are not from the U.S.

I have to concur with Emu, because Abbanabba said it quite well. In any case, what could have been a nasty poll is very civil. Let's all be like Bridgette and "respect the beliefs of others."
I am a believer, though not remotely religious, and scarcely faithful. I agree with Ross, that thinking of someone, can be akin to praying for them. Thought has it's own power, and can produce miraculous results. Keep up the great work folks! Brian
Anna reply captured my outlook perfectly

I am easy going and accept others have different beliefs to myself and we get along fine. :) I usually only have issues when I encounter others that want to convert me to their beliefs. :mad:

You will assimilate. We are Borg. :D
Irreligionist? Great word. Interesting that most of the people here who are not god-fearing are not from the U.S.

I have to concur with Emu, because Abbanabba said it quite well. In any case, what could have been a nasty poll is very civil. Let's all be like Bridgette and "respect the beliefs of others."

I agree about the Non-American thing. I've been to America myself and found the country is strongly rooted in religion. Of course I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but over in England things aren't like that and I think there's probably a 50/50 split of non-believers and believers :)
It's odd, but the Europeans that live in the states that I know are believers, and go to church regularly. Also, I read that other than the states the most regular church going country is Ireland.
I have had too many things happen in my life, and some in connection with my valve replacement, to not believe in a higher power. My higher power is the Trinity (God, Christ, Holy Spirit). At the very least, like Brian said - I do believe that thought has power. Where that thought goes, or how it is directed once it's left the thinker is up to the individual to ponder. I also find it interesting that some of the strongest atheists and some of the strongest God-believers are scientists.
I answered #1 but never really think about having "strong faith" but rather that I have faith in a very strong Savior. The faith I do have is an undeserved gift from God and I am just the appreciative recipient. I don't think my heart issues have changed my faith except cause it to grow. I enjoy life very much and have loving family and friends but when it is my day to die then there will be rejoicing amid tears of parting.


INR test, ?Interesting that most of the people here who are not god-fearing are not from the U.S." I am relieved you made this observation. I would have feared posting such an observation being external from the US. :eek: