Whenever I can I offer support by writing "you're in my thoughts." Jim
He hears your ?thoughts? even if you don?t believe in Him.

I answered #1. As a young whippersnapper, I was dragged kicking and screaming into bible study and church service every Sunday. I vividly remember the bible study about the trials of Job. Although all that happened to him was at the hand of Satan, I was surprised and disappointed that my God had allowed all this to happen to him. I came out of that study shaking my head and really wondering how God could be so mean to us.

I also agree with ?Car-Lin? that 100 per cent church attendance does not always make you a ?better Christian?. I?m afraid some of those will be in for a rude awaking one day. But I have always considered myself religious. I have seen His Hand in my life over the years. As Ross said, sometimes I felt like He had forgotten about me. But, as they say, He answers all prayers?sometimes the answer is ?NO?. Just a nice though, best wishes or a more ?formal? prayer at the keyboard does wonders, no matter what your beliefs are. We are there for each other.
I thank all of you for your support and thoughts thru our troubled times, no matter where the belief or source comes from. We always had a saying in the military, ?there are no atheists in foxholes?. Although I sat in a foxhole or two during my career, I was never placed in a dangerous position. I believe God had something to do with that too.
To those that do not believe I respect your decision. But as I told someone one day, I would rather be a believer, die and find out I had been ?conned? than to be a non-believer, die and have to say ?Man, did I miss that boat?.

Ok, I?ll roll up my tent, pick up palmaceae and avery582008, and move on.
May God Bless,