Pregnancy with Mitral Regurgitation

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Christian congrats!!

Christian congrats!!

I am new to this site and just read the posts from the begining!
Great Story!!!
My wife and I just had a very similar experience to yours,, the difference being we had a baby girl,,, born this past April.
My wife was born with a heart condition and also has significant regurgitation.
Our daughter was born by c section because of early preeclamsia and toxemia,, but this happens to non heart patients as well so we dont think there was a direct corrilation.
However now,,,maybe or maybe not due to the extra work done by her heart during the pregnancy our cardiologist thinks its time for aortic valve replacement. Her only symptom is that she has been fatigued ever since having the baby and it seems to be getting worse as of late.
She is scheduled for AVR in Jan. The eternal question remains,,, tissue or emchanical.
Anyway just thought i would chime in to let you know that you are not alone in your ordeals.

Hi C.,I hope you search the boards here on the on-going discussions on valve choices. I'm so glad you have a little baby girl and your wife made it through pregnancy and delivery intact. As you know, you have come across a site that has many members that collectively have so much knowledge and lst hand experience about valve issues. Please make yourself entirely at home and, if your wife is so inclined, maybe we will get to know your wife as well.
Any Steeler fans on this board?

He is too cute. You guys must be so proud and so in love with your son, your accomplishments and your new family. What a great time of year to have a new one.
I wish you and your family all the best for the holidays and the future.
Take care, thanks for sharing and smiles forever, :)
Ahhhhhhh, what a little sweetie he is! They grow so fast Christian. Just keep drinking it in!
He is so cute!!

He is so cute!!

How adorable!!! What a great picture!! It almost makes me want another baby!! I said ALMOST!! Then the reality kicks in and I hear my two boys fighting like cats and dogs!! I wouldn't trade them for anything!! Enjoy your son and keep those pictures coming!!! He is definatley a bright spot on this site!!


Beautiful baby and beautiful family! Thank you for taking the time to share his beginnings with us it is a good reminder of where it all beigns and how important it is for us and our children. You will have a blast raising him!
Ross said:
Those are great!

Don't know what you two are doing for diapers, but I suggest that if your going with disposables, you contact the manufacturers for coupons on a regular basis. Procter and Gamble saved us a ton of money bringing up our boys. ;)


How exactly did you go about getting these coupons?

Colin's almost two months old. Time sure flies.
Here's wishing you both the best I went through two pregnancies and I was born with a murmure ectra....did just get and luckily had no problems till I was 53 so go for it and enjoy!!!!!! :) :) :) :) She will do just great.Shana



Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your beautiful son. I was told about your thread by the wonderful people on this board. I am extremely interested in your experience, as my husband and I are planning on starting a family of our own. However our situation is slightly different , as we will be seeking a fertility specialist to help us conceive. I did have a question about what you said in your earlier post.

"Mitral regurgitation is usually tolerated well in pregnancy, mainly because of left ventricular unloading due to the physiologic decrease in systemic vascular resistance (SVR)."

Note the word "usually." We are facing some risk. Our doctors feel the risk of heart related complications during this pregnancy is 2-5%. She could experience rythym problems, hypertension, post-delivery problems, etc.

Most of the complications you mentioned could be experienced by any pregnant woman, with or with a heart condition, am I right on this? Also,
I'm curious about what "post-delivery" complications the doctor has discussed with you.
Most of the complications you mentioned could be experienced by any pregnant woman, with or with a heart condition, am I right on this?

Yes -- heart conditions simply increase these risks. I think the 2-5% number we were quoted related to the additional risks caused by her particular condition.

I'm curious about what "post-delivery" complications the doctor has discussed with you.

Pulmonary edema (swelling / water retention in the lungs) was the articulated "post delivery" risk, at least in the short term (0-3 days after delivery). She didn't experience it at all.

Long term there was (is) the risk that the pregnancy would weaken her heart. Based on the echos she received during the pregnancy, we don't think that happened -- her numbers didn't really change at all. We'll know for sure in April when we go back for her next checkup.

Hope that helps. And we wish you the best for a quick conception!
thanks for your help!

thanks for your help!

Thanks for your help and good wishes. I did have another question for you. I think you mentioned that your wife was seeing a high risk OB. Are high risk OB's familiar with these conditions? and did he/she work in tandum with your Cardiologist during your wife's pregnancy to monitor her condition?
I can't speak for all OBs, but ours was familiar with this condition and we were also assigned a new local cardiologist who specializes in monitoring these conditions during pregnancy. He worked closely with the OB. Since nothing at all happened there really wasn't much to be done, but it was sure nice to have all of our bases covered.
I guess Santa left you something extra special on your couch this Christmas!
Congratulations once again and enjoy the blessing you have received.

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