Pregnancy with Mitral Regurgitation

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I just found this thread

I just found this thread


I just found this thread. How exciting to find out what happens without having had to wait so long. I read all of the posts from the beginning and the story is just fabulous.

I never had children so I have to live vicariously through others and I guess you are just one of the ones to support that requirement.

I wish you well and I hope the wait is over soon.

You should name him Zachary. That is the name I had picked out years ago for my first son who, unfortunately never materialized.

In my next life I will have 10.

God bless,
Today is my little boy's birthday. Little Chucky turns 38 this afternoon about 4. It's a good day to be born. He's one of the sweetest, kindest people I know; maybe it's because of the date? Now and again the birthday is on Friday 13, but it makes for good conversation on that day.

Hope all is going well, Christian and mommy.
geebee said:

I just found this thread. How exciting to find out what happens without having had to wait so long. I read all of the posts from the beginning and the story is just fabulous.

I never had children so I have to live vicariously through others and I guess you are just one of the ones to support that requirement.

I wish you well and I hope the wait is over soon.

You should name him Zachary. That is the name I had picked out years ago for my first son who, unfortunately never materialized.

In my next life I will have 10.

God bless,

One of our good friends already used "Zachary" and we want to be unique -- at least amongst our social group. "Zachary" was actually the first name used by any of our friends (little Zachary is almost 5). Zachary, Samuel, Ian and Brayden are "gone."

We're off to work once again. Another day of distracted waiting.
Oh well.

Oh well.

Thanks for the update. I am sure I will get someone, somewhere to name their son Zachary (obviously some folks are). I understand 2 in one group would be confusing. I only have one other suggestion and then I will shut up about names - Kyle.

I am sure the waiting will be over soon and the fun will start. There is nothing like a newborn, totally counting on you and so trusting.

Hope to hear soon about his entry into the "real" world.

Take care,
hey, christian!
thought i'd let you know that my joey is named after his grandfather... his first cousin/business partner is also named after that grandfather... and, his nephew is also named after that same grandfather... so we have joey Y., joey G., and joey rosenberg.... weird, huh?
in any case, either way, the baby grows into his/ her name....
oct. 14th is our "baby"'s b-day and she's a special kid.... good date...
i am so excited for you and jill.. i hope things go pretty easily (considering) and you'll have this babe before you know it...
please let us know...
be well, sylvia
Oh my gosh!!! I'm so glad I checked in to see what was going on. I actually checked in just to see how Christian's wife was doing...and here it is...time for the baby to arrive!!

Very exciting! Congratulations, Christian!


Our son, Colin Nathaniel, was born at 5:00 this morning (10/15), EST. 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 21 inches long. Mommy delivered without a hitch, and mommy and baby are doing fine. Baby is ultra-cute.

I'm too tired to post the details, but wanted to at least give an update. I'll post some pictures and a little narrative over the weekend.

Thanks for all of the well-wishes.

Little does Colin know just how many people have anxiously awaited his safe arrival. He is blessed to have such wonderful, loving parents.

When you come off of cloud 9, we look forward to the details and hopefully, a few pictures.

May God richly bless your beautiful baby boy.
What a wonderful event

What a wonderful event


I am so happy for your good news. Colin is a beautiful name for a precious one who has such wonderful parents. I am thrilled everything went well and hope you are resting and enjoying the end of the worries.

Keep us posted as you have so many "godparents" out here caring and curious.

Take care and we all know God blessed,
CONGRATULATIONS to you and your new family. My husband has never gotten over the first child's birth -- arriving at the hospital as two, leaving it as three.

What a miracle, and many, many blessings and continued happiness!
Congratulations Christian and mom!

I can't wait to hear the details. Get some rest, soon you won't be getting any at all. :eek: :D


hi christian!
what wonderful news! we're so thrilled that mom and baby are doing well and all went smoothly. looking forward to hear all about it.
everyone's right, try and get some rest while they helps.
so happy for you and your family.
all the best,sylvia
Whew - I'm glad it's done - those sympathy labor contractions were beginning to hurt!

Congratulations to two lovely people. And little Colin is so blessed with so many people peeking in at his birth. Bet the Golden crowd will toast him tonight!
Congratulations all around!
Heaven smiles when a new baby is born.
Here are the promised pics.

I'll finish up later.




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