Pregnancy with Mitral Regurgitation

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Looks like it's time to change your avatar!!!

Such lovely pictures. Your wife must be a super woman, I can tell you I didn't look like that after giving birth!!!

He's a beautiful baby!
Those are great!

Don't know what you two are doing for diapers, but I suggest that if your going with disposables, you contact the manufacturers for coupons on a regular basis. Procter and Gamble saved us a ton of money bringing up our boys. ;)
WHAT A CUTIE - or is it wrong to call a baby boy a cutie? What the hey - he is just beautiful.
You all look so happy - congrats.
Congratulations from Ireland....

Congratulations from Ireland....

Hey Christian...let me add my congratulations to all those involved in this little miracle. I bet y'all need a rest for a few days to get back down to earth.

I first posted on this thread way back on 3/ was post #18 and I predicted that in view of the heartvalve situation, the labour time would be short. I was just wondering if my prediction had proved to be correct.

Myrtle, my late wife had two children after her first heart surgery and both times labour was around three hours. The medical staff in the hospital explained that this was nature making things easy, in view of the heart valve deficiencies.

In fact Myrtle's valve surgery, which was back in 1978 was done when she was five months pregnant with our son Steven.

Good luck to all of you and may you have as few sleepless nights as possible...

Well, here's my wrap-up:

First of all, I'd like to thank every one of you who posted kind words during Jill's pregnancy. I read every single post -- more than once each -- and got a lot of comfort out of them. This was a bit of an anxious time for us, particularly at the very beginning and the very end. It's nice to have strangers pulling for you, and it was great to read the posts from those of you that have walked this path before us. You all made a difference and I really appreciate it.

We went to work on Thursday just like we always do, though we were both a bit sullen. Thursday was our due date and we were really hoping for some contractions or something -- not "business as usual." I called Jill around 10:00 to see how she was doing. She was feeling a bit "weird," and both of us admitted that the anticipation was ruining our concentration. We simply couldn't keep our minds on our jobs. I told her I'd call her at noon and if she was still feeling strange we could go home at lunch and take the afternoon off. That's exactly how it played out. We got home around 1:00.

We weren't expecting anything to happen. Jill was watching TV and I was revewing some papers I brought home from work. She got up to go to the bathroom and said "this is weird, something is coming out of me." Her water had just broken... We called the doctor and they told us to come right in. We pulled our things together and got to the hospital around 4.

They immediately admitted us. Jill was having no regular contractions so they put her on Pitosin. She was 2 cm dilated and nearly 100% effaced when we got there. Billy, I do think her labor was short, but I attribute that to the Pitosin. It sparked hard regular contractions by 6:00. She had an epidural put in around 8:00 when she was at 4.5 cm. The pain was just too much for her. She was at 10 cm by 1:00 a.m. Because of her condition, they let her go until 2:30 before they encouraged pushing. She pushed hard for two hours but couldn't move the baby past the pelvic bone. So they went in with forceps at 4:30. Colin was born at 4:54 -- a bit dented, but healthy and happy.

Jill's blood pressure never deviated from a band between 105/70 and 135/85, but did fluctuate wildly within that band. Fortunately, all of those numbers are fine.

Jill never experienced a single abnormal symptom. She was not short of breath until she had been pushing for an hour or so (and all of us, healthy or not, would feel the same way). She had no rythym problems. No weird swelling. Nothing.

We go back to the Cleveland Clinic in April for a six months followup. We know that her heart didn't affect the pregnancy, and we're hopeful that the pregnancy didn't affect her heart. Based on her two recent echos, we don't believe it was at all. But if something has changed, we'll be prepared to act appropriately.

We're very thankful to our doctors, particularly Drs. Stewart and Sherman at the Cleveland Clinic and Magee Women's Hospital respectively, and the entire Maternal Fetal Medicine Group at Magee. Without their care and advice, we may never have tried to have a baby. Turns out that they all knew what they were doing.

If someone in our shoes someday reads this, I hope it helps them make decisions of their own. Everyone's different, and our strategy may not work for someone else, but I hope this thread at least provides a measure by which questions can be asked.

I'm so relieved! And I'm so happy!


:D Christian your son is so adorable!! Very huge congratulations to you and your wife. I know you have been through a lot but I am sure it was all worth it when you saw you little baby. It's so incredible when you see them for the first time and realize " I made a person. I created another life". I am so glad that everything went well during the birth. My first son had problems when he was born and wasn't expected to live. I, of course, wasn't told that part until he was ok and out of the hospital. He is now 8 and perfectly healthy. I was completly terrified to have any more children, but luckily we gave our son a little brother.

I wish you and your wife the best! Keep the pictures coming!!

Michelle :D


You Win! I'm not a grandma yet!

Here we are in Golden Co....I just checked my email and found this wonderful news. I'm sitting here with Hank and Michelle, Fyrftr and Marsha, Rain and Vergil, Bvdr and Tom, Bill Hall, Christina, JimL and Shirley...the others are still in their rooms), in the lobby of the Golden Hotel.

We're all sending you a great big CONGRATULATIONS! Your son is absolutely beautiful!!! I'm hoping my new grandson arrives this weekend, and I can see him on my way back home. Otherwise, Jessica is scheduled to be induced Tuesday morning...if nothing happens before then. Give Jill our congrats and tell her she did great!
Just by seeing your avatar, we knew his looks were going to be movie star quality - course Mommie is just as beautiful. You were bound to have a beauty. Thank you for sharing your birthing experience with all of us - our very first VR baby! We feel so honored.
Wow Christian ... what a beautiful family you have. I am definitely interested in your story on a personal level as my husband and I will perhaps be struggling with the same issues soon. Whether to have a baby. When. How.

The birth of your baby is truly inspiring. I hope the next few years are smooth sailing for you all. Congrats!

I look at you and that feeling of being a new father just makes my spine tingle. It's the most wonderful time of your life and it's also the most trying at times also. Good luck to the both of you. I hope he brings all the joy to you two that you could ever want. :)


Oh, I'm so happy for you and your wife. You'll be wonderful parents. He's absolutely adorable!!!



Congratulations Christian & Jill!
So glad that all went well.
Enjoy this precious time.
Cheers, Yolanda and Chris


Congratulations! Wow, that pregnancy just zoomed by. I am so happy for your sweet little family! Enjoy every minute, and remember they really do sleep through the night eventually! :p
I know how Jill feels!

I know how Jill feels!

Hi Christian and Jill, first of all, congratulations to both of you and of course, the little one for he's also a winner! I can imagine how relieved you are now after all you had to go through so that Jill wouldn't miscarry. I hope your son brings you a lot of happiness just like my Bruna does. I know what it's like wanting a child so badly that nothing else seems to matter. I remember how so many people were against me getting pregnant for several reasons, the main one being my health, and I just wouldn't listen. I've had three heart surgeries so far and I'll tell you this much: I haven't had much support from my family when it came to helping out and whenever I wanted to go out with my husband all they would say was: You've had a child because you wanted to and it serves you right for not listening to us. My sister's had three who are all grown ups now and she's always had all the support she needed. I am not saying they're bad, but I think they could've been more understanding towards my situation. I've learned the hard way that everyone wants to go and see the little baby and all that, but once it starts growing up it's no longer the big deal, things change and deception becomes inevitable. My daughter is seven now and until today I hear the same old remarks. I really do hope that you and Jill have a nice family who will participate which was something I never had. My relationship with my mum is awful stormy and I was so upset with the whole bunch on the occasion of Bruna's 1st birthday party that I didn't invite any of the family members at all! Well, until today I'm paying the price! :( I've even been acused of having had a child just because my sister had three and I wanted to compete with her. Sorry for venting, but I wouldn't wish what I've been through to my worst enemy and for that, among several other reasons, I don't think I've been a very good mother to Bruna. So much has been lost along the way. Tell Jill I wish her all the best and also never to let anybody interfere with her decisions. Too many people have too much to say nowadays. Sorry again, I don't know what came over me all of a sudden! She is a heart patient like me and I can really relate to her, I guess that's it.

Débora from Brazil
Hmmm, 2 weeks no word

Hmmm, 2 weeks no word

Christian, is your sleep-deprived self out there??

Just wondering how things are going in New Baby Land? I hope all is going well with everyone. about some more pictures???!!!
Babies change and grow so quickly! :)

Hope you are all doing well!! :)
Deborah, I'm very fortunate to have friends that I'd grade at an A+ and family that I'd grade at an A+. The amount of help and support we received was, frankly, both overwhelming and undeserved.

As for the requested update, Colin is almost four weeks old, and he's a total treat. No issues to speak of. We're not getting a lot of sleep, but that's to be expected. My mother-in-law has been staying with us since October 9th, so we haven't had to do any housework. I took two weeks vacation after he was born and helped Jill out with the transition. I'm back at work now, but am working short (4 day) weeks through January.

All of this has been a lot easier than I expected. I guess as far as new parents go, we were well-prepared.

Colin doesn't do much yet. If I take a flashlight and shine it on a dark wall, he'll follow it all around the room with his head and eyes. He's smiled, but Jill claims it's gas. And he pulled my glasses off three times in rapid succession one afternoon -- he's never grabbed anything else, but three times in a row can't just be a coincidence. So I guess he's learning a bit about hands and fingers. Other that, he eats, poops, sleeps, and looks around.

I'll post a few more pictures some time soon. We have hundreds already. :)

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