Post Surgery Contemplations-Gnusgals on her way home!

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
I'm out of surgery and back in my room. The very first thing I did was order some food. I didn't care if it was sodium restricted hospital food, I was so hungry I would have eaten just about anything! I have many more observations/contemplations I'd like to share, but at this point I'm still a wee bit groggy and probably wouldn't make much sense. So for now, I'll just leave it for later. Thanks for all of your prayers. They really do help... For now I could use some prayers that the swelling I have is normal swelling and not a hematoma... Thanks!

Prayers haven't stopped but I will alter them to ask about the swelling.

Enjoy your food, such as it is.;) :D

Take care.
Thinking of you and glad it's over. Praying that the swelling subsides too.


BTW, I think you're a literary genius too!


I'm sorry I am just now reading your post. I am very happy that your surgery is done and you are very very hungry. That's a very good sign.
Reading your thoughts regarding smells of hospitals and surgery, I'm sure that has to be really tough. I haven't been through anywhere near as many surgeries as you and I can relate to how smells do trigger quite few memories. My prayers are with you that this will be the last surgery for you.

Take Care!
I'm FREE!!! Or at least, I will be shortly. The nurse has removed my IV, I'm dressed, and all we're waiting on is for my Tylox prescription to be filled. Just in time for lunch? Of course, Nathan didn't arrive until 45 minutes ago, toting breakfast. So he's probably not hungry... I am, though. I think that's a constant state for me these days. Maybe now I'll have the energy to burn it off.

We'll be staying at the hotel one more night, then heading back to Texas tomorrow. We plan to break up the trip and drive only halfway tomorrow and do the rest on Monday. Just so long as we're heading back, I'll be happy. :)

geebee- The swelling has gone down, so thanks for those prayers! Everything seems to be going well (knock on wood!).

Ross- I think it's safe to do a mini-happy dance now. We don't want to get too excited, though, or it could come back to bite us ;)

Gail- I would LOVE for this to be the last surgery ever, but I'll settle for last surgery for a while... I know I'll never be done, unfortunately. I'd just like for ONE surgery to stick long enough to get some benefit from it.

One good thing we found out from this procedure is that apparently the bi-v pacing has improved my heart function to the point that my coronary blood vessels have dialated, meaning they are pumping more blood around... At least, I think that's a good sign. Hopefully this time around the LV lead will continue to capture and increase the function of my whole heart! Wouldn't that be nice?

Thanks everyone for your prayers! (hmm... Maybe this should have been a new thread in "post-surgery"??? Oh, well. ;) )
Safe travels home, Niki and I hope Nathan takes you out for a big lunch and an even bigger dinner-you've earned it!
Safe travels home, Niki and I hope your husband takes you out for a big lunch and an even bigger dinner- you earned it!

Happy to hear you got sprung. Now you can have some real food. Drive safely and we are hoping this is the last surgery (at least for a long while).
Ahh... It feels good to be out of there. It only took two hours for the pharmacy to fill my prescription. :mad: The worst part was that every time the nurse called down they said it would be 20 minutes!

Oh, well. At least I'm out now. We stopped to eat at the Canadian Honker on the way back to the hotel, then I talked to my family on the phone (my aunt happened to call RIGHT when I got my phone out of the trunk of our car, where it had been since yesterday morning so Nathan didn't have to keep track of it.), then took a nap for a couple of hours.

I'm surprised at how little pain I'm actually in, but certainly not sad about that. ;) When I woke up from my nap I didn't hurt at all until I got out of bed. I took a Tylox, so that should take care of it.

Tonight we are talking about going to Newt's for some hamburgers. To be honest, I think that may be the reason Nathan decided to wait until tmorrow to leave... So we'd have time to visit both the Canadian Honker and Newt's. I won't complain. I liked them both too. :D
VERY glad all went well for you, Niki! CONGRATULATIONS on being FREE again :).

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery!

What route are you taking back to TX? Are you still thinking of stopping in IL on your way back? If so ... call me ... believe you have my cell #.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"If you fall, I will catch you" ... Cindy Lauper ... 'Time After Time'
knightfan2691 said:
What route are you taking back to TX? Are you still thinking of stopping in IL on your way back? If so ... call me ... believe you have my cell #.
Unfortunately, we won't be headed your way after all. :( That was the plan when we thought we'd be flying and it would be my summer break. But now we're driving and school is still going, so we can't be as leisurely about getting back. My plan is to be at work Wednesday-Friday, since it is the last week. Then I hope to get down to Houston to await the arrival of my nephew (if he hasn't already arrived, in which case I'll be going down to meet him). worries, Niki!

As I posted that query, I kinda thought you might not be heading down this way, since the surgery happened earlier than you expected....

Have a safe drive home :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Every song, another scene" ... Dierks Bently ... 'Every Mile A Memory'
Hi Niki

What good news!!!! So sorry I haven't posted, but have been sooooo off course. Glad, Glad, Glad, to hear everything went so well.....Safe home and I'm so happy for you that everything went well.
