I'm FREE!!! Or at least, I will be shortly. The nurse has removed my IV, I'm dressed, and all we're waiting on is for my Tylox prescription to be filled. Just in time for lunch? Of course, Nathan didn't arrive until 45 minutes ago, toting breakfast. So he's probably not hungry... I am, though. I think that's a constant state for me these days. Maybe now I'll have the energy to burn it off.
We'll be staying at the hotel one more night, then heading back to Texas tomorrow. We plan to break up the trip and drive only halfway tomorrow and do the rest on Monday. Just so long as we're heading back, I'll be happy.
geebee- The swelling has gone down, so thanks for those prayers! Everything seems to be going well (knock on wood!).
Ross- I think it's safe to do a mini-happy dance now. We don't want to get too excited, though, or it could come back to bite us
Gail- I would LOVE for this to be the last surgery ever, but I'll settle for last surgery for a while... I know I'll never be done, unfortunately. I'd just like for ONE surgery to stick long enough to get some benefit from it.
One good thing we found out from this procedure is that apparently the bi-v pacing has improved my heart function to the point that my coronary blood vessels have dialated, meaning they are pumping more blood around... At least, I think that's a good sign. Hopefully this time around the LV lead will continue to capture and increase the function of my whole heart! Wouldn't that be nice?
Thanks everyone for your prayers! (hmm... Maybe this should have been a new thread in "post-surgery"??? Oh, well.
