We're HOME!!! We drove all the way to Muskogee, OK last night and stayed in the same La Quinta we'd stayed in on the way up. When we woke up we had about 4 hours of driving ahead of us (or Nathan, I guess). We wound up stopping in McKinney to have lunch at Christina's, then arrived home about 30 minutes ago. Boy am I tired... I can only imagine how Nathan is still awake (I don't think he will be much longer, though). Amazingly, I did not take any Tylox the entire ride. I did take Tylenol a couple of times, but for a headache rather than my shoulder/incision. I'm stunned at the lack of pain. Perhaps my nerves in that area have just given up???
I'm off to take a nap, or just stare at the TV for a while. Hopefully I can get rid of this headache I've had most of the trip. Where's a massage artist when you need one?