Post From harley girl regarding surgery

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
hey everyone,
Just wanted to take a minute to post a personal message to thank everyone for your well wishes and prayers. I know that it made a huge difference, along with the tremendous support of my family and the skills of an exceptional surgeon. I am 3 days post op now and we followed everyone's advice and requested one more day in the hospital, although I am off all the monitors and IV lines, drain tubes etc. It still amazes me how quickly everything went...I made a direct request that my ventilator tube be removed as soon as possible, which was a little difficult because I had a hard time waking up...the first night was very rough for me just in terms of being uncomfortable, a little disoriented and extremely thirsty! Boy was I happy to see my family the next morning and to get out of ICU and into a regular room. Day #1 had the big chest tube pulled (yes I did ask for pain meds ahead of time and it didn't hurt a bit) and then the catheter came out and then the two lines in my neck, none of which hurt a bit. It really was never a sharp, burning pain but more of a hurt all over, aching like I was hit by a truck pain. My doctor had my sitting up and waking day #1 and I think that is a big contributor to my speedy recovery. My first shower, today, was absolute heaven....felt soooo good. My biggest issue was not being hungry for the first two days...absolutely nothing tasted good and even plain water seemed to give me heartburn....but thank God today got a little bit of an appetite back. I gained a ton of water weight but thanks to Lasix it seems to have come off....I think I lost like 5 pounds in 24 hours. My family has been incredibly supportive and I couldn't have done this without them~I am so very fortunate and blessed, of that I am sure. So far I couldn't have asked for a better surgical outcome and recovery so keep the prayers coming. I'll continue to update you all and my sincerest hope is to be able to provide support for others facing this as you all have done for me!
God Bless you all!
Thats sound really all you gotta do is rest, breathe and walk.

Welcome to the other side of the mountain!
We used to tell people going in for surgery to get the license number of that truck that seems to hit everyone. We haven't done that for a while, but your comment reminded me of that.

Glad you are doing so well.
Glad you are doing so well, Lorie and look forward to having you help those in the waiting room. Positive posts like this go a long way!
What a postive post. makes me want to cry but just think one week from today I will be where you are. At least I hope and pray that I am. As always you're in my prayers.
Take good care of yourself.


welcome to the other side. Like others, I've followed your story intently over the last few months. I'm so happy that surgery was successful - you must feel REALLY relieved! I totally agree with analogy of being hit by a truck! I wish it could've been painless when they pulled my chest tubes. That was a really sharp, excruciating pain, so consider yourself lucky! In contrast, the catheter didn't hurt a bit. Just goes to show you that although we all go through the exact same thing, each experience is a little different. I guess it's one of the hardest things for newbies to anticipate. Anyway, welcome to the other side of the mountain! Time for a boring, non-eventful recovery.
Great job, Lorie! You sound wonderful.

Thanks for the details; I know that those in waiting are always hungry for details. Keep posting as you are able and let us know how it goes.

Best wishes! Keep up the good work!

Hi Lori,

You are an inspiration to all of us looking at the mountain. Keep feeding us the good news. You go girl!:)

Here's to you Lori.
Remember to be good to yourself and walk, eat, sleep and breath.
Best of luck for a continued uneventful recovery.


Dear Lorie, so good to hear from you this soon!! It gives me encourgement for next weeks surgery. When you feel up to it could you tell me what are the most important few things I should take to the hospital that you used the most. Thanks Debbie

So cool to see you posting! CONGRATULATIONS!

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker*SATURDAY.january19*2p-5p.and.8p-11p.CENTRAL
"This heart is gonna mend just fine" ... Sawyer Brown ... 'This Night Won't Last Forever'
Lorie -

Thrilled to read your update and hear how well things are going. We're looking forward to your next post with continued good news.


PS So glad to hear that you got your meds before they pulled your chest tube. Now, THAT'S a good day.
Lorie - Thrilled to hear of the continued good news and already on the computer. Hoping for a continued noneventful recovery for you and your family. - Jim :cool:

P.S. Those lung tubes are nasty!
Hi everyone, thanks again for all your replies. It really means a lot to me and I can tell you my husband was really amazed at all the support he received from you all post-op!

Debbie, since you have surgery next week I know how critical it is to get advice from others and I know that I literally thrived on it so I wanted to get back with you regarding your question about most important things to take to the hospital.
First of all, absolutely most important, is a loved-one/family advocate to be there for you! I could have brought nothing else and that would have been the only thing I truly NEEDED. They were really incredible advocating for me when I was unable to and just being there with their love and support. It's really amazing how much you just need that. In addition, I would say comfie clothes (I was surprised how quickly I was up walking the halls and really preferred to not have my big butt hanging out. A surgical bra is also really important, the vest-type seems to be the best, and really makes it more comfortable to not have the pull on the incision. Chap stick really helped as your lips will be so chaped, especially right after the vent is removed. Also, good conditioner because when they do let you take a shower the only thing Cedars provided was baby shampoo and I have long thick hair so conditioner was a must. Also, a good lotion is skin is never dry but since the OHS it has been really, really dry and it feels so good to have someone rub lotion on your back, feet and legs. I also brought some movies to watch on my laptop, which was a nice diversion. Also, extra pillows from home and a nice, fluffy blanket from home has been a little luxury.

I hope this helps ~ you are going to do fine Sweetie...I am feeling much better so if you want to call me you have my number!

Take care all!
So great to hear about your surgery being a success and also your recovery. Wishing you continued success and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you made it over the mountain. Keep us posted...

All the best, Betsy

So happy to read all the positive updates posted. Yes, that truck can be a bit wicked at times but you will feel better everyday (with one or two backsteps). You will be back on that bike in no time.

Wishing you an easy recovery.
Lorie: A BIG "hey there" and "way to go girl!" from Olympia. Your I-5 pep squad up here in the South Sound area are all cheering for you (4 guys at last count). I won't hijack your moment of glory but will let you know that I have a surgery date set for AVR at Tacoma General (for now, let's just say "real soon") so your post-surgery reports are especially encouraging to read. When do you think you'll return home? I hope it's just a matter of a few days. Enjoy that road trip heading north up I-5!
