Lorie, It is fantastic that you are doing so great. It gives the rest of us who are still waiting hope that ours will go as smoothly. I hope everything continues to go well and that you have an uneventful trip home.
Wow, Lorie ... that's great! Glad you are feeling so well!
Heh ... at 5 days post op, I was no where near even thinking of going out much.
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"So much is left undone" ... Deep Blue Something ... 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'
Thanks for the update and the wonderful post, Lorie. Hope you are home in your own bed tomorrow night and that your recovery continues to be fast and uneventful. You are an inspiration to those in the waiting room!
Thanks for the update. I'm so glad to hear you are doing so great. You'll be an inspiration to those in the waiting room. Best wishes for a continued smooth recovery.
WOW, I just can't believe your doing so well so fast, what an encourgement! I know everyone is different in their recovery, I'm glad to hear yours is good so far. Did you get a heart pillow?? Debbie
Thanks for the report. Its wonderful you are doing so well.I know your family is relieved. Its also uplifting to those of us on the otherside of the mountain.
Its was so nice to hear how well you are doing. Reading your posts and how well you are doing has encouraged me so much. IM now looking forward to having the surgery, when just a few weeks ago i was scared to death. YOu have posted to alot of things i have written on here and you and so many others on here have made me feel so much better about the surgery. I want to thank you all for that.
Im glad to hear you are doing so great and i hope my surgery and recovery goes just as well as yours. You are an inspiration. I have 3 more weeks to go.
Im glad you are doing so great. Keep up the good work. MY thoughtss and prayers are with you.
Dear Lorie when you have a chance could you tell us all what the heck happened the night before surgery and they made you spend the night in the ER?? I know you were'nt a happy camper, and the whole thing was a big surprise. Let us know Debbie
Lorie - Glad to hear everything is going as planned. How can you even consider going back home once you been in our Southern California winter? (hahaha) Best of luck on a continued uneventful recovery. - Jim
Lorie, your totally amazing.
Like I'm lost for words.
For me on day 5, I'd be lucky to be able to roll myself out of bed. Getting dressed for me meant, putting on sweats, washing my face and combing my hair.
You are truly an inspiration to those waiting for surgery.
Keep up the amazing recovery..................just don't over do it.
Be good to yourself.
Glad things are going well for you! Thanks for some of the info too, as I'm going in on Feb 12th for my Ross procedure. Knowing what to expect always helps a little.
You are amazing!
Good on you for having such a positive, upbeat outlook...I too believe that how we choose to perceive circumstances can ofetn make a huge difference. I look forward to hearing what you ate on Day 6! Today's bagel description made me hungry!
Take care,