Post From harley girl regarding surgery

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I'm happy it's done and I don't have to worry about you blowing out anymore.

Welcome to your new lease on life!
You're over the mountain! Excellent.

Best wishes for a speedy, comfortable recover--you sound greaT.
Lorie, welcome to this side of the mountain. Now rest up and pace yourself during recovery. In a few short months you'll be back in the hog saddle even if just for short runs. Best wishes for a smooth, uneventful, recovery.
good to hear you are doing well, keep up the good work.

I had a little trouble spot in ICU and they kept me sedated for 2 full days, I don't remember any of the tubes coming out, except the jumper cables, and they were a pain (literally) as I had been on coumadin for a few days at the point they wanted them out, so had to wait for a day or two until INR went down, then when they went to pull them, they had "crusted"; the nurse put a damp facecloth on the scabs and that helped, but it still pulled.
Lorie, you are doing just great:) Remember to rest and enjoy "quiet time".

Your story, brings back memories....that nasty chest drain tube being pulled of the resident doctors assured me it was no big deal and then he quickly yanked it out. It was more shocking than anything else, of course I was very distracted because the resident was SO good looking. And I told him so. :D
When McDreamy came back 2 days later to remove the pacer wires, my husband once again said, "I'll leave you two alone." Yes, the wires did pull, but I was in "good hands".;)
Way to go Lorie, this is very good news. Quickest recovery I have heard of so far. When it is all over take your husband out for a special dinner or something, he sound like a real champ.

Hang in there,

This is so great to hear and very encouraging for me since I've got 3 days to go! Keep up the recovery and see you on the other side!

Hello Lorie

Welcome to the other side of the mountain. Sooo glad to hear you're doing so well. Just remember the vr motto: walk walk walk, breathe breathe breathe, nap nap nap. Every day will get better and better for you.

Rest lots, you deserve it.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Hey Harley,

It's good to have you back with us! The food doesn't taste good thing sounds really familiar. It seems to be the norm for most of us.

I'm glad that pulling your chest drain tube was uneventful. I tried to punch the nurse when mine were pulled. She was pretty quick and dodged my swing.

Get plenty of rest while staying active. You'll do great!

Glad you are well enough to post, keep it up, best of luck with the rest of your recovery


Dear Lorie, thank you for responding your so kind to think of me just after your surgery. Thanks for all the tips I'm going to get everything in a few days. I'm doing pretty good today not as upset as the other days. I got together with Mike and Jim today for lunch here in town and they were a great encourgement to me. Look on reunions page and there will be a picture up of the 3 of us. Jim is going to post the picture. Hey, did mended hearts come by for a visit and give you a heart pillow?? So glad your doing well. Debbie
Dear Lorie,

I read your posts this morning and was so happy to know that you are fine and actually recovering well! I know that we are all happy and relieved that the surgery is over and you are doing so well. Enjoy those times when you have energy, and rest when your body tells you to do so. As for your weight, you will lose/gain over the next month. Just be careful that you don't have major weight gains in one or two days as that may mean a buildup in fluids. Also, part of weight gain is from a slowed digestive tract following surgery. You will also slowly gain back some weight as your body replenishes fluids lost in surgery. Just eat a healthy diet.Your body needs to repair.

You are so fortunate to have loving supportive family and friends to be with you as you journey forward!

Good luck, Lorie. I look forward to hearing more good news as you recover!

Day 5 Update

Day 5 Update

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to give you an update for post-op day #5. As I write this email I am sitting in a sunny little coffee house drinking a chai tea latte and eating a egg and turkey bacon bagel with my sister and husband! The weather has been incredible here and considering I am only 5 days post op I am feeling amazingly good! I've been taking my walks outside the hotel and being able to feel the sun see the palm trees has been so wonderful! I am just so eternally thankful to all who have contributed to my successful surgery and am feeling so blessed right now! I don't seem to have many of the side effects that many have suffered post-op from OHS. I am sleeping in a regular bed (although I tend to wake a lot), showering on my own, dressing myself, walking a lot and generally just amazed at how it feels only 5 days post op! My incision is very small and quite low considering that I had my entire ascending aorta replaced all the way up to the arch. I will be contributing a picture to the Tawdry Shirt forum as soon as I get home! My doctor is extraordinary and he is my hero forever! I will email you a picture of the incision as it is hard to explain how incredible it looks just 5 days out. I think eventually the results will be so good that you will have to look hard to even see it!
I go back to see Dr. Raissi tomorrow afternoon and if everything looks good I will be able to fly home tomorrow night! Yippee....can't wait to get home!

I could go on and on about how happy I am with everything. One thing I know for sure is that I always took the attitude that everything was going to work out perfectly and I never even considered any other outcomes for a minute~ I truly believe that we manifest our own realities and now I have the proof! Who would have thought that post-op day #5 I would be getting dressed, putting on my makeup, doing my hair and having tea and bagels in a restaurant!
Thanks again for your support everyone. I would love the opportunity to meet you all in person! In the meantime, keep up the wonderful work of supporting those of us facing surgery as I can tell you it really made a difference in my life!
That just unbelievable. You are doing so well and it's great to read your posts. Keep up the great work. You will be better than before in no time at all.
Keep up that positive attitude.
Thanks for posting.

So wonderful to hear you are doing so well in your recovery! You are living proof that a positive attitude, lots of gratitude and being surrounded by love and support can pave the way to successful surgery and recovery.

All the best for your continued happiness and health, Betsy

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