Please pray with my family.

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My BIL is off the respirator and has been communicating. He has started working with the PT folks but hasn't done much more than get out of bed. He is having some cognitive problems and a little problems with his right side. He is still having problems with fevers and BP. However, things are looking very promising and I am really feeling much better.

I think I will make this my last post on this thread. I want to thank all of you for all your prayers. I am sure they made all the difference as Jerry really wasn't expected to survive and look what happened.:D :D :D

You are all so wonderful to take part in his life and help him get this far.

God bless you all.
Just wanted to update and thank you.

Just wanted to update and thank you.

My BIL is fully recovered from his cerebral aneurysm except for some short term memory issues that are slowly going away. He is back to work, his hair has grown back (from surgery shaving), and he has even put a few pounds back on. It seems like he will get to see his daughter play basketball for many more years.
I have no doubt that all your prayers helped to make this possible.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and from my family's as well.
Life is very good.
Gina, this is wonderful news. I remember his condition got pretty bad. He has come a long way thank God. It's always so heartening to hear such good reports.

OH I just saw this thread today, Sunday morning at 10! I read all the posts about your BIL, and I was on an enotional roller coaster for 10 minutes! I am so happy that he is doing better and things are looking up! Add me to the list of thoughts, hugs and prayers! There is always strenght in numbers!
Such happy news

Such happy news

for your BIL and your family, Gina.

I'm sure your BIL has a new outlook on life, for sure, after what he has been through. Hope he continues with good health and many more years of living.

Christina L
Thanks all - I will pass this along to my family.

Christina - yes he seems to be thinking differently. He was a weekend heavy beer drinker and had high BP. The doctors are convinced these both played a huge part in his problem. He no longer drinks at all and is watching his diet and taking his BP meds so I think this wake up call will keep him with us for a long time.
It just shows us, once again, the power of prayer and how strong we really can be.

Lady Blue - sorry for the emotional roller coaster. I have my forum set up where I see the newest post first so I forget that it defaults to the oldest fiirst.
Offering prayers as we speak for your brother in law, his family, the surgical team, and nursing staff. Deb
Thank Heavens Gina!!

Thank Heavens Gina!!

Thank You for the wonderful report on your brother and please know that he and you and your family are always in my prayers and that his healing will continue to flourish!! Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
geebee said:
Lady Blue - sorry for the emotional roller coaster. I have my forum set up where I see the newest post first so I forget that it defaults to the oldest fiirst.

Oh, No Prob! I was just going thru the thread to read about the situation to try to understand what was going on. I'm just glad to have run into good news in the end! :D I hope he is feeling better and doing well. Hugs!


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