Please pray with my family.

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Thanks for the update, Gina. Things sound good and we pray that they will continue that way.
I'm so glad that there's progress being made. I'll keep you all in my prayers and hope for a continued, and complete, recovery.
Not going well.

Not going well.

My BIL had some more bleeding over the weekend. He is now in a drug induced coma and on a respirator. He is not doing well and I do not know where this is heading.

Please continue to pray hard for him and his family. Thank you so much for your support.
Still praying!

Still praying!

I will continue my prayers for him. God Bless!
Gina, I'm so sorry to hear things are not going well for your brother-in-law. I will keep him in my prayers.


My BIL continues to fight for his life. He is still in the drug-induced coma but has been "brought up" a couple of times and has reacted very strongly, indicating motor control and cognition.

He has a very serious infection with an unknown source (he is running a fever of 104). My suspicion is that it is connected to the material used to "cushion" the artery where the aneurysm was located. The hope was to keep the artery (which is very weak) from bleeding again which, apparently, did not work.

I am not sure why they do not do another surgery but my sister gets upset when I ask such questions so I have to leave it alone. I feel so very helpless as he is not allowed visitors and I am getting minimum information from my sister.

I have been asking God for his reasoning in all this but I haven't yet heard back. I am sure there is a reason but, man, it seems a little hard to grasp at the moment.

Thanks for all your support and for listening.
Gina -

Gina -

I am so sorry to hear that your brother-in-law is not doing well. I will continue to pray. Stay strong and have faith.

Christina L
Gina, I continue to keep your BIL in my prayers.

Sometimes I believe God's answer is "I gave you all free will." Free will is what separates us from the rest of the animals. God gave us free will so that we would be free to choose to love Him and not do so because of instinct. Unfortunately that free will can be used poorly as well. When we think of free will, we often think of our own choices. We rarely stop to consider how our choices, our exercise of free will, affects the rest of the world or how others free will choices affect us.

The chemicals we use, the natural resouces we squander, the things we put into our atmosphere and feed to our animals, all are choices made by humans, and all are choices that do more than affect the individual or individuals who made them. Someone gets into a car and drives drunk - that's free will. If that person hits and kills another individual, it's not God's will, it was the free will choice of the person that was drunk. If we did not have free will, this world would be a pretty perfect place. We would all be God's little chess pieces and our love for God would be empty and so would life, because we didn't choose it. Does this make sense at all?

There's a great line in the movie "Bruce Almighty" (A pretty good piece of theological work believe it or not.) God (Morgan Freeman - my favorite actor) tells Jim Carrey when he turns over his God-job to him "As God, there are only two things you can't do. You can't tell anyone who you are, and you can't mess with free will." He wasn't given the ability to make people do things they didn't want to.

So I don't think God caused the aneurysm, nor did your BIL, but something did and maybe it was due to the exercise of free will by someone generations ago that changed a tiny part of the genetic code. Moonshine, gunpowder or his great great great great grandfather married his sister. :eek: (Just for a little levity.)

That's about as good an answer I can come up with when I think "Why God?" I'll just have to wait until we meet face to face to get a direct answer.
You've got it

You've got it

Hi Gina,

I'm so sorry to hear of your brother-in-law's health concerns. You've been so supportive and helpful through my surgery. I am glad to be able to give something in return. Please keep up posted.

take care. sorry to hear this latest news. I am still praying for your brother-in-law. Take care.
Still praying for your brother-in-law. I hope things improve today.
Gina - we'll never know the why of so many things. We can only ask for the strength to deal with whatever is. I pray that you will be able to do that and to help your sister. We are thinking of your BIL and your family. It is so hard, isn't it? God bless.
Hi Gina,

I will be praying praying praying!! There is nothing like the power of prayer!! Please keep us informed...

Love, Carolyn

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