Older members-give us a wave and a Hi-The "Keep Acct Alive" Thread!

Valve Replacement Forums

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hi to all

hi to all

Hello to everyone both old and new. I'm still here lurking very often ..but rarely posting.I can't belive it is almost 2 years since I found this wonderful group of people. It will be 2 years on September 25th since I had my AVR and triple bypass. You guys helped me go from a terrified bundle of mush to an informed and knowledgeable bundle of mush:) ..just knowing all of you made it over the big high mountain gave me so much courage. I am doing well..I have an appointment with my cardio July 31..the first one in 9 months (could have had a baby in that length of time) and he will run an echo at that time. I still am having viiisual problems and I imagine I always will. For those of you have asked about my visual problems a few months ago..I have found out that they are not uncommon..they are probably related to the pump and cross clamping since they appeared while still in the ICU. While trying to find out more about the probllem..I had a MRI (brain and orbit) and it was noted that I had had 2 strokes in 2 different parts of my brain (this however has nothing to do with the visual disturbances) I have abssolutly no effects from these strokes and It freaked me out to know that I had them.I am grateful of course. I also consider myself veery fortunate that I have had no memory problems or "pumphead" after effects. My poor spelling and typing were there way before my surgery.As one of the older members on the forum (72) I always do try and respond when someone write about concerns of being an "older" patient andd if anyone needs infomation about having surgery down here at Duke.
I am feeling well.but tend to be tired a lot..but I was never a high energy person. This past week we sold our house and bought another all in 6 days..we have to pack and be out of here by the 31 (same day as my Cardio appointment) so I have turned into a high energy person for the time being :)
Thanks to all of you for always being here for all of us..You guys are the BEST!!
Hi Everyone,

Just logging in so I stay a member. Just got back from the Northwoods in Wisconsin. I was up there a week! Have a lot to do so I can't stay on long for now. Did want to say I've been a memeber since May 2001. Had surgery in March of 2001! IT IS A WONDERFUL SITE! Thank You Hank and Michele!

I feel great! I've lost 40 pounds in the last year and I'm not having any problems double clicking!:D Still have up and down INR readings ever once in a while but obviousely nothing to worry about!

Only had a chance to read some of the old and new members comments a like! Its been great having so many cyber friends! Just wanted to make sure I got counted! I'll write again after I get back to normal at home here! Take care and God Bless!
When I let a few days go by , I'll check to see what I missed.
This is better than a soap, which I never have time to watch!
I feel like I know many of you, even though we have never met.
Is it strange to meet at a reunion, or do you feel like you've known each other for a long time?


hi everyone!!!
been scrolling around here and my, all the faces i remember!!!!!
things are still the same here with us! victor is still trying to pull rabbits outta hats! (his lifelong "i wanna be a magician when i grow up" dream)
can't say for sure, but possibility he may go for the surgery soon. we will wait and see and pray.

just wanted to say hello to all.....
i'm gonna skulk back now to my hep site bb.....
but just for the record,

good health to all,
shirley & victor
Hi Shirley-

I've thought about you and Victor from time to time, and I was hoping things were doing OK. Pop in from time to time to keep us informed.


LOL, now that's something i can commit to!!!!
i will do that!!!!
hope everyone had a great 4th.
victor stayed home in the a.c.
and my grand daughter and i went to a picnic at the park-
had a great time till the rain came-fast and furious
as often happens here in houston!!!!
none of us the worse for wear.

take care,
~shirley 7 victor
hi y'all
Its Deb Here, alive and kicking.I just wanted to say thanks for your support during my cardioversion, especially Henysylee and nancy. I pop by often, but don't usually post because a) I have little interesting or useful to add ( this is a lesson I learned) and b) my tyipehgn g is atirubcious. : )
loadsa love to u all any how.
u kept me afloat so thanks a lot.
Hope u r all doing ok...and better than ok
Love and hugs
always late!

always late!

Hi everyone,

if there's slashing to be done, please not me!! I may be much more of a lurker than a contributor, but I value this site hugely for the sense of community it gives us all.

Still alive and ticking,

Reporting Back In

Reporting Back In

Hello all

I am one of the "old" (= long time ago) members of vr.com who is now reporting back in after an absence as part of Hank's "staying alive" campaign.

I had my valve replacement surgery on Valentine's Day (the best day to open your heart) 2001 - almost 29 months ago. My story appears in the personal stories section of this website.

I had what the doctors call an "uneventful" recovery and went on to win a tennis competition 6 months after surgery. I owe much of my recovery and positive mental state to the support that I received at the time from members of vr.com. In turn, during the months after my own surgery I used to provide support for new members of vr.com who were a period of time behind me and I was able to pass on my experiences to them.

Most of us long term members have moved on with our lives and don't report in as regularly as we used to. I think Hank's reminder to us has been a wake-up call that we are all members of an exclusive club and that our strength lies in being able to share experiences and provide advice. I certainly benefitted from the experiences of others through this forum.

During my recovery, I wrote a journal / book of my whole experience and I forwarded copies of it to various members who requested a copy. It serves as a useful record of the events that changed my life.

My life was changed by my surgery. Nowdays, when I play tennis I am asked how can I play after what happened to me. My response is that my surgery was undertaken for the very purpose to allow me to play tennis. I never forget that.

I also learnt the value of the gift of life and how important it is to make the best use of our time alive. This lesson was reinforced when my best friend and long time tennis partner passed away 2 months ago after a 7 month fight with cancer. 7 months earlier he had been a 100% healthy 55 year old enjoying the best years of his life. He always used to tell me to enjoy life because we never know what's around the corner. How right he was.

So, greetings to you all, look after one another, share your experiences and be grateful that a valve defect is a curable disease. 30 years ago it was a death sentence.

Best wishes
Hey Gerry,
It is great to hear how well you are doing. It has been 11 weeks since my surgery and I am getting better everyday. If you still have copies of your book I would like to have a copy if possible. Thanks for sharing with us.

Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
where to holler!

where to holler!

Hi Ann,

Jonathan seems to have droppped out of the loop completely. I don't know which direction to holler in!

"Is it strange to meet at a reunion, or do you feel like you've known each other for a long time?"

Gail....it's like meeting an old friend time and time again. The feeling is awesome and not once did I feel uncomfortable.

So......come on you all. Pleanty of room in the "Windy City" for everyone. We are all family.

Hope to see you all there!
Just posting so Idon't get cut from the list.
This is too valuable a resource!
All going well with me. Have been working, travelling overseas to China and Indonesia in the past year or so. Keeping up running about 30-35K per week. Self testing using Coaguchek. Some fluctuations caused by Xmas festivities, OS travel and whenever I pick up a throat or chest infection but mostly in the right zone.
On reflection my life is far more "normal" than I thought it would be prior to surgery.
I learn a great deal from this site and draw courage from the stories of people as they work through the hard times. Lots of laughs too from the light hearted comments of Ross et al.
Hi all

Hi all

Keep me on the list too Hank. As you well know I've had trouble signing on over the years and you've always found a way to reinstate me. Thank you for all the help Hank. For all the subscribers like me who started with Hank a long, long time ago - do you remember all the mail we used to get daily? Does anyone one know what ever happened to Christine (the one we sent money to buy a computer)? She was very ill.
Sharon (St Judes avr 4/97)
Hey Sharon...

Hey Sharon...

So good to hear from you and glad to hear you're still out there clicking away these days.

Oh yes, I do remember our old valve friends in the days of e-mails only. Wow, would the mailbox be clogged up these days. That was back in 1999 for the folks wondering when we first 'got together.'

Good question about Christine. It's a real mystery. Shortly after we all gathered up funds to buy her a new computer so she could keep in touch with us -- well, she disappeared..:confused:

And Gail in CA had a question some posts back about whether it was strange or not when we meet each other at the reunions after communicating in this venue and becoming cyberfriends.. Well, Gina said it pretty good..."It's like meeting an old friend time and time again." And it's a really good feeling, so come on to the Chicago reunion Gail and you can see for yourself. We'd love to meet you in the flesh!
About Christine Mayhew..........

About Christine Mayhew..........

A few months after we bought Christine a computer she it was stolen ...........then she had surgery which resulted in her getting compartment syndrome in her leg which had to be amputated above the knee. She remained in MO but had continuous problems with her valves and could not take care of herself and her children and was forced to move back to NH to her mom's then to CT to her dad's and finally back to MO. (I'm shortening all what transpired......but basically, she still remained very sick and in need of more surgeries)

About a month ago she went to the Mayo clinic for her fifth surgery (she was told she had a 50% chance of surviving the surgery) and three of her valves were replaced, a portion of the dead heart tissue (she also had several heart attacks) was repaired and she returned back to MO..........At this time she is extremely weakened by the last surgery and remains critical as far as post-surgery.......(I had emailed Hank with all the details but I guess he chose not to post it on this forum)

I continue to be in contact with Christine and several months ago we met in NJ .........what a brave young woman she is!

A ycybig hi!

A ycybig hi!

Wow, I've been busy for a month or two and look what happens...what a great posting! Except...I didn't get any message about being dropped...glad I caught this thread. I'm here and please don't drop me. Thanks for starting the thread Nancy and Hank, thank you for this whole site!

I had my surgery (homograft AV) in Jan. 2000. I am doing great and as someone else said feel way younger than before surgery. I farm, teach high school, and show Pygmy goats. I am enjoying summer with a renewed effort at bicycling...doing about 30 to 50 miles a week now (and getting leg cramps since I am not a good one to warm up or cool down). Weight is doing good...would like to take another 10 # off, but am finding it hard to quit snacking once in a while!

Sorry I haven't posted lately, just got busy and like others have said...the surgery is really way in the back of my mind with all going so great. I have moved on, but would never forsake this site and if I saw someone's post who I could help I sure would. I guess I just hesitate taking up too much time, when others have bigger problems than I ever did. I feel so lucky and guess I have that old "why am I so lucky" syndrome. Two cancers and a heart valve conquered... I just feel so blessed!

Everyone take care. Bob G. thanks for the update on Christine Mayhew. I think of her often and send prayers her way.

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