Older members-give us a wave and a Hi-The "Keep Acct Alive" Thread!

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Hank sure knows how to generate some activity...

I am still enjoying my Medtronic Mitral Valve - 14 years now.
I wish this site was around then but am sure glad it is around now. I always check in for some inspiration. It is a blessing for sure to have people out there to connect with that are going through or have been through similar experiences.


MVR 04/06/89
Don't leave me out!

Don't leave me out!

I'm just logging in so I won't be removed. Hi, everyone. I live a very hectic like but try to look at the posts when I can. Maybe when I retire in about 1 1/2 years from now, I can jump on and be more active.
Hey Hank
Just checking in.
On site and reading everyday
just don't post as much.
Everyone have a great summer
and 4th of July!

VR.com # 1

VR.com # 1

Hi Hank,

Just want to give you a big :D and thank you again for starting this site. It sure was a Godsend to me at the time of my surgery in 8/2000. We were just a small group at that time, but it was enough. I received all the support anyone could have hoped for and than some. If it weren't for this site things would have been so much more difficult and uncertain for me. Everyone gave me encouragement, and told me I could do this, and I believed! I received private e-mails, and I knew these people truly cared for others that were in the same boat.
Thanks again, and may God bless you all richly!
Greetings from sunny Arizona

Greetings from sunny Arizona

Hey Everyone!
Just a quick note to say "hi" to everyone and a big "thanks" to Hank for all his hard work in keeping us all connected! All is well here..still clicking like an old reliable Singer sewing machine!!! Even though my Saint Jude valve was recalled less than a year after it was implanted....I think I'll keep it!:) Hope all is well with everyone. Take care!

Again Hello from sunny and smokey Arizona. I also read posts about every other day or so but don't post much. I think i step on too many toes when i talk alternative medicine. So for now while i am stalling on my future valve replacement, i will continue to detox and get healthy at the cellular level so when surgery time comes, i will be ready to go!!1Fires on Mt.Lemmon getting little worse again with the high winds and again threatening a small town up there in the woods. Christina,CleoJoan, and I are in NO danger but we are getting smoke in the air around town. Again a big HELLO to everyone and continue to support one another.

Azpam RN 1962 open heart surgery in cleveland for ventricular septal defect..... and they said it wouldn't last!

Hi Nancy. I'm still here - don't prune me. Facing a number of health problems but feeling great and the recent echo told me my two year old valve is behaving itself. Good to see your posts, and glad Hensylee is around again. And Hank is more handsome than ever in his new pic!
Hi Gillian-

Great to see you! I started this thread but someone else (Ross) combined it with several others and made it the "keep the account alive thread".

It is just great to see old friends and to know that you are doing well. It will give the new members a sense of normalcy. Life does go on, and all this is a memory (vivid perhaps) in time.

Best wishes!
Checking In!

Checking In!

HI to all!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm still around and kicking! Thanks to Hank for this wonderful site and to everyone here that helped to make my "trek up and over the mountain" smooth and successful. I'm now almost 8 months post-op and feel terrific! :)

We are in the midst of moving to Georgia. My husband Brent accepted a financial controller postion with a corporation in LaGrange a few days ago so we have kicked things into to high gear to make a quick move to the south!:p :p :p We want to get moved before the school year begins so that kids can make a smooth transition and settle in.
Any others out there in VRcom land who are from the LaGrange area??

Will try to post again soon....

Hey Nancy!

Hey Nancy!

Sorry I haven't been here for a short time, but have been busy at work and last week, I again had a flare up of a condition in one of my legs that has no name. I get a red area on the lower part of the leg, get hot to touch and sometimes have little blisters. I was tortured twice last week, first in the ER, IV antibotic and the next day a shot in the arm. My leg was much better by the end of last week. So, lately, have been pretty busy. I try to get here as often as I can. I love it here to much to ever really leave. Take care all and have a geat weekend.

Aortic valve replacement
St/ Jude's valve
Don't cut me off in my prime!!!

Don't cut me off in my prime!!!

Just to say I am still here and still ticking!! I log on as often as possible (I can't manage it so often as I used to as I am now in a more public location in work, and don't have the internet on PC at home). I only post if I have something to ask, or to add to an existing thread, if I think it is relevant.

This site has been my lifeline and preserver of my so-called sanity at a very difficult time. I think of you all as my cyberfamily. Love and peace to you all.:)
Hey, Gillian - yes, I am still round and kicking, albeit a bit slower than before. Hope you are coming along, too. My prayers are always with you.

Jane - hope things are moving along for you. I am sure it's a bit harder now for you to get out to post. We love to hear from you when you are able to get to us.
Guess I will say hi here, as well as under the birthday wish.

I think this site contributed more to my surgery and recovery than the hospital, which was great but lacked the support group function you guys have provided.

Granbonnie's parents must have done the same as RobThatsMe in chosing my birthday for their wedding, darn clever.

My best to all,

Yankee Doodle Dandy
Just a quick note to say I?m alive and well. It has been just under two years since my surgery. I want to thank all those who helped me with information and encouragement during the weeks leading up to it. After much research I did select the Ross Procedure preformed by Dr. Tirone David at Toronto General.

Thanks to all.
Hi All:
Nancy, thanks for starting this thread and Hank for starting and maintaining this site. Yes I wish to remain as a member. It's now been over a year and a half since my mitral valve repair surgery and I feel fine. Also, wanted all that are facing surgery to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm scheduled to see my Cardiologist next month for my annual echo but don't anticipate any problems.

Hi all,
I wanted to also checkin with this great group of people. I had my aortic homograft in August '99 and am doing well thank God. I found this quote I wanted to share with you all.

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in Nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."
--- Helen Keller
Marty, you asked if there was anyone on this site older than you. I am very fortunate to be coming up on 79 in a couple of months.

My recovery from the Mitral Valve implant, three bypasses and a large portion of the Aorta replaced, took what I consider to be a short time.

Bothers me not at all to take one Coumadin, once a day. Matter of fact I consider myself to be the luckiest and most blessed man alive. As I imagine most of the other members feel the same way.

What does bother me somewhat is having to take Neurotin for the Shingles that I have and have had since before the two Surgeries. Best to all.

Success is getting what you want.
Happiness is wanting what you get.

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