Older members-give us a wave and a Hi-The "Keep Acct Alive" Thread!

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Renewing contact

Renewing contact

Hello to Hank and all from a mitral valve recipient (mechanical Sulzer-Carbomedics) of almost four years duration. I'm sorry I haven't been a better correspondent but life does lead you in many directions and you don't have time for everything. I do however try to keep up with what's going on by way of this excellent website so I am touching base by the July 31 deadline.

At this point I am able to do many of the things I did before surgery. I have recently snorkeled, swam and kayakked in the Caribbean, with no undesirable side effects other than normal fatigue. I take my coumadin and aspirin regularly and have my INR done at a nearby clinic about once a month. Traveling doesn't seem to pose a problem for me (my husband and I are both retired) though INR does fluctuate depending on dietary changes and variations in activity level. I stay on a physical fitness program involving visits to a gym three times weekly where I do both aerobics and weight training. On my "off" days I make sure to get in a couple of miles of fairly rapid walking. So my story isn't so exciting but it does show a progression toward wellness which didn't seem possible or likely even six months after surgery. For those whose recovery has been slow, as mine was, I urge you to have patience and things will probably get better. Hank, thanks for maintaining and improving the site. Also, hello to all the
"old-timers" who were posting when there were only about two dozen members. And welcome to all you new people who are anticipating surgery or recovering from it. Hello to Martha, Bob, and Nan--and others who were frequent contributors in the early days but no longer post. They might be like me and just "hover" over the site. Good luck and better health to everyone!

Janet Richardson
Fayetteville, Arkansas
I've come a little late to this party because I've been off trying to scratch my itchy feet by taking another trip to another part of the world. This was my 3rd overseas trip since my MVR in Oct 2001 (also have taken 4 domestic trips ) and I'm already planning the next one. My travels over the last 10+ years have taken me to all 7 continents, and I stoppped counting coutries after about 50, but my feet still itch periodically.

Thanks to all of you for being here and sharing your information and experiences.
Hi Duchess Bear-

Good to see you back. You were the other Heart Port procedure I was trying to remember. There was a post re: Heart Port procedure a while back, and I recalled that someone else besides my husband and Helene Smith had had this procedure.

How nice that you are doing the travelling you love.

Tell us a little more about distant ports when you have the time.
Hi Janet, How nice to hear that everything is going so well with you!! And thanks for remembering me!

I guess I am usually a "Lurker" here, but the site is really great and gives everyone a great deal of support and advice.

And Bob and Janie good to see your posts too....and Bob, thanks for the update about Christine. Glad you are still in touch with her.

I am currently struggling with a leaking mitral valve (rated at 3) as well as the tiny St. Judes (size 17) in the aortic position...that is stenotic for me. So it looks like a second surgery is in my future. It is helpful to see that several folks here have actually gone through even more than two and seem to have managed it. Personally I feel like running away, but my heart seems to come with me. :(

Hope everyone is doing well,

AVR 10/99
St. Peter's Hospital
Albany, NY
keep me on

keep me on

Hello, All,
I've been a part time member of this forum for quite some time; in fact, I remember when we were all e-mailing each other in the days before this spiffy new forum. (Great job, Hank ;-) I'm a teacher and can really find time to post during the summer. It's great, and even when I'm really busy, I'll find time to browse and keep up with everyone.
Nan and Bob Gleason, it was great to read through your posts. I remember both of you in the early days. Bob, thanks for that update on Christine. I am so sorry to hear of her ordeal.
I had mitral valve replacement in June of 1997 which puts me six years out. Thanks to all of you for making this such a great place to get information and support.


When I said it was great to read your post, I meant earlier on in this thread. After I hit submit, I went back one and read your post about some of your difficulties and upcoming surgery. Please keep us posted. Sherry
I'm still around...

I'm still around...

Had some problems with a low INR. kept arguing with the clinic that 1.8 was too low. Couldn't get through to the Cardiologist, finally went through urgent care because of my vision problems. Cardio finally heard about it, had me admitted to the hospital to be put on an IV until my INR came back up. now I don't take no more, well, stuff from the clinic.

On the other hand I found a new sport called orienteering that gets me out and exercising. problem is, I try too hard. ran one course up in Tahoe just before going back in the hospital and cam in first place. Cardio now has me slowing down for a while.

Hey, it is great to be back and see all these familiar avatars. I think Gina said something about meeting an old friend time after time; I sometimes feel like that. I seem to have a problem remembering names that go with faces. I'll see people I've known for years, yet I can't remember their names.

Good article in Scientific American about pumphead...

BTW - how can I order a t-shirt?

Also working on a new avatar. This current one is me only 40 pounds heavier.. Get great double takes now that I am thinner, the hair is cut and the beard is trimmed.

Oh enough rambling...

Cheers to all...

Birthday people

Birthday people

I check the birthday people every morning. Then go to members and check in their last posts. Today, Azpam and Floral D. had posted within 6 months..but Diane..been quite a while. In fact, she was going to have surgery soon and never heard back from her..Over a year ago. I wonder how she is doing.Bonnie
I often wonder how mimmidoe is doing? She used to be tick tock. This is great, seeing old faces, hearing how everybody is doing! Swill, it's been a while since you've posted! I can't believe we have almost 800 members now! HOLY COW! Hank, it's a great thing you've done! Are there any plans about starting another fundraiser to help Hank keep up the site? I think we should have a yearly run to raise some money to help Hank out! It has to be expensive to keep a site like this maintained, and he does such a great job!
Hey all

Hey all

Thought since I had a few minutes, I would chime in on this one.

First off, I am glad to know all of my heart buddies are doing well.

To those of you who do not know me. I am 21 days away from my three year anniversary of my Ross Procedure. Health wise, I am fatter and happier than ever. I feel great and am able to keep a frantic schedule as I did before the surgery. Very busy at work......two people don't work the hours I worked last week.

Anyhow, great to some posts from alot of the "older" members. I do stop by the site weekly, just don't always post.

Gotta run, be safe and healthy.

Post surgery

Post surgery

Well, I am now almost a year and a half post-surgery and I feel just great! I have been taking Pilates every week for the past year, but I finally rejoined a health club and started the exercise bicycle. I passed the basic fitness test with a reasonable performance and now I want to improve my exercise capacity.

Absolutely no symptoms. My valve has a very tiny murmur, but my doctor says the heart sounds are almost the same as those of a normal human heart. Only pill I need to take is a mini-dose aspirin.

My cardiologist encouraged me to do more aerobic exercise since my cholesterol was borderline, though I have never had any signs of coronary artery disease. I did cut back a lot on many fatty foods, but wasn't able to drop cholesterol much at all.

Hi everyone,

4.5 months post-op and feeling good. I'm back to a pretty normal routine, work, golf, traveling, ect;. I do read a lot of post and need to post more often. I also just finished reading "coping with heart surgery and depression", excellent book and would recommend for anyone just getting out of surgery. Take care everyone.
Sherry, Thanks for the kind words, I really did not notice your phrasing as being problematic. Just nice that some of us "old timers" are still around...good news for the others who are new to this whole process. I will keep you posted as I get more info and make more decisions. yuk. Thanks.

Hello Everyone!
I post once and a awhile so that shows I still check in from time to time. This site was my life saver when I found it before surgery! It has been a little over 3 years now! I can't tell you what a help it was. My Cardio said my surgery was "big" and not very common. Arotic root and valve replacement. Boy, he had me scared! Then I found you guys and my whole attitude changed. I can't thank Hank enough for starting this, what has turned into a huge family! Please keep me on the list as I do still get onfo from everyone at one time or another. :)
18 months

18 months

Hi all,

I just realized that today is my "18 month anniversary" and I wanted to let everyone know I'm doing just fine.

My wife and I returned from a vacation in Washington State yesterday (7 days in the Ocean Shores/Point Brown/Olympic Mountain area and 3 days in Seattle.) Now that Mary is retired too, we travel much more frequently. We've already booked a return trip to Mazatlan, Mexico in Jan. '04.

I'm really feeling great and I have absolutely no restrictions. I work out at the local YMCA 2 or 3 times a week, I still bowl in a couple of leagues, mow the lawn, do home improvement projects around the house, etc.

We especially liked hiking in the mountains, walking the beaches, and strolling through the city of Seattle on our most recent trip. Even climbing the hills in the Pike's Market area (which are worse than the streeets in San Francisco) didn't bother me at all.

I lurk here a few times a week, but I haven't been posting much lately. However, I certianly do wish to remain on the active member list.

It's great to read through this thread and reconnect with so many "old friends."

Ron K

(Oops! I just realized that it has only been 17 months -- not 18. Oh, well, at least the "good health" part is right. That's what matters, right?
17 or 18 it doesn't matter, it's close enough. Congratulations Ron and glad to see things are working out well for you! :)
Hey Ron, Just wanted to say hi. I'm so glad everything's going well with you. Happy 17th month anniversary. :D Look at you doing all this traveling, I'm so proud and jealous :p . So, How is VR.com's best bowler doing in his game??? Wishing you continued happiness and great health, Hugs and Kisses.
Hey Ron, weren't we supposed to get together while you were out here? i was in Seattle twice last week, and I went to the olympic game farm on the 21st. My mommy came out. Did you ever make it to the olympic game farm? It's such a trip having the yaks eat the bread right out of your hand! We borrowed one of my friends' minivans and went for a day. It was so cute, the whole ride home, Erik(my two year old) kept saying Rabbits, rabbits rabbits over and over again. It is beautiful out here...the mountains are great...especially rainier. Absolutely gorgeous. I hope you had fun, and hopefully you will get the chance to come out here again, or maybe I will come out to the east coast!

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