Older members-give us a wave and a Hi-The "Keep Acct Alive" Thread!

Valve Replacement Forums

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hello all

hello all

keep me on the list too...I read alot but don't post...doesn't mean I am not there.
Oh MY, yes please keep me on list!

Oh MY, yes please keep me on list!

Hello everyone, per Hank's message, yes I do indeed want to stay registered and have this site available. It was panic city for a moment when I could not log on!!! Even though I don't post much (understatement) I read many of the posts. This site is an anchor for me! I wish all of you the very best. You are a great bunch!!

Hey Bob Gleason, I was glad to see you answered, even if with a ditto! Hope you are doing OK

Meeeee too! I learn something new here all the time from my fellow valvies!!!!

Zipper:cool: :)
Hi..I'm doing the same thing..reporting in so I can keep my membership here..hope everyone is doing great!!
Me. too

Me. too

I have posted..1,485 posts.:D Running 4th behind..Nancy, Hensylee and Ross. Trying to catch Ross. I am 793 posts behind him..:p :p :p think that boy is cheating. After, all, He was in a coma for 3 months:D :D :D :D Love you, Rosso..:D :D :D Hope your computer breaks down..and I'll catch you.:p :p Granbonny
Hi strangers! Long time no talk too. Please come and visit us more often. We really do miss you. :)
Keep my name on list also!

Keep my name on list also!

Been about six and a half months since surgery and I feel great. I have lost over 80 pounds since last June and walk about 10 miles a week. I lurk in this forum everyday so even though I don't post much I feel that I know many people here.

Thanks to all and to Hank for this wonderful site!

I also visit this site every day, I just don't have to much to contribute most days. My weight loss is going very well, I have now lost 83 pounds, I walk about 28 miles a week. It is so reassuring to have this site, when I do have a question.

Just posting to say hello. Also to make sure that I stay on this list. A source of great knowledge. martha
Came by to say Hello again.

Came by to say Hello again.

Hi to All. Haven't been here for awhile, guess when you get all well you tend to forget all lot of things. Especially the nice people who helped me so much before my operation and after.

Back to work in full force. I was told I didn't need to see my Cardio any more, not even once a year. Feel just fine. Got all my energy back too. Wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July. Syl Geren:D :cool: :D :cool:
What e-mail? I never got an e-mail! Did I miss something? Hey, what's going on here? I want to stay on the list of members too! You guys are my family! I know I haven't posted as much as I should, but I have been trying to make up for it! Hugs to all!
Almost 5yrs post surgery & Still ticking

Almost 5yrs post surgery & Still ticking

Hello again everyone.

Just wanted to say hello and let you know that all is well with me now almost 5 years post surgery.

For my full story visit my Bum Ticker Journal at www.stevegoldberger.com


Steve in Toronto
Joy its alright. You moved so your email probably went elsewhere, but we know you post frequently when your around. Rest easy kiddo! ;)
Loging in to keep membership as requested. My husband, Dick, who had aortic valve replacement 1 1/2 years ago is doing reasonably well, with 6 month checkups for the valve leakage.

However, since the operation, he has had pain in his neck, back and arm, which has been diagnosed as arthritis. He never experienced this kind of pain until about 6 months after the operation.

My prayers are with you all.
Member List

Member List

I would like to remain a member of the Valve Replacement Group. I had my Aortic valve replaced in 1995 and refer to the forum from time-to-time when I need some information concerning valve replacement.
Likewise for me. Keep me on the list. Had the surgery the end of February 2002 and have used the site on a regular basis since.

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