My Son Chris

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Just wanted to let you know that Chris and the rest of your family continue to be in our prayers.
Ross, just wanted to let you know that I'm home and am caught up with what's gone on with Chris the last couple of days. You all are still in my prayers. Hoping the docs can give Chris something the next time they clean the wound. It reminds me of people suffering from burns, and the torture they go through with having the treatments for them. Horrible! LINDA
Most severe pain is needless as there are so many ways that the medical community can control most pain. If Chris didn't have a reason to be angry before, they have certainly given him one now.
Has anyone spoken to the doctor about this? Chris is allowed to take up the pain management point with his doctor, he should speak up to the nurse about it and ask her to contact the doctor and next time get something for the pain.
Nancy said:
Has anyone spoken to the doctor about this? Chris is allowed to take up the pain management point with his doctor, he should speak up to the nurse about it and ask her to contact the doctor and next time get something for the pain.
I talked to the head nurse. They've upped his Dilaudid by another mg every three hours, 2 Percocets every four, and she is going to consult the Doctor about giving him something before the next cleaning tomorrow. The shrink came in and he's now getting a little Ativan to help with anxiety.
Well, sounds good. The poor young man, something's gotta work for him. I'm glad the shrink came back and took care of business.
No bad feelings Ross. In difficult circumstances we can only do the best we know :) I was sedated when they cleaned mine. It was my surgeon's decision to control the pain. There is no reason to justify such a horrible way of doing it. I whish I could help better :( My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ross, I have been busy with unpacking and such, but...

Ross, I have been busy with unpacking and such, but...

Please know that I have been checking in everyday and constantly praying for you and yours, and I just have no words to say how horrible this whole thing is. I've said it before, and I will say it again.....I wish I were there to give you and yours a very big hug and prayer, and just be there to help in anyway I can..Prayers are going up incredibly strong for yall. Please, Please, you, Lyn, and your other boys, take care of yourselves too and get rest when you can, and know you guys and gals are on my mind constantly. Harrybaby:eek: :D :eek:
Ross said:
I'm going to ask today if they can't give him some Ativan or something. He had the foot cleaned and redressed without pain meds and he called in tears saying he doesn't think he can do that again. If Doctors know they are going to cause that much pain, why don't they give them at least pain meds first or Versed or something so they don't remember it? That is just short of barbaric.

I agree with that. If I am doing any kind of a dressing change that is painful, we always pre-medicate. We had a lady recently that got pain meds (dilaudid I think) and Ativan just before we started her dressing. She still moaned the whole time we did it, but at least didn't remember after we were done.....
OMG :eek: ...That sounds cruel to change his dressing without extra drugs , poor kiddo...I hope he is getting some extra relief now and that it is working for him...that hole in his foot sounds nasty...good to hear they are giving him some Ativan, I hope it helps ease his mind.

I am glad he has quit the smokes for a while, its such a shame it took this to make it happen...

I pray you and Lyn are coping as well as you can, it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job....

love, prayers and hugs
Hi, Ross--

Just checking in again. No wonder you posted that one thing about nurses. It is frustrating to deal with such uncooperateive people, especially since Chris is still in very much pain. Wish I were closer and could do something to help out. Just please know that you're all in my prayers!!!

Lots of love and hugs,
Debi (debster913)

I cant' believe they did not give your son pain medication before they cleaned his wound. There is little for me to say that has not been better expressed before, but want you to know that I continue to think and pray for you and your family. You are really going through very hard times
I know you said Chris is not very fond of receiving get well cards, but do you think it may do him good to hear from your VR friends how much we care about him? If you think so, let us know name & address and I'm sure we all be glad to send him a card. Maybe his seeing how many of us really care about him will do him good.

Just a thought: when my husband was in great pain and on dilaudid they let him self-administer with a timed pump, which was great except when he was sleeping. When he slept he missed doses and when he awakened he was in awful pain. It took all morning to catch up on the doses. After we figured that out I began pressing his dosing button for him so he could stay properly doped. (I felt a bit like a drug pusher, but it was the right thing to do! If I didn't they'd end up giving him extra doses anyway to catch him up (that is when we could track them down.) Could this be a problem for Chris?
Dilaudid - when I had major surgery of another sort a few yrs ago, I had that pump thing. My 2 daughters were with me, but one had to go to work. I insulted the one who stayed with me during the days and her feelings were really hurt. On top of it all, along came pneumonia. I refused to get out of bed to walk. I remember just pushing that pump thing over and over in my confused mind. Afterward I asked the surgeon what it was they gave me and then told him they need to outlaw that stuff and get something that doesn't make the patient so hard to live with. He just looked at me. It DOES affect your thinking processes.
That was the first thing I asked them about since he was having difficulty getting pain meds on time by human means. They denied him the pain pump.

I just talked to the nurse that is taking care of him today and let her know that I expect him to either be sedated or sufficient pain medication be given before they repack the wound today. She assures me she will, so lets see if I have to go to the chief of staff over this or not. They say one thing, do another.

Chris doesn't want any cards or anything "Extra" in his room as he says. That's what he wants, but I'm not so sure that I wouldn't send him a card anyhow and screw what he wants. He's isolating himself from everyone and everything and that is plain not healthy at all. If someone feels like doing that, PM me for an address to send it too. I won't post it in public.
I hate it that we all have to INSIST on something that seems so obvious like giving some pain meds before a painful procedure. Then WE become the baddie when it is quite the contrary.

People who don't do the right thing have all kinds of excuses and defenses. Apparently they have become expert at defending themselves.

It goes along with what is happening in our society in general.

Bad people have more rights than the ones they harm.

I hope your son goes through this day the right way, not like last time.
Get this, his Ortho that fixed his ankle came in and told him he's on entirely too much pain meds and that he shouldn't need any now. Is this guy nuts? The kid has had a surgery every week since seeing this guy, he's never been able to recover from one operation before the next.

He now has a PICC line, surgery is scheduled for Thursday at 2 pm and they DID NOT clean the wound out today, they will tomorrow..
Ross, Can you look online at the hospital he is at and see if there is a doc that only does Pain managemnet? and ask him to help Chris. I go to a pin mgt doc monthly for my back and he is one of the people that think if there is a way to help avoid it there is no reason to suffer w/ pain, Lyn
If you want I can call my pain doc and ask for a recomendation for there
Ross said:
Get this, his Ortho that fixed his ankle came in and told him he's on entirely too much pain meds and that he shouldn't need any now. Is this guy nuts? The kid has had a surgery every week since seeing this guy, he's never been able to recover from one operation before the next.

This is just like the hospital I was in a few weeks ago with my kidney's....the nurses TOLD me that I was NOT to do my own insulin, and my Endocrinologist had instructed them to let me do my own insulin, and they ignored his wishes and said "We know what's best for you, and Dr. Tung doesn't....Needless to say, I was only getting like 3 units of insulin instead of the 46 or 50 units that I should have had....My blood sugar went from being under great control to being WAAAAAYYY out of control (400 to 500), I mentioned this to Dr. Tung, and he is not it's going all around here as well.. Hang in there bud....Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek:

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