sorry really long, (but there is a point lol )
sorry really long, (but there is a point lol )
Ross, first I want to say thank God chris did not find out he had to lose his foot yesterday that is a Blessing and hope is still there. Next i am sorry Chris is making this harder on everyone including you and Lynn.
I thought like Nancy (I do that alot it doesn't make me nervous llike when I think like YOu tho lol) about psych and am sorry that didn't help but not really surprised, maybe there is someone on the staff that could try to befriend Chris a little maybe a male nurse around Chris age just offer to play some cards or maybe there is a a music therapy person, that doesn't have to announce he is a music therapy person just a guy that came to play some music to start with.
the reason I said i wasn't surprised was I went thru this in a much smaller way and it didn't last long, mainly because it wasn'tand ongoing problem. BUT when Justin was 10 he went for his heart check up the doc said a little stenosis see you in a year, (after justin finally got thru all the post op problems at 2 he had no heart problems the next 8 years) anyway a few weeks later I found out his origonal card and surgeon were back in the country and close to us, so wanted to switch his care back to them since they are some of the best in the world (his surgeon was Norwood) but instead of waiting until he was due for his next appt in a year, we made an appt for so they could see him healthy as a baseline since it had been a few years. Well his pc wasn't happy w/ the "little Stenosis" so wanted to do a cathto look around. before the cath we were as honest as we could be about what he would go thru how he would wake up, since he couldn't remeber his other caths, so he was fine with everything. Well after the cath it was determined he needed OHS the next day We were really shocked when he woke up from the meds we told him everything and he was alittle scared but ok. so he had the surgery and also ended up with a pacer. when he woke up post op on the vent w/ all the tubes he was terrified and really angry at us, (and that was before he knew about the pacer) because of the drugs, he didn't remember anything after the cath, so thought we said he would wake up w/ a few stitches on his groin and was REALLY Mad because he thought we lied to him, and that we knew he was having surgery, It was awful he refused to talk to anyone. Then when he found out he also had a pace maker the only thing he would say was take it out, I don't want it none of my friends have them, and would go back to not talking.When he got on the floor. There was a young male nurse named Raymond, he didn't really try to talk w/ Justin just came and built lego's with him and after a while Justin started talking to him. (see there really was a point to this long thing) he was still PO'd at us, until Raymond told him (while playing play station) that WE didn't know about the surgery and as soon as we did know we told him Now it wasn't all of a suddden he was ok with it, but after raymond opened the door a little he was much better and he started to believe we didn't lie to him , even tho he never rememberred the day after the cath,and still rememberrs he went in for a cath and woke up on a vent w/ tubes everywhere. Honestly out of all the things we went thru w/ Justin, this was the hardest time emotionally for me,when he was so angry at me and thought i lied, so I can imagine on a small scale what you have been feeling
So I was thinking maybe there could be someone that could just go offer to play playstation or cards w/ Chris and not try to talk until Chris wants to talk. I really hope things are better for all of you soon, Lyn