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Sixty replies to 'beer' thread and over 250 to 'sex' thread......I think this forum is beginning to get it's priorities figured out.........

Billy said:
Sixty replies to 'beer' thread and over 250 to 'sex' thread......I think this forum is beginning to get it's priorities figured out.........

Billy they always have had them figured it. It simply took a nutcase like me to drag all of these sinful deviants out of the closet and into the spot light. :D
Sinful? Didn't Jesus turn water into wine? :D And as to the other: go to the Bible and read Song of Solomon. If your version speaks of the woman's "navel" - that is not a direct translation. :eek:


Hey Bob,

I did buy a big bottle of vanilla in Mexico.... but when I returned home, my big sister told me not to use it.... :eek: sooo it?s STILL in my pantry unopened. What does your wife do to the refrigerator with it? I need to find a good use for it, or throw it out. I hadn?t seen the web site about it.. only took my sister?s word for it that I shouldn?t use it. Thanks for the info.

Yes, Bonnie.... it was me that went to Mexico. We had a great time!

David... maybe we should all spend more time in Mexico. :p I mean.... it's almost 'law' that you have a drink in your hand, while sitting on the balcony overlooking the ocean... and from that goofy look on my face.... I?d say I had probably drank more than one! :D Hey... ya can't drink the water! :p
No bull fights....

No bull fights....

Oh..... by the way.... we didn?t go to a bullfight. We mostly just enjoyed mingling with the natives. :) We've always taken our own car, we like driving to small towns and visiting with the people who aren't in 'tourist' towns. I just love their night life in the town squares.

The scariest thing that happened on this trip was when my boys were para-sailing one day... the wind came up and they couldn?t get Ryan down!! After that experience... I really wouldn?t recommend it to anyone. I?m not sure what all the dangers of it are... besides the rope breaking or somehow coming lose....but when the wind started whipping and they couldn?t bring him down... even the Mexicans who had him up there were starting to freak! :eek: Of course Ryan said it was a great ride! But the straps were cutting into his legs. Very scary. Really... I hope neither of them ever do it again.
Karlynn said:
Sinful? Didn't Jesus turn water into wine? :D And as to the other: go to the Bible and read Song of Solomon. If your version speaks of the woman's "navel" - that is not a direct translation. :eek:
I don't see anything in the Song of Solomon referencing belly button lint. :confused:
She puts the vanilla extract on a sponge, which she then hands to me. My function is to wipe it all over the interior of the refrigerator we have been cleaning, before we put the food back.

It gets rid of the weird smells that live in a refrigerator even after you've cleaned it, and lingers as a pleasant smell for a while.

Vanilla extract also makes a good scratch cover for light-colored woods, such as light pine or oak.

Some people use it as a perfume. There is some evidence it has mildly sexually stimulating properties when used that way.
Funny... First thing that got my attention was "am I an alcoholic"???

Back in the "bad old days" I was dating one of those, she was also VERY messed up in the head but I didn't really know all of that until we seperated,m in fact that's part of WHY we seperated.

Anyways, if you NEED to have a beer a night, even if it's just one, to be "normal" than you might be an alcoholic.

I won't go on about the alcohol stuff. I miss my occassional Sam Adams. I was a VERY light social drinker, maybe one or two beers a month, if that. I liked shots of various things too but I pretty much put an end to all of that when I started taking massive quantities of medication for my ailing heart.

Ummmm... Oh yeah.

Did I hear BUDDHIST??? mentioned in here????

Well... See... Like...

I've been trying to learn more about that, especially Tibetan Buddhism. in June I'm going to be doing a feature story (with photos of course) on a group coming from Deprung Loseling Monestary to do a mandala and an evening of traditional dance and music...

They were here last year and I got to check it all out, brought the wife and kid up for the dismantling of the mandala....

Getting WAY off the beaten path here I know....
Well we know you cook and clean, if you sew, decorate and garden as well, I think Martha should really start to worry.


tobagotwo said:
Some people use it as a perfume. There is some evidence it has mildly sexually stimulating properties when used that way.
Hmmmm...... wouldn't have anything to do with smelling good enough to eat now, would it..?!! ;) :D

A : )

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