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If I remember right, you can get some perscription medication in Mexico without the script. My sister-in-law used to get birth control pills there. Basically, they are the same as here only the label is printed in Spanish. The medicine is still made by Merck or Pfizer or whoever. So, no, I wouldn't be bugged about taking it. Mexicans take it.

I think the bullfights are an all around bad idea. Go to the beach instead. I agree that there is a big difference between killing an animal to eat it, and torturing one for "sport."

We only brought back two bottles of tequila. Never had trouble with border guards. Maybe your husband looks shifty ;) .

Have a great time, and don't drink the water.
my 2cents

ist, gluttony isnt just food.Look at some of America's CEOs'.
A person can be overweight and not be a glutton! Try to buy a can of tomatoes or a can of string beans that doesn't contain sugar. Food processers adding sugar and pushing refined flour products are a big part of the problem.

Beer, Yes I drink beer, I can drink wine if I am eating. I don't like the hard stuff at all. I knew two people in my lifetime that were alcoholics. How do I know? both of them, If they had one alcoholic drink would not stop drinking until all avenues of a supply were closed to them.
drinking problem? does drinking cause a problem? miss appointments, stay out of work. stay too long at the bar and forget responsibility. etc
drinking habit? I knew a lady that carried a 6-pack of coca cola to work every day for years. was she a cocaholic? don't know. did she have a drinking problem? didn't seem to. did she have a drinking habit? definatly.
If I drink beer, dont really care about wine, will not drink hard stuff am I really addicted to the alcohol or is it the taste of beer or maybe the habit of beer.
We make choices to satisfy our desires. I remember someone thinking it was weird because I was eating apple-pie and ice cream and drinking a diet coke. I drink diet coke because I dont like the syrupy taste of reg. coke. simple as that.
Bull fighting

Bull fighting

As a Buddhist you can guess what my thoughts are!
another penny (I forgot)

I alway thought of bullfighting as a sort of struggle between a bull and his horns vs. a man and his sword. I didn't think about "Until death do they part".
after reading Nancy's expose of the bulls treatment and the thought of the finality of death it somehow doesn't have the same ring to it.
And about religious aspects, when I was in Bali, Indonesia,(80% Hindu), there was no problem getting beef to eat. Go figure!:D
I thought Buddhists were loving, gentle, peaceful people. How come you are so down on anyone who drinks?

My valve problem was congenital. Sure, I like ice cream, but I don't have coronary artery disease and my eating habits did not impact my valve problem. I have never been on any dietary restrictions. In fact, my cardiologist, who is also my long-time neighbor, always gives me a bottle of wine for Christmas.

You need to educate yourself and lighten up. Valve trouble does not necessarily indicate heart disease or coronary artery disease.
Ya know Buddha was fat and happy, why aren't you?
not addicted...

not addicted...

I can tell, your just defending it? Second of all I worked for seven years saving peoples lives as a health care PROFESSIONAL. That means I went to school da, I think. Third, Shakyamuni almost died at an early age from starvation and he was known to be saddened by peoples addictions and the pain it brings on. "Valve Problems" is one of many forms of heart disease. Which has two main branches. Congenital and Acquired. Valve problems can be both! As for coronary artery disease. Well that is acquired by to much fat in the diet, drinking, smoking, and not getting enough exercise.
You're just a little bit too extreme for me.
But it's a free country so you go with it.
Is it legal, antibiotics and who cares?!

Is it legal, antibiotics and who cares?!

Nancy... Isn?t the ?tourista medication? just antibiotics??

Mara....... is it legal?? Filling your prescriptions down there?

Medtronic is right about one thing.... We don?t have to defend ourselves about drinking alcohol or anything else we do.... to him or anyone else. I certainly don?t feel the need to anyway.

I don?t really care what he or anyone else thinks.. my doctor doesn?t have a problem with me drinking a few drinks, or eating salad every day or any of the other things I do that a lot of ?coumadiners? freak about. He knows that I don?t do any of these things in excess and that I use common sense. I can?t stop being me... I hate meat, I love salad, I like having a drink with friends or at the lake, I love the sun and I can?t keep the dog out of the flower bed... no matter what I do! Soooo.... if my doctor says its okay..... I?m putting the rocking chair on hold for a while. :) I?m not gonna spend the rest of my life totally freaked about my heart.

BUT.... I trust my doctor.. if he tells me not to do something... I don?t do it.... Until I talk him into saying I can. :p

My cardio tells me ?be consistent? and ?use common sense?...... another words... no water skiing. :( He hates the thought of me doing that... and I want to sooooo bad.... but I haven?t.

It used to be legal. Things may have changed recently (post 9/11) and I haven't been to Mexico in a few years.

You are right about what you said. If your doc gives you the green light, go for it. Life is too short to freak out about the small stuff, plus everything is bad for us according to someone: the food, the water, the air.
I think Medtronic is just bitter about something, perhaps his own past shortcomings and the thought that old habits impacted his current health status...don't know. All I know is you have to live and let live. And none of us on here can diagnose someone's purported addiction to any substance via the internet.
I think it is weird how most of my family is addicted to alcohol, except my mom's side...they smoke. Mom doesn't though. Me opn the other hand, I used to drink a lot inhigh school...I would go an drink long island ice tea, margarita, bloody mary, vodka and cranberry juice...never really did like beer. I still don't. I prefer liqour compared to beer. But I only drink once a year, and I sobor up very quickly. I never got addicted to the cigarretts when I smoked was weird, I could take them or leave them. I just liked to go up to the smoker's corner and have one. I used to smoke a pack a day for like 6 years, but some days Iwouldn't have one heck, I would go weeks without them, but always came back because I liked them. I quit when I found out I have heart disease, although I have to admit, one now and then is comforting. Well, take it easy!
be happy

be happy

Lets all relax now...we are talking about beer for Gods's is a happy thing!

Lets all be happy!
Ross, that was great. I just smiled and smiled and chuckled. boy did I have a good time with that.
That will also go to a few friends of mine.
I think I will limit my consumption (again) Ive been cutting back. I'm now down to a case a day ( mostly, I just pour it down the john. I'm got tired of being the middle man and doing all the work.):D
Glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure some won't and may think I'm picking. I've been there and done that, so it's not a big deal to me. :D


It's okay, David..... we're laughing WITH you. :D

I'm wondering is digital cameras, beer and computers might be a really bad combination?!! lol Shall we do a little study?? Have another beer, David... :p

First a toast then..........

First a toast then..........

Bohemia is my favorite Mexican beer and to my surprise, many moons ago, the LA Times featured an article on the best beers in the world and Bohemia was rated #1, by beer tasters.

Wouldn't it be a neat job, that of a beer taster?

I like to drink a beer at about 5 or 6 (later when I have to drive) mainly to 'slow me down' (so much for being a type A) though also for my back pain and for relaxation.

God Bless all

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