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I like beer at 5 p.m. too, when hubby has bourbon and water. But I like 2 Miller Lites...gonna hurt my diet I started today BUT won't give them up:p P.S. I need a buddy dieter. any takers for 2 lbs. a months. That would be 15 by bathing suit time:D :D Bonnie.. P.P.S. Dave, nice set of tonsils:D :D :D
Two pound a month, I need about 10 pound a month. Was doing so well after my surgery, then wham, I gained about 30 pounds. Guess the food did not taste all that bad, huh.

Maybe it is the warfarin that is making me gain all that weight. Na it is the lack of serious activity. Got to change that.

I will cheer you on if you will kick me in the butt and make me be a good boy again.

Two pound a month you can lose that just by cutting back to only one six pack of Miller lite per day instead of two.

Billy Bob

Billy Bob

NOT 2 six packs..2 cases:D :D Also, I thought all Florida Foot ball players were 'gators..get them out of the swamps in the Everglades. Can't spell c a t:D O.K. big're on..Let's go for 5 lbs a month..:p :p


No you KANT:p :p :p Plus you are going to lose 'cause you're not eating black-eyed peas.:p
I have red beans in my chili - doesn't that count? If I was in Texas or Mexico, it would. Besides, my brother is eating black eyed peas for me.

Ever heard of boyas? That is a cuban hushpuppy sort of thing, made from smushed black eyed peas with lots of spices, onions and flour mixed in. Mother was a Key Wester, which is just like being Cuban and she grew up on it. Wish I had a recipe for it. Any Cubans here who could get it for me?



Never heard of black eyed peas this side of the pond.......

I was just trying to remember, is this the day y'all eat corned beef and cabbage, or was that some other special day?


Will mail you a bag for next New Year's Day..Dried..soak for a few hours and cook until tender...or you may could find them in a can at your market? Or frozen?..We have them fresh in the summer...and we eat corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day..and a cherry pie on George Washington's birthday and watermelon on the 4th of July.:D Like your new hairdo...:cool: :cool: :cool: Bonnie
Now, how could I have forgotten that?....

Now, how could I have forgotten that?....

Of course Bonnie, it's 17th March that y'all eat corned beef and cabbage. I must be getting old, imagine me not remembering that.

Wonder where all that originated as I thought St. Pat's day was invented in Ireland and we don't eat corned beef and cabbage here.........we just concentrate more on 'liquids' on March 17.

Regarding my new 'hairdo' - just decided to economise on trips to the beauty shop. As a latter-day 'hippie' I am seriously considering a pony-tail.......whatcha think?
Go for it

Go for it

Love men in ponytails..How about an earring to go with it?:cool: :cool: Bonnie
Come to Savannah, Georgia

Come to Savannah, Georgia

Billy..On St. Patrick's Day. We dye the river, fountains and anything that doesn't move GREEN....Huge celebration..:D :D :D
Bonnie and Ann, just both as we used to say in school "boy crazy" . Two posts today in different treads about guys in ponytails and "beefcake". I know they can see my "virtual ponytail" now I just need to post a beefcake shot like Rob's.

Let's see I have a great one of my bare chest taken a couple of days after my surgery. I think that will qualify. I will locate it and get it posted. They might have to overlook a couple of imperfections like bruises and some minor plastic surgery 6 or 8 inches long right in the middle. Otherwise, it's just a "killer" shot.

As for St. Patrick's day here, it depends on where you happen to be. There are numerous "pubs" that have big blowouts. Pensacola has a pretty big street party for this celebration.
I prefer stout or porter to the pale stuff that they can color green.
More beefcake is good - I have Rob hangin on my calendar and could always expand to a bulletin board for the rest of you guys.

Billy, black eyed peas weren't 'in' for New Year's when I was a kid, that I know of. Don't know if anything was, but we on this side of the pond use any excuse to come up with a new fad anytime we can. Black eyed peas are for luck and cabbage is to be eaten, too - for financial luck.

I think you already know that every single American claims some Irish blood. I saw on PBS one day that 5 million (or was it billion) Irish folk had come to this country since the 1600's and that's why we are all kin to ya'll. Also the reason we have to celebrate. We don't know why we do green, except for the four-leaf clover, but on St Patty's day we just gotta be green, dress, eat, think green - that's if we are Irish and we, of course, all are.

Bill, we will wait for your picture.
Rain said:
Hey Lorraine,
I wanted to ask you what I should remember to buy while I'm in Mexico. :) I remember I used to always buy vanilla.

My wife has always said that the vanilla from Mexico is dangerous. She has always been quite vehement about it. It's cheap, so she has bought it to rub into the refrigerator when cleaning it, but never uses it in cooking.

Here is a quote from The Complete Vanilla Extract Information Center - KCJ Vanilla Co. link:

"*** Warning-cheap vanilla bought in Mexico can be harmful***
Warning on Mexican vanilla containing tonka bean or manufactured with Tonka bean. Tonka bean is poisonous and cancerogenic. This product was banned in the United States in the 1950's It is still sold today as cheap vanilla in Mexico, South America, Haiti and many other countries:
The only way to insure purity is to buy your vanilla from a reputable source."

So, please be sure of your source when buying in Mexico.

Yeah, I know. Who'd have thought that buying vanilla extract could be complicated?

Get Khalua while you're there. I remember that being a great buy in Cozumel. Probably tequila as well.

Enjoy your trip,


You are posting to a thread that the last post made on it was 1 year and 4 months ago. :D Who's going to Mexico??? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I re-read my post where I was going to lose 2 lbs a month.posted 1-1- 03..I think I gained 2 lbs a month since then. :p :p :p :p Bonnie
I think........

I think........ was Rain who was going to Mexico last January...........anyway Bonnie, just wanted to tell you that my proposed pony-tail didn't come to pass. I think I'll leave that to my retirement, if it ever comes....

Bob - you been doing a search on "beer" posts! ;)

Anne - I've been reading your posts in the "sex after surgery" thread and I'm thinking you don't qualify as "old", no matter what your chronological age is! :)

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