Last night I dreamed that when we got the call to update us on the embryos we somehow ended up with 22, instead of the 16 we had on Friday! Well, we didn't get THAT report (thank goodness), but I sure am thrilled, stunned, and elated with the report we DID get! Here's what we were told:
There are 11 embryos they consider "excellent."
3 embryos they consider "good."
and 2 embryos they consider "average."
The transfer will take place on Tuesday at 12:30. We will arrive at Presbyterian's ARTS department at 12:00. They will not look at the embryos tomorrow, so we will find out when we arrive on Tuesday how they are doing and how many we will transfer (no more than 2), as well as how many we will freeze for later. However, with the way things are going so far, I don't think we need to worry!
LD will be coming down today (if she gets her homework done). Her husband will drive her down halfway and we will meet them and bring her the rest of the way. She and Nathan plan to spend the day together tomorrow while I go to work. That's a little scary.

The two of them are a LOT alike and I worry about how much trouble they'll get themselves into.

I doubt I'll get a whole lot of work done, but at least I will save a personal day. Hopefully when I get home the house will still be standing.
I'm in absolute shock!
