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It's been awhile since I updated this thread, so I thought I'd take the opportunity now. (if you've been keeping up with my blog, you know all of this...)

Even though things have been a roller coaster with my heart, the surrogacy end of things is going REALLY well (knock on wood!). I've been on meds (shots in my tummy) since 9/17. My cardiologist and EP are completely aware that I'm doing this while in the middle of all the surgery crud. No one had any objections, thank goodness! I started taking the meds to stimulate my ovaries on 9/28. I've been getting blood draws every other day to monitor my body's reaction to these meds. I must say, I'm responding VERY well. :D On Thursday they had me reduce one of my meds from 300 units to 225. And today it was reduced even further to 150! :eek: I think I'm responding better than the RE expected! I have always been an over achiever! ;)

Anyway, I also had a sonogram done to check and see how many follicles (potential eggs) were growing in each ovary. Keep in mind that when we first started all of this the RE had said he thought we might get 6-8 eggs from me... Well today's count was 19! :eek: Now, not all of those are going to end up mature enough to harvest, but that's a great number to start with. :D

I go in again on Monday for another sonogram and blood draw, then on Tuesday they will look one more time to determine when I'll take my "trigger shot" (the med that tells the ovaries to "let go" of the eggs) and what time to be at the hospital on Thursday for the egg retrieval. They will fertilize the eggs that day and let them grow for 3-5 days. At which point they will transfer 1-2 of the embryos into our surrogate. :D

I am so completely excited!!! I can't believe we're so close to making our baby! :eek: :D
A busy exciting week ahead for you all
keeping you all in my good thoughts and
prayers and lots of little ones:D 19 great
number to start at.........the best to you
Keep us posted on the excitement:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Hooray that your body is cooperating so well! What an exciting time for you & your hubby! Good luck with the harvest, fertilization & implantation! How soon will you know if "you're pregnant"?!?!
Hooray that your body is cooperating so well! What an exciting time for you & your hubby! Good luck with the harvest, fertilization & implantation! How soon will you know if "you're pregnant"?!?!

Thanks. I'm getting VERY excited/nervous/etc. as we get closer. It's hard to believe it's real! :D

We will be getting a blood test on Oct. 23rd. But even if that comes back positive we'll be holding our breath for a while. A lot can happen in that first trimester! :eek:
very cool, niki!!!! i am so excited for you. becoming parents, no matter how you get there, is such a wonderful and exciting time in your life. your journey has been wonderful to follow, and i am sure it will just get better!! i'll be thinking about you & watching for more "positive" updates! good luck!
I went in for my sono and blood work today and I was told my follicles are ready! :) They measured 18 follicles and said 10 of those measured at least 15 or more (15 what I'm not sure... ;) ). From the sonographer's reaction, I'm assuming this is good news. ;) I'm to take my last lupron shot and the "trigger" shot (ovadril) at 9:15 tonight so I'll be ready for a 9:15 AM egg retrieval on Thursday. We're right on schedule! :)

I have to laugh at my DH, though. He seems to be VERY excited about this last shot. So much so that he's been texting me all day to find out what time I'll need to take it (didn't find out until after 2:30) so he would know if he'd be able to be home from work in time. I get the impression he wants to give the shot to me and I'm not sure how I feel about that. ;) I've given myself all but one of the shots so far. The one that he gave to me ended up bruising the worst of any (I don't think it was his fault, as I had trouble with the needle too and that is why he took over). When I finally texted him the time his response was "Sweet! I should be able to be there. We could toast!" It took some restraint not to laugh out loud (I was in a workshop). :p
I went in for my sono and blood work today and I was told my follicles are ready! :)

*grins devilishly*

Sounds like you are going to pick up a costume for a Holiday play ;). he he

Seriously...sounds good, Niki. Congratulations on the progress! Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way, of course.

And, uh...are you sure toasting was the only thing your DH had in mind? ;)
*grins devilishly*
And, uh...are you sure toasting was the only thing your DH had in mind? ;)
Considering we're not allowed to do THAT right now (might defeat the purpose of trying to use a surrogate), yes, toasting was the only thing he had in mind, Gutter Boy. :p