Katie Update (from Carepage)

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You are right she looks worn out but she looks a little more lively in person. She had just awakened from a nap when these photos were taken and was still a bit groggy.
Thanks so much for the pictures, Gina. Our little Princess is definitely still there. :)
Katie looks pretty darn good to me! Thanks so much for sharing those pictures, Gina. They really are worth thousands of words.

Thanks so much for posting the pictures. Katie does indeed look good for someone who has battled through all she has. And Bobby thanks for sharing your story of this very special little princess.

Janet, Don, Trip, and Katie came to a get together when Cort came through town (Marsha and someone from another list were there as well) and that was my first in-person encounter with Katie. She is absolutely adorable. I loved watching my husband chase her around the water fountain (trying to prevent her from falling in) outside the restaurant. And those "lovely" blue lips after she ate her blue icecream! :)

My second Katie experience was when I was in the hospital in January (for the fourth time in a month!). Janet, Don, and Katie came to visit. Katie sang me parts of a Christmas song, gave me a sticker from her Wiggles sticker and coloring book, and brought me two adorable cards that I have kept. The sweetest thing, though, was Janet and Don's generosity to me and my husband. I just can't say enough about that woman...

Janet and I had talked quite a bit in the virtual world before we ever met in person (we actually wrote to each other long before either of us got on VR.com, believe it or not, then found each other again here!). Meeting was like finally seeing family. I can't wait until they are back in town and we can arrange another get together... This time without any hospitals involved. Hey, Bobby, maybe we can make it a big ol' group? ;) I'm sure Marsha would like to join in the fun. And we could all use the reaussurance of seeing Katie running around acting like her usual self once she's made it all the way over that mountain.

Janet, when you get the chance to read all of this, I hope you realize that YOU are as much a reason for our love of Katie as Katie is herself (after all, you tell Katie stories so well. ;) ). We love you and pray for you as well. Take care of yourself.

Love and hugs,
Thank you Gina. It was reasuring to see Katie looking so good! I am so glad you were able to visit her too! Thanks for letting us know how she's been.
I am praying that her heart rate does well through tonight and that she can leave the picu as soon as it is safe for her to do so.

heart hugs,

geebee said:
OK - I created an account on PhotoBucket. Here is the link and the password is the abbreviation we all use for this site (all lower case, dot included). If you can't figure it out, send me a PM and I will let you know. When you get into the page, click on "Katie" and you can view the pictures.

Please remember that Katie just had major, major surgery so she is not the lively little imp we have come to love in her pictures. However, I am sure you can see the princess is still there. ;) :D ;)

Gnusgal said:
Janet, Don, Trip, and Katie came to a get together when Cort came through town (Marsha and someone from another list were there as well) and that was my first in-person encounter with Katie. She is absolutely adorable. I loved watching my husband chase her around the water fountain (trying to prevent her from falling in) outside the restaurant. And those "lovely" blue lips after she ate her blue icecream! :)

LOL! That was quite a fun gathering, wasn't it?


I don't think I'll ever forget how much energy Katie showed us that evening. I think I kept telling Janet that she could probably make a fortune if she could bottle and sell Katie's energy ;).

And, Gina, thanks for sharing those pictures!
It has been so great to read all of the encouraging posts about Katie's continuing progress and recovery. Congratulations to all, especially Katie and Janet.
Gina the pictures are lovely, Katie looks really good considering all that she has been through.
Continuing to pray for Katie and her parents.
Love & Very Best Wishes
Ernie & Wendy
Gina, Thanks for the photos and updates. I agree, Katie looks great considering what she's been through the past few days.
Still sending lots of prayers and warm thoughts (which must about quadruple the prayers!) to Janet, Katie, Don and Trip.
Lots of Love,
Latest update from Care Page

July 18, 2005 at 01:39 AM CDT

Yikes! I am so embarrassed about my outburst earlier, but I am still really hacked off about that update disappearing. Grrrr! Most of y'all know my love/hate relationship with computers - mainly hate. What a waste of time and effort.............and it was my wittiest one yet! Okay, maybe not, but it was very detailed. Anyway, please forgive my venting my frustration.

Katie is doing so much better!!!! We are still having periods of a very accelerated heart rate, but they are shorter in duration and her blood pressure is more stable during these times. Last night, for some bizarre reason, we started something new - our heart rate started dipping down into the sixties, but again the pressure seemed to hold without going too far down.............and we haven't seen any of that today, so, overall, I would say that we are doing much better.

Katie is drinking more water, but that is about it. We have tried to entice her today with everything from mashed potatoes to ice cream and popsicles, but she won't have anything to do with food. I'm hoping to get something in her tomorrow...........besides just water.

All of our visitors left this AM, but that might have been a good thing as Katie had horrific gas pains much of this afternoon. Bless her heart! The last time she had gone was seven days ago - last Monday. The on-call fellow did not want to give her symethicone as he said it would contribute to her constipation. (Katie's - not the fellow's - although he could be constipated, too, as I feel quite certain that he is full of it. When Katie was started back on the heparin, he forgot to put in an order for more frequent blood gas checks. Last night, her PTT (TPP??) was over 100 and they wantd it at 40 - they immediately stopped the heparin and restarted it today............sigh! So yes, he is full of it! ) Anyway, he did order a glycerin suppository; took a couple of hours, but finally worked like a charm.
Katie refused to go in her diaper because she is a big girl now..............soooo..........it took three of us thirty minutes to get Katie over to the potty and back with all of her IV poles, oxygen, and equipment.......it made quite a sight, I'm sure...........well, it was worth it as her gas pains went away. 'Course Katie is going to kill me someday when she finds out I told the world she pooped.

She is still draining quite a bit, so we still have our chest tubes. As for meds, we are down to amiodarone, dopamine, milrinone, dig, lasix, one antibiiotic (can't rmember what), heparin, coumadin (started a low dose tonight), and I'm sure I have forgotten something, but this is still far fewer than what we have been on. She is also getting lipids and TPN for nutrition.

Our nursing care has been excellent. (Please remnd me of this next week when hopefully we are on the floor and screaming about the lack of good nursing care.) We have had Anne for the day shift and Sarah for the night shift for several days now, and they are both fabulous. I'm afraid we will be losing them shortly, though, as they are both due some time off..........darn it!

Okay, I am getting a warning message from carepages saying my one hour is almost up. Just wanted to apologize and give a better update and thank everyone for putting up with me and for checking in on us. Your support really does mean so much to me. I also once again want to thank Gina and Chris for taking the time to come see us, for the gifts, and especially for bringing all of those warm hugs and good wishes from our vr family. That really lifted my spirits. And yes, Courtney, henpecking go away, and Lyn, I want to see that cartwheel, and Suzy, keep wearing those banana peels. Tommy, we hope to see you ...maybe when we are on the floor??? And as always, y'all please keep those prayers coming. They ARE working and so appreciated.

Many hugs. J.
Ross said:
Oh I don't know, she still looks like an Imp to me! A tired one, but still an Imp. ;)

And we know you love Imps, so quit winking at us! ;) ;)

I think Katie looks really good in the pictures! :) She looks sleepy, but much better than I would ever have hoped for.

We're taking a trip south to San Antonio in December, so I'm trying to figure out how we can get a quick visit in with the Stefen crew. I want to compare Katie's energy levels to my granddaughter's. I think we've got her beat, but it's hard to judge unless you can see 'em in action! :D :D

Prayers will continue until, and after, we get them all back home.
Janet, you get a pass on the outbursts for a while yet if you ask me! Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Katie, you just keep on keepin' on, honey! :D
SO good to see the pictures of Katie. Her color looks good. After what her little body has gone through I wasn't expecting to see her looking that good. Still worn and torn, but good! Thank you Gina!

Katie - we're still praying for you sweetie and for your wonderful Mommy, Daddy and family too.
Newest update- Janet needs some research help.

Well, we have had a relatively calm day today with the same old arrythmia problems, but blood pressure still remaining stable, so at least that is good news. But today i was presented with a "new" mystery, and I am a little more than ticked that I just found out about it today.........told you that fellow was full of it.

Katie's platelet count is low.......and has been low.......and nobody knows why. I know we received several units of blood and several more of platelets the first few days post-op, but nobody informed me that it is still a problem.....until today when the new staff cardiologist on hospital rotation informed me this morning. They are running some tests to see if they can come up with anything. Since Katie is polysplenic, they are running a Howell Jolley bodies (sp??)test to make sure that her spleen(s) aren't functioning too well and killing off her platelets - doubtful, since this has not surfaced before. They are also checking for heparin induced thrombocytopenia. He also mentioned that in some very rare cases, mechnical valves destroy platelets...........ugh! If anyone feels like researching any or all of these things, it would be greatly appreciated. (Here I am again - always asking for prayers, support, research, something.............sigh!) If you find anything out, you can send it to my home e-mail account [email protected] and I will make a point to check that later tonnight. They told us it will be tomorrow before we start getting the results of anything, but I want to be able to ask some intelligent questions.

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers through all of this. Hugs. Janet

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