Katie Update (from Carepage)

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I have been checking Katie's page everyday. It is good to hear that things are starting to look up some. I continue to pray for Katie and the entire family. I hope this next bump in the road with the platelets is just that, a bump and nothing more. I remember when I was in the ICU after my surgery there was something off with my bloodwork. They ended up having to do an ultrasound to check out if it was my gallbladder or spleen or something, I can't remember the specifics. I was still a little out of it. Everything turned out to be just fine and they told me that the bloodwork was just off because of the surgery. This type of surgery makes quite a few things go out of whack. I pray that Katie's platelets get back into range soon.
I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised to see the photos of Katie. She looked so good. Her color was really good. Poor little thing looked really tired but considering everything she has been through looked really really good. Precious little one.

Take Care!
Oh, My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gina told me you guys have been following Katie's progress and started a thread just for her. I am so touched. I have only gotten through about half of the posts and I am sitting here bawling like a baby. Thanks a lot! :D

After doing my research and reading all the links that were sent on HIT, I have to confess that I am scared to death right now and really needed to read these posts. I'm kind of glad now that I didn't read them sooner. I feel like I have a really big shoulder to cry on. Will try to check in more often. Katie really is looking so much better. WE just have to get past this latest hurdle. Please do keep those prayers coming as I think the birds have eaten our breadcrumbs showing our way back out of the forest.

Many grateful hugs to all of you. Will update as soon as we are able to get some answers tomorrow. I just e-mailed Dr. Bove - hey, I figure that is faster than tryiing to track him down tomorrow (today). Much love. J.
Hi Janet

Hi Janet

We are still sending all our love, thoughts and very best wishes to Katie ,you & Don, and hoping Katie will soon be over this latest hurdle.
Very Best Wishes
Ernie & Wendy
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Latest update

52 July 19, 2005 at 01:40 AM CDT
Thank you all so much for the info. I have to confess that i am now petrified of HIT. Katie certainly meets all the criteria for it. Katie's last blood check showed her ptt over 100 again, so we have stopped the heparin again. What I am trying to find out is why it was ever started back up since the previous check was over 100. I will be raising nine kinds of hades first thing in the morning as no one seems to know that answer tonight. I do know one fellow who is going to get a glycerin suppository administered via my boot.

Oh, and we changed rooms today - still in PCTU, but bed 5 in Pod A. We now have a baby bunkmate.

Thank you all so much for the prayers and prayer chains. I am so humbled - especially by those who don't even know us. Sending much love and will update as soon as I get some answers. Much love. J.

Janet, still sending lots of prayers for Katie. I hope that stopping the heparin sorts things out and she's up to her old tricks soon :)

Lots of love,
Gemma xx.
Just wanted to let you and your family know I have been praying for all of you daily. Katie is such a little doll and she has a great family. I will continue to pray and Katie is in my thoughts throughout the day.
Praying for all good test results today and that stopping the Heparin helped and that HIT is not the diagnosis. All our prayers and thoughts are with you today as they are every day!

We're always here for you and Katie. We'll wait to hear the latest update and we'll continue on with our prayers.
Still saying prayers for Katie. She's never far from our thoughts and neither are you Janet. Looking forward to reading your poem "Ode to My Butt" after you get time to finish it....sometime in the next century! :D
How's is Katie is how my day is started, must log on. Thanks Gina for sharing the photos, Katies is beautiful and her spirit shines even after all that she has been through.

My continued prayers for Katie and her family. It is the power of God, love and family that will carry you during this difficult time. Keep those doctors stepping!

My prayers are Certainly Going Up!!!

My prayers are Certainly Going Up!!!


Please know that my prayers are still going up for you and Katie!! Harrybaby :D :D :D
Latest post from Janet:

53 July 19, 2005 at 07:05 PM CDT
Well, our blood test is positive for the Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Dr. Charpie, the guy who is the guru here on that, said that it is extremely rare in children, so they do not routinely test for it when kids are on as many different drugs as Katie was on until they are weaned off many of them. Leave it to my Katie to always insist on being the exception to the rule......sigh! We have stopped her heparin. Her INR is only at 1.3, so we have had to start an alternative drug, called argantroban, which is not FDA approved in children. In fact, we agreed to participate in a study (sponsored by the company, of course) being conducted at several centers across the nation. So far, 10 children have been enrolled. Katie makes number 11. Why do we always have to be one of the first ones out on the ice??? sigh! Anyway, Dr. Charpie said that we had to do something and that is what he would have recommended even if we didn't want to participate in the study. And, after going through all of this, how could we not agree to participate if it will eventually help other parents whose kids like to be unique?

Our platelet count is at 60,000. Pre-op it was 220,000, so we are just a bit down. Norm actually is 250000, so we were a bit down to start with.

Other than that, Katie is doing pretty good. WE still have the arrythmia issues that have kind of taken a backburner for right now. They have switched her to oral amiodorone. In fact, as of this AM, we are only on IV for lipids, TPN, and the argantroban. The milrinone was DCed, as was the dopamine and digoxin, although we added oral captopril. Need to check on the last antibiotic - dunno if it is oral or not, but we will keep it until we lose the chest tubes, which are still draining quite a bit. But, we might even get to move to the floor tomorrow, depending on how this argantroban works out. We are doing frequent blood tests right now - every four hours - just to stay on the safe side and to see how Katie's body is handling it.

Needless to say, Katie is tired and a bit grumpy, but she is certainly entitled. This was our first full day off the morphine, and she seems to be handling it fairly well. She has more gas pain than anything else. When I had to leave just a little while ago at shift change, she started crying and said, "I want to leave this place. I want to go with you." Liked to broke my heart.

Oh, and we lost our foley today, too, to try and get Katie up more.

Y%'all must have gotten the word out - didn't see the fellow at all today. Dr. Bove did stop in this AM - see my e-mail did work. Hmmm...maybe that's why the fellow was MIA.

I am sure that I am forgetting tons of things, but for now things are relatively calm - just praying that this new drug does the trick and that Katie doesn't have an adverse reaction to it and that we can get back into sinus rhythm. I feel like an ogre when i call home and talk to Trip. He is bored to tears.........but what can I do? He would have been even more bored if he was sitting here in the hotel room all day...........

Thanks so much again for all of the info last night. Dr. Charpie was a little shocked when I knew all about argantroban as some of you had e-mailed that very link. Thank you, too, for your continued support and prayers. Much love. J.
Prayers are still with you as we await word of this latest development.
Katie could've done without that, but since it couldn't be helped, I really hope that drug works well for her. I can imagine how fed up she must be and I hope she can be moved to a regular room tomorrow. I'll keep on praying!!
Still praying for Katie. Hopefully this new drug will do the job for her and help other children as well.

I am going through Katie withdrawal. I keep seeing her face and wishing I was still there to hold her hand. I know now why Janet is so hesitant to leave her side.
I loved the pictures of Katie, what a sweet tough little girl, i only wish i knew her in person! I bet she has so much energy after all this is over with no one will be able to catch up to her!!

I just had to check the updates before i headed to bed. I really hope we hear that her meds are undercontrolled soon, and that she's feels well and back to her little self before we all know it.

Saying lots of prayers tonight! Sending my love to the whole family. Hope you are all feeling well yourselves!

Needless to say, Katie is tired and a bit grumpy, but she is certainly entitled. This was our first full day off the morphine, and she seems to be handling it fairly well. She has more gas pain than anything else. When I had to leave just a little while ago at shift change, she started crying and said, "I want to leave this place. I want to go with you."

I think we all can relate to feeling this way, on some level.

Katie, dearest, you are not alone :).

Thoughts/prayers continuing, of course.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
MC Guide = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
"Someday tomorrow will smile" ... Oak Ridge Boys ... 'Dream On'
I am hoping for the best for Katie!

I am hoping for the best for Katie!

My heart aches to think of how this must be for you, as a mama. I hope for all the best and am praying very hard for your baby.

surgery 9/8/05

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