Katie Update (from Carepage)

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EmmaCornish said:
When was Janets last update? I mean what time over there? Cos where i am it was over a day ago i think and i've checked about a dozentimes today - hoping no news is good news!

It was at 6:48 PM CDT. That's about 20.5 hours ago. I too pray that no news is good news. Is Gina visiting them today? Surely she'll bring us an update??? Gina?
Gina's visit

Gina's visit

In her post last night she said she'd see Katie again this morning before hitting the road to go home. She also said she'd post another picture of her since there was a problem with the last one. Hope to hear from somebody again soon anyway.
EmmaCornish said:
When was Janets last update? I mean what time over there? Cos where i am it was over a day ago i think and i've checked about a dozentimes today - hoping no news is good news!


I thought that maybe since Gina is still there with them, Janet was going to take a break and either update later or let Gina update us all when she gets home.
I'm hoping that Janet has found that Katie is more stable, and maybe she's getting a nap in.
I do think no news is good news in this case. But I will say a prayer just to be on the safe side.

You have been here long enough to know that there is no time limitation on infatuation. When Katie first joined VR, Janet posted a picture of Katie after her last valve repair attempt. She was still hooked up in the ICU in the picture. She looks an awful lot like my own little granddaughter, and for a long time, I couldn't bear to look at her avatar without tearing up.
She has been in my heart since that very first posting, and I imagine that's been true for many others.

So of course we understand why you've learned to love her! It can't be helped!
Gina, I"m trying to figure out how I missed your update post. Just too busy this weekend. But Katie has not been out of my thoughts and prayers. I have a good friend that says to think of someone in a fond way is also praying for them. So I know that God has had untold number of messages in his In box with her name on it.
Still thinking of Katie everyday! I look forward to all of the updates! I only wish i could have "seen" the picture that Gina downloaded. It wouldnt come through for me.. sigh..

Does anyone have an actual mailing address if we wanted to send Katie a card at the hospital? I know she might not know myself or others.. But recieving cards always lifts the spirits!! I would just like to be able to send my thoughts,prayers and love to her in a cute little card.

Saying my prayers this morning, afternoon, and before i go to bed!
I just checked Betty...

I just checked Betty...

I just checked Katie's carepage, and there still is no new update as of yet...Harrybaby :D
Here is the contact information from the hospital care page:

Home Address
Katelyn Steffen
1905 Alston Street
Arlington, TX 76013
United States

E-mail Address
The CarePage Manager -
Janet Sansing-Steffen:
[email protected]

The Patient:
[email protected]

Healthcare Sponsor
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
1500 East Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
United States

Visiting Information and Special Instructions:
Room Number: PCTU #5327
Visiting Hours: Good question! We're here 24/7!!

Don's cell #(214) 641-8869; Janet's: (817) 637-7706; warning: You will probably end up having to leave a message as they will be turned off much of the time in the hospital, but we will try and get back to you when we can. Med Inn Rm #507
Latest from Janet

Latest from Janet

AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO PISSED! I just spent twenty five minutes, which I really don't have to spare, typing up an update and POOF! It is gone with a "can 't find server" error. ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHH! And now it is time to get back into the PCTU...........

Will try and update later, but for now Katie is doing better. Still very erratic rate with some very high numbers and then for the first time last nightm, some very low numbers. But we are starting to stay in an acceptable range for greater lengths of time. So things are definitely looking up. Thank you all so very much for the prayers. I am starting to feel them working. And thank you Gina, Chris, Dee, and Melissa for everything.

Much love. J.
I understand Janet's frustration, but I am so relieved to read that Katie is doing better- keep it up Katie! :)
Thanks for the information on the contacts!

I am deffinately going to get a card out to her! She's such a good lil fighter!! I'll be sending more prayers tonight before i head to bed!!
What I wanted to hear!

What I wanted to hear!

Janet has told us in a few words all we needed to know. I was beginning to worry something might have happened and that was why she was so late in updating us. I'll fianlly be able to get some rest myself now. Looking forward to hearing more good news!
Débora :)



Just got in from Michigan. Katie's heartrate has been staying low today so things are definitely looking up. Janet is doing much better and is even allowing herself to relax a little - she actually got 6 hours of sleep last night.

Katie has been sleeping a lot because she is getting some meds for itching and they are making her drowsy. However, she did wake up for a bit while I was there and I am trying again to attach some pictures. If these don't work, I will figure out a webpage to post them. I didn't get any pictures of Janet - she resisted because she was so tired. I thought she looked great but that is not something to push.

I met Don today also and he is as great as Janet. Katie is very lucky to have such loving parents and they are lucky to have such a sweet daughter. It was an extreme pleasure to be allowed to spend so much time with them. I feel very privileged.

So keep the prayers coming (as if I have to mention it) so Katie's next big step is getting out of PICU.

Janet and Don send thier love and thanks to everyone here.
The pictures did not work. I will get with my S/O and figure something out.
Thanks for the update, Gina. So nice of you to be there and so supportive to Janet and Don. I'm sure they appreciate it!
Would love to see them!!

Would love to see them!!

Thanks for the update Gina. I've just written a message for Janet on the carepage too, and since I was there, I took the chance to go through all Katie's photos. How lovely and brave she is. My daughter won't even do a blood test without kicking up a big fuss! And she's 8! I was wondering if you could send the photos to my E-mail too. I'd love to see them!!
It's [email protected]


OK - I created an account on PhotoBucket. Here is the link and the password is the abbreviation we all use for this site (all lower case, dot included). If you can't figure it out, send me a PM and I will let you know. When you get into the page, click on "Katie" and you can view the pictures.

Please remember that Katie just had major, major surgery so she is not the lively little imp we have come to love in her pictures. However, I am sure you can see the princess is still there. ;) :D ;)

How I Almost Met Katie

How I Almost Met Katie

RobHol said:
Gina, thanks for giving us news after your visit, even though the news is not as good as we would wish. But I guess little bumps are to be expected on the road to recovery.

Just wanted to say you long-timers on vr.com are privileged to know so well the courageous little Katie and her wonderful parents. As a relative newcomer, I sometimes feel like an outsider looking in. But just wanted to say that Katie's courage has captured my heart, too, and I am praying very hard for her complete recovery.

Thank you all for all you are doing.

Rob, I am not a long time member of vrcom either, Oct. 2004. I received a couple of posts from Janet last October. She knew where Powderly, Texas was located as she had attended guard camp closeby. That was our only connection until my surgery. I was visited by a couple of ladies when I was in ICU. One was Janet and the other was Marsha (catwoman). They didn't know me from Adam, but took the time to come visit.
When my wife walked into the waiting room, she said this cute little blonde girl ran up to her and said "I have a present for Bobby". My wife said she almost lost everything right there. Don and Trip stayed in the waiting room while Janet visited with me. My wife said Katie kept them well entertained in the waiting room.
Like you, I have never met Katie, but I plan to when she gets back home. I feel like I know her well and I know I hurt for her. She stays in our prayers.
Hopefully she will be back in Texas soon and I can make my visit in person.
Janet and Don have good hearts as they showed to me and my family.

Prayers continue,

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