39 July 13, 2005 at 03:40 AM CDT
Baby steps, Baby steps! This is Janet, by the way, and thanks so much for updating for me, Kim. My butt is dragging and my brain is mush, so I will keep this short...........yes, Cort, even for me.
Well, we didn't get to see Katie until 10Pm (this here time as opposed to whatever y'all's time is). Apparently after being brought up to the PICU, she decided things had not been lively enough today, and she needed to get everyone hopping again. Her heart started "jetting" - yes, that was the OFFICIAL medical term used by the cardiologist on call; in other words, her heart was racing out of control. Then her blood pressure took another dive. They tried externally pacing her, but she didn't like that and her blood pressure would take another dive..............
It took awhile to get all of that quasi under control. Her HR was still 178 when we went up to see her at ten and her blood pressure was too low. Katie is on Vasopressin (sp) and dopamine for her blood pressure and amiodorone (sp) to help her HR. She was also packed in ice to lower her temp, which helps lower the HR. She is also getting blood and fluid to help. Long story short: as of 15 minutes ago, Katie's heart is back in sinus rhythm, dropped back down to 110, and her blood pressure is coming up slowly - although she is getting lots of help to do that, so that is still a real concern. And I don't like the chest being open for numerous reasons, but mainly due to infection risk. STill on the vent - 32% O2 w/resp. support @20 breaths per minute. And did I mention that I don't like the chest being left open??
She woke up ever so briefly before they knocked her back out. She was gagging on the vent and had tears in her eyes. I think she knew I was there before they re-sedated her. As much as I hated seeing her gagging, I needed to see my Katie was still in there.
I am so blessed - to have one hell of surgeon (guess I really shouldn't use blessed and hell in the same sentence, huh?), a little lioness for a daughter, a terrific son and family, and wonderful friends like y'all. Thank you all so much for your kind words and notes and PRAYERS! The notes are comforting to read and the prayers are really appreciated. Please keep those coming as we have a long way to go. Much love. Janet