New Update
New Update
Just posted on the carepage:
38 July 12, 2005 at 08:30 PM CDT
Hi all it's Kim again. Well I just talked to Janet again and I must say there was a much better tone in Janet's voice, which I was very happy to hear! Okay so the good news is Katie is out of surgery and in the PICU now. As I am typing this Janet and Don are on their way up to see their little girl. So Dr. Bove went back in and right away saw that the issue Katie was having had to do with the valve repair, which is where the bad news comes in. It ends up that he went ahead and did the valve replacement rather than risking Katie anymore problems later down the road. Although in retrospect, it is not that bad considering. So Katie now has a mechanical valve, which Don and Janet are at peace with for the most part. As Janet said, if things were going to go south with the valve, she would much rather know now than to find out a few days from now or like last time a month from now. The fontan looks good thus far and did not need to be taken down...HOORAY!!!! Due to Katie's heart going through as much as it did, the heart has some swelling to it and they have left her chest open. It is not really what you want, but does happen on occasion and usually in a day or two can be closed. There were some irregular rhythms that occurred so they are going to keep an eye on this over the next few days. At this time they feel it is due to the surgery she just went through and they expect to see this considering the time she was on by-pass. If there is still concern on this later then she may need to have a pacemaker. She is being monitored at this time with the pacer wires that she has in, again a normal thing after surgery.
So our good news is they found the source of the problem, fixed it, and the fontan did not need to be taken down. Prayer is an amazing thing! Now Katielion is not out of the woods yet and is still critical so please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She still has a way to go, but this little spitfire is headed in the right direction! Janet and Don want to thank everyone who is keeping their family in their thoughts and prayers. I should hear from Janet again tomorrow and will update as soon as I do. Way to go Katie, you are one tough lioness; it won?t be long before you are directing everyone on how to do things your way. Much love to you sweetie!
Aw man I just realized in all the relief that things are looking better, I forgot to ask what her O2 sats are?.darn. Well that will be on my list of questions tomorrow.
Thanks again for the out pour of prayers and love to the Steffen Family!
Kim, mama to Xander (with complex CHD?s)