Joe's going back into the hospital

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I'm sorry to hear that yet another bout with the doctors is in the offing. Nancy, Joe is a lucky man indeed to know that you have his back.

May it be short and sweet, and may he be out in time to watch the poppies bust open.

Best wishes,
Hi Nancy

Just add a great big DITTO for us for every message on the list. We will absolutely put Joe and You in our prayers........Thinking of you, girlfriend.

I'm sorry that Joe is having a new round of problems. I get the feeling that perhaps this time, they're ahead of the curve enough to head things off before they get really bad.

The guy with the best wingman usually comes out on top. Joe's a lucky guy -

All my best


Today is Monday and I wanted to wish Joe the best of luck.. :) :) Let us hear how he is doing? :) Bonnie
Hi Nancy

Will be praying for you both today, too, along with Rossman and Lyn. Please keep us posted on Joe's progress.

Johnny Stephens said:
I'm sorry that Joe is having a new round of problems. I get the feeling that perhaps this time, they're ahead of the curve enough to head things off before they get really bad.
The guy with the best wingman usually comes out on top. Joe's a lucky guy -
All my best

Johnny's post made me think of the old movie, "A Guy Named Joe". Spencer Tracy had the role of Joe, a pilot who returns as a Guardian Angel to protect the love of his life.
Your Joe has been blessed to have you as his own living, loving guardian angel. He doesn't need Hollywood special effects!
Good luck and God speed through the next few days.
Thinking Of You Both

Thinking Of You Both

Nanct & Joe.

Let Me Add My Well Wishes To All The Vr Family Here....Keep Us Posted On His Progress...We Care... :D
Nancy and Joe,
I was out of town Friday through Monday and just got a chance to check out this site. So sorry to hear about Joe. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
More prayers and warm thoughts coming your way. Hope all is resolved very quickly.
Just adding..........

Just adding..........

Nancy said:
So, on Monday, he will be admitted to the hospital in the Heart Transplant Unit, not because he needs a transplant, but because this is where they diagnose and stabilize serious CHF. He'll be having a right heart cath (which will diagnose worsening pulmonary hypertension), and additional testing, looking for other heart problems. He could be in there for a while depending on what new medications he needs to be on and how long it takes to get things turned around.

my love and prayers to everyone else's. You guys are very much in our thoughts. Please keep us posted. Hugs. Janet
I've been out of town and therefore slow in responding to this latest news. I am so sorry to hear that Joe is experiencing difficulties. Both you and he will be very much in my thoughts.
Just an update. Joe will be having his right heart cath tomorrow, and possibly also a left heart one. He's had an echocardiogram, and ultrasound of his stomach area and lots of bloodwork, plus many, many physical examinations covering every inch of his body S-L-O-W-L-Y.

No answers yet, just in the info. gathering phase. The caths will shed lots of light, I hope.

One thing that I have gleaned from one of the doctors, and I'm not sure I'm even describing it well because I don't have a good understanding of the underlying issues, but Joe has always been super-overreactive to things that happen to him medically. If someone usually gets over what he has, he ends up in the ICU. I never understood why, but apparently rheumatic fever people have some immune system problem which can make them overreact this way, too many antigens and antibodies. Others have mentioned thhe antigens before, but not in relationship to hyperreactions.

I'll try to pin down this man again and ask more.

I do know that Joe has blood that is extremely hard to match, and I guess it is these components that make it difficult.

If any of you have information on it, I'd appreciate knowing-so I know what the heck I'm talking about :rolleyes:

But that is not his major problem, just something interesting.
Slow and methodical sound good at this point. I'll keep Joe in my prayers through the caths. You sound upbeat as usual, so I guess all is well. :)

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