Just an update. Joe will be having his right heart cath tomorrow, and possibly also a left heart one. He's had an echocardiogram, and ultrasound of his stomach area and lots of bloodwork, plus many, many physical examinations covering every inch of his body S-L-O-W-L-Y.
No answers yet, just in the info. gathering phase. The caths will shed lots of light, I hope.
One thing that I have gleaned from one of the doctors, and I'm not sure I'm even describing it well because I don't have a good understanding of the underlying issues, but Joe has always been super-overreactive to things that happen to him medically. If someone usually gets over what he has, he ends up in the ICU. I never understood why, but apparently rheumatic fever people have some immune system problem which can make them overreact this way, too many antigens and antibodies. Others have mentioned thhe antigens before, but not in relationship to hyperreactions.
I'll try to pin down this man again and ask more.
I do know that Joe has blood that is extremely hard to match, and I guess it is these components that make it difficult.
If any of you have information on it, I'd appreciate knowing-so I know what the heck I'm talking about
But that is not his major problem, just something interesting.