Joe's going back into the hospital

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sounds like improvement to me. Tell Joe prayers work; guess he knows that, tho. Thanks for keeping us all up to date. Rest now, hear?

You get another degree added to your name. How many does that make? Thank you for being here, Nancy. You are a jewel.
Nancy said:
...fatigue, nausea, light-headedness, shortness of breath, and fluid retention which was mostly presenting as ascites, with organ involvement, instead of foot and ankle edema, plus high magnesium levels possible indicating kidney stress. His platelets are also low. Just in case any of you recognize these symptoms in your own situation. Don't let it go on and on.

Been there, done that... Thankfully, an artificial tricuspid valve and two months of hospital time did WONDERS for me.

It's no fun though and I really do sympathize for Joe, and for you.

Hope it doesn't take long to get things in better order. It's a slippery slope we're all on and most of us don't really realize it until it gets to be too late. Most folks get things corrected before they really start to slide, some (like me) don't for whatever reason and sometimes that can lead to a longer, harder recovery.

I hope Joe does well and gets out soon.
Nancy, I haven't been her in quite a while, and all hell broke loose! :D I am so very sorry you and JOe have been through so much. It sounds like things are getting better, thank goodness. May it continue!
He has come home with a couple of new meds and a couple more specialists to see. He's happy to be sprung.

So I guess I'll consider this thread closed.

Thank you, everyone, for all the good wishes and prayers. I can't tell you how much they meant.

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