Joe is in the hospital

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You two are added to our prayer list too Nancy. I am so sorry that you are going through this.
Hi Nancy and Joe,

We have been out of the mix for a few days. So sorry to hear all of the new/old issues. Wishing both of you the best. I am off for Katrina volunteer for 10 days to 21 days.

God Bless!

John & Joann
Dear Nancy and Joe: seemed he was doing Ok for awhile. I know you will post as soon as you have something definitive. Please remember that you are both in all of our prayers.

Dear Nancy:

Besides coumaden, does Joe take aspirin? I can't recall the list of meds he is on, except the Tracleer for the PH. When Wayne was last throwing clots, (January small stroke, and Feb. a TIA), he had missed 2 days of the aspirin. Just a thought. Also, his tricuspid valve being severely leaking....could this be the area that is throwing the clots? I am sure after the TEE they will have a better idea. - Best wishes for a comprehesive test result tomorrow.
I cannot imagine they will just send him home with pain that bad.-Marybeth
Hi Nancy,
Praying for you and Joe, gosh how scary to go through all of this. Praying that the medical staff will be avle to find a solution that doesn't need to involve surgery.
Love and thoughts,
Well, I spoke too soon. The cardiologists decided to do blood and other cultures to make sure there wasn't any infection causing endocarditis. Right after the first set of cultures, Joe developed shaking chills and spiked a temp of 103.3 in 30 minutes. Then got sick to his stomach and was going at the other end too.

Several doctors came in and decided a TEE is being done for sure tomorrow or Tuesday. And he'll probably be staying until the cultures develop. He wants to come home so badly. But with all this stuff hitting the fan, I'm so glad he's in the hospital where he can get real help.

His ammonia level was also very high, and creatinine out of whack so he's on lactulose to remove the ammonia. This is from kidney and liver malfunction. My guess is that it's all tied together some way, just don't have all the pieces of the puzzle yet.

He did feel better after a few days on lactulose (until this afternoon that is), so the ammonia was causing some unusual symptoms that I would never have recognized including the rapid heavy breathing with shortness of breath, tremors, headache and other subtle things.

We'll see what happens after the TEE. I've wanted that for the longest time, so this forced everyone's hand.


I have been away too..Hope Joe is better. Spleen? A good friend of mine had her's removed about 3 years hooked on morphine in hospital. She told took her 3 weeks in hospital to get off it.. she's doing great now.. just takes her meds for it...Bonnie
I'm sorry to hear of the turn of events. Wanted to mention Lactulose is also used for constipation so that might be if not causing, exasperating the runs. Poor guy. I am praying all the more for both of you. May God be merciful and help him to recover quickly.
Sorry to hear of this turn of events for Joe. But perhaps the TEE will reveal some key details that will help him. Like everyone else here, I'll be awaiting a note from you on the results.
Oh, Nancy..........

Oh, Nancy..........

I'm so sorry to hear of all this. It is probably not at all related, but there is a nasty stomach bug going around these parts already this school year. I hope y'all get some answers soon with some simple, easy fixes. Sending prayers and hugs. Much love. Janet
Oh gosh Nancy....I hope he is up to the TEE today. Sure sounds like something is more wrong than just the spleen issues. My prayers will be with you both today. - Marybeth
Today's news was not very good. The TEE was OK, valves seem to be doing OK, they couldn't visualize the aortic well, but the function is OK. This afternoon's news was disturbing. Joe's cultures have grown a bacterial infection. The consensus of opinion is that his pacemaker might be infected and possibly spun off some clots causing the spleen infarctions.

The other news is that he is allergic to the most important antibiotics they can use for this infection. And they all can cause kidney problems which is something that Joe cannot have.

The Infectious disease doctor didn't mince any words, he was worried, and not only about the pacemaker but the valves. I don't think he felt they were out of danger. And he suggested that removal of the pacemaker is possible, and said that they are not easy to remove. I guess the leads would have to come out as well.

By the way, the pacemaker is a Guidant. It wasn't on the recall list the last time I looked. But there were recalls for infections in Guidant pacemakers.

His temp was a little lower today but still there. He is still having episodes of stomach and intestinal problems. But that may be from the Lactulose. However he has to have that and enough of it to produce at least 3 evacs. per day, in order to clear the ammonia from his system.

About the only good news is that the flank pain from the infarctions in the spleen has gone away, so I guess the inflammation has lessened, leaving just the necrotic tissue.

So, it's a mess. He has been started on some antibiotic he can have, and tomorrow, there may be a better game plan. It's a serious issue. Things can sure turn on a dime---

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