inr still messed up

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So glad to hear you are home, Carole. Hope everything goes smoothly and INR is under control from now. WIshing you the best.
You are not going to believe this!!! Well the nurse actually impressed me, she knew all about me and I could tell she had read my records, of course the rn that was dealing with me last didnt fax my stuff to her and she said he knew he wouldn't anyways.. They use looked like a hometester because it gave results right then and I was 4.9, YEP, 3.9 when I left the hospital Thursday and then back to 4.9 Friday with NO coumadim since Monday..... She told me to not take anymore eat plenty of greens and then take half a mg on sunday night I go back monday morning and I'm going to see if the cardiologist there will refer me to the blood doctor and I want a prescrpition for a hometester. I'm not sure if insurance will pay but I don't like not being able to see what I'm running and it scares me that one day it might just drop, so far no signs of that but it still scares me because how in the heck am I still showing these readings!!! I for sure don't want to drop and have clots ya know! My right shoulder has really been killing me since Wed. night and then around my neck and right below both of my ears, but its the shoulder/arm that is the worst. I have a very healthy appetite now and no nausea. In fact I've really been eating like a pig!!! the pain was making me very nervous this morning but i have no fever and with having a good appetitie I'm hoping everything is ok??? I think my blood is WHACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hope this new Coumadin Clinic Nurse works out for you.
At least she is paining attention which is a good sign.

When (not IF :) you see a Hematologist, you may want to ask about the Genetic Testing that checks for how your blood / body reacts to Coumadin. I expect you will fall in one of those Rare Exception Categories... Sorry about that!

'AL Capshaw'
A Hematology consult is definitely in order. We've got to find out what is going on with your liver metabolism.
I hope you are taking your temperature frequently. You had that multiple lumen catheter in your neck for quite a while, and you sure don't want the site to get an infection.

You need to monitor it with temperature taking, especially if it is sore.

And you have to get a consult with a hematologist.
I will make sure they give me a hematoglogist reference if I have to have John jump on the desk, Monday.... Thanks everyone.. Yes, I've been watching the temperature and it has been good and so is appetite but neck did have me worried last night. I for sure have a hole where it was so I will be watching it, infection does scare me..... feeling much better today, really haven't slept much since I got home though.
Okay, thanks, I was wondering. I kept it covered yesterday but took it off today to give it some air. I'll put something back on it...
I had the same problem, big hole in my neck but it is finally healing, like dyna said, just a bump now.
Carole - you are a stumper!!! 4.9 and no Coumadin for 6 days. Definitely need to find out why your body is hanging on to the Coumadin. If I were you, I'd get started on a home monitor ASAP and for the exact reasons you mentioned.
I'm hoping to get them to refer me to a hematologist and give me a script for the heart monitor Monday. How fast can you get them? It really does make me nervous... We will just pay ourselves and then see if the insurance will pay back if they don't it will be worth having the tester at home and knowing what my INR is... I am supposed to take a half a mg tomorrow night... Right now blood pressure is a little high but feeling better than last night, hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight!!!
I'm glad to hear that you are home and all is going well for you. I wish for you to have a quick recovery. The worst thing to watch got now is overdoing it. Be careful, goodluck, and God Bless. :cool:
Al hasn't said anything new:

These cases are rare. She will probably need a tiny dose of warfarin -- less than 0.5 mg per day. The INR probably went back up because the fresh frozen plasma is short acting and it wore off before the long-acting warfarin did. Her husband has written to me but I guess I'll go ot and see the rest of the posts.
Hey girl,

I am glad you are home. I know you must be frustrated. It just kills me that we can all survive this OHS but it's all the other things that get us.

Let's just keep on keeping on.

Hey girl,

I am glad you are home. I know you must be frustrated. It just kills me that we can all survive this OHS but it's all the other things that get us.

Let's just keep on keeping on.


Yeah, but this is minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. It'll get figured out. It's just not typical.

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