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No Bible??

No Bible??

The scary part is that President Obama didn't feel that it was important enough to use the bible for the repeating of the oath of office that he did the next day.

I think it was all an intentional flub on the 1st try, so that he could do it for real without the bible.

Now there's some controversey for y'all :eek:
The scary part is that President Obama didn't feel that it was important enough to use the bible for the repeating of the oath of office that he did the next day.

I think it was all an intentional flub on the 1st try, so that he could do it for real without the bible.

Now there's some controversey for y'all :eek:
Now there ya go! The Founder starting the controversy! :D
The scary part is that President Obama didn't feel that it was important enough to use the bible for the repeating of the oath of office that he did the next day.

I think it was all an intentional flub on the 1st try, so that he could do it for real without the bible.

Now there's some controversey for y'all :eek:

ohhhh man :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: My eyes are rolling so hard right now! :D
Hank said:
The scary part is that President Obama didn't feel that it was important enough to use the bible for the repeating of the oath of office that he did the next day.

I think it was all an intentional flub on the 1st try, so that he could do it for real without the bible.

Now there's some controversey for y'all :eek:

Ain't percocets fun?:D;):p
The Founder started it; the Founder started it! :p:p:p Actually, that's them percocets talkin'. I took those every time the nurses offered them after my OHS, and friends who called me in my hospital room were startled -- sounded like I was partying! :D

Hey, we've all been a little edgy at times with this thread, because an Inauguration is after all a political event -- and political views are like children; one prefers one's own. :p But overall I think it has been a fun and constructive thread -- Superbob has tried very hard to behave himself; he has saved most of his sarcastic comments for Facebook.:D

I do agree with Karlynn. I would have liked to have seen (from the incoming crowd in DC) a little more respect for President Bush, agree with him or not. I can't recall any President who has been more gracious in the transition of power than he has.
I think it?s like the old gag kids use to play (and maybe still do) ?.. put a bag full of pooh on the porch, light it and ring the bell ?.. I think President Obama has stepped into a world of mess ?.
Yes, Hank, I heard that Obama and Roberts had a closed door meeting prior to the swearing in ceremony so they could plan how to make it look real.
it is ALL up to the incoming people and most of it was not raised by the comittee. BUT I will stay out of this thread from now on

Actually, no, Congress plans it all. Various groups throw various balls and receptions, but the swearing-in, luncheon and parade are done by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Here is the URL:

You can watch the event here, too! They also have footage of the Regan and Kennedy swearing-ins.

This year's Chair was Dianne Feinstein; that's why she was the emcee for the day. There are both Republicans and Democrats on the committee.
As I sit here late at night agonizing with a very enjoyable kidney stone and many many percocets having been consumed over the past 4 days, I wonder why it is that folks get so worked up about topics like this.

The important things are how we treat others, and how we prepare ourselves and our families for the rainy days ahead.

The house that is built upon a rock - will not be washed away by any single commander in chief.

Act according to what you feel in your hearts to be the truth, and all will be fine.

And one correction - Someone said that since they had started this thread that they owned it. That would be incorrect. Al Gore owns the internet because he invented it.

Great post, Hank. thank you. Hope your stone is getting on its way and that you are easier now. let us know. Blessins........
Pres Bush was booed when he entered the inaugural stage

I was very disappointed in the lack of respect shown to the outgoing president.

Not giving respect is different from acting or speaking disrespectfully.
Totally agree here. I hate to see 'mob mentality' and I don't like
to see a man(even Presidents:)) kicked when they are down.
Sorry to hear that 'we' showed such a lack of grace.
Hi folks,

Well, first of all I want to say this. This is THE VERY BEST heart support group ever!! I will never forget all of the loving support I received from total strangers, just before my surgery, and while I was in the hospital! It surely does not matter to me, whether you voted for Obama, or whomever. Lisa, thank you for your encouragement, and help with my ongoing pericarditis problem. It does help tremendously to know I am not the only one who is experiencing this.

Having said that though, (I know I'm changing the subject) I have to ask, what do you think of what our President has done so far, after only three days in office? I myself feel insecure, and less safe than I have felt in a long time. I also, don't care for the abortion restrictions that are being reversed. Yes, I guess you could say I am a conservative, and I don't feel these polices are in the best interest of our country. I have a feeling it's going to be a very long four years.

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?

Best regards to all, Kathy
I feel fantastic and I think we're making progress toward genuine liberty and restoring our moral superiority in the world. You asked! :D

"We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals."
Hi folks,

Well, first of all I want to say this. This is THE VERY BEST heart support group ever!! I will never forget all of the loving support I received from total strangers, just before my surgery, and while I was in the hospital! It surely does not matter to me, whether you voted for Obama, or whomever. Lisa, thank you for your encouragement, and help with my ongoing pericarditis problem. It does help tremendously to know I am not the only one who is experiencing this.

Having said that though, (I know I'm changing the subject) I have to ask, what do you think of what our President has done so far, after only three days in office? I myself feel insecure, and less safe than I have felt in a long time. I also, don't care for the abortion restrictions that are being reversed. Yes, I guess you could say I am a conservative, and I don't feel these polices are in the best interest of our country. I have a feeling it's going to be a very long four years.

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?

Best regards to all, Kathy

My thoughts are that you seem to have this website confused with a politcal one. I, for one, couldn't care less what your views are of what the President has done so far and would never post my opinions about it one way or the other on here. There are other places for it. It just simply doesn't belong on here.
Hate to say it, but I haven't really paid attention! Kathy, you remind me of one of the things I used as a teacher to try to make the kids stop being mean to each other. For every "put down" you make about one of your fellow humans, you have to make 3 "put ups". Granted, there are people who owe Bush lots of "put ups", but can we please take the high road here and rise above it? I'm not saying support all his politics, but at least admit that he won't be 100% wrong?

Duff! - Really! - Moral superiority? I'm not even sure what that means!
Ah. Moral superiority is the belief or attitude that one's position and actions are justified by having higher moral values than one's political, religious or moral opponent; see "just war" concept.

The idea that moral superiority is possible is opposed by those who espouse moral equivalence, either in a specific conflict or in general.


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