It is coming up on 6 weeks since my mitral valve replacement. Pretty routine recovery I guess. Thought I had a blood clot one day but tests showed it negative. ER Doc says pinched nerve instead. I guess the surgery hurting is/was like what everyone else experiences. I sneezed for the first time at week 5. Hurt like heck for 30 seconds. Hours later I seen the incission had bled a little. Luckily it stopped on its own. INR has been 2.4 to 3. I need to learn more on what foods I should watch out for. I am doing better with that now. I see the surgeon for the 6 week post op visit next thursday. I am pretty sure I am on target as to where I should be at this point.
Now, my question. After surgery had taken place, the surgeon visited with the family in the waiting room to describe how things went. Basically OK. He tried to repair but had to replace with a St Jude 33mm valve. My concerns is about something I knew (for about 4 weeks anyway) going in to all of this. My heart had enlarged significantly over the years (didn't know I had heart problems til last June). The surgeons comment to the family was he wished he would have gotten to me 5 years ago. He also said I will have heart problems in the future. As you can guess, that isn't exactly what I wanted to hear. My question is, has anyone here been diagnosed with a enlarged heart problem and has any symptoms crept up on you and if so, how long after surgery? Months? Year? Years? Either way, I guess I will take one day at a time and go from there...Thanks, Gary
Now, my question. After surgery had taken place, the surgeon visited with the family in the waiting room to describe how things went. Basically OK. He tried to repair but had to replace with a St Jude 33mm valve. My concerns is about something I knew (for about 4 weeks anyway) going in to all of this. My heart had enlarged significantly over the years (didn't know I had heart problems til last June). The surgeons comment to the family was he wished he would have gotten to me 5 years ago. He also said I will have heart problems in the future. As you can guess, that isn't exactly what I wanted to hear. My question is, has anyone here been diagnosed with a enlarged heart problem and has any symptoms crept up on you and if so, how long after surgery? Months? Year? Years? Either way, I guess I will take one day at a time and go from there...Thanks, Gary