Hmm, Slowwww--What are you doing this weekend?

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Hi Ram

Hi Ram

Haven't heard from you in a while. Glad to see you are back with us. I never made it to Maine this summer........had a weekend planed in Ogunquit, but ended up that weekend at Mass General instead. Guess I will wait now until next summer as it is starting to get a bit cool out these days.

Welcome back!

Hey there MAMS

WELCOME BACK!!! Sounds as though you had a wonderful summer!!! We did, too, except for the projects going on around here.....New deck, windows, doors, etc......hopefully they'll be finished by the end of Sept. We were supposed to be in Maine this weekend, beginning tomorrow, but canceled it this year because of the projects....hopefully they'll be putting in my doors this Friday, YAY!! We do love it up there, but only in the summer. Have a few friends who live in York and Wells, southern Maine.

Be well and stay healthy.




Scary! Too bad I can't answer back with a picture attachment! But thanks for the link. I've read the instructions. You see, I don't have a scanner available and I am assuming to make a jpeg file to attach, I need to scan the photo. So, if you are interested in seeing Homer spit, Alaska, check out [email protected] for the resort where we stayed.

Take care.
I have a friend who is moving up to maine next year, boy is she excited! I am excited for her, but will miss talking to her daily...that's navy life for you though. I have learned to accept it. Her husband will be stationed in winter(something)bay. I hope that she makes it to WA again. We are hoping to get stationed overseas during one of Kevin's tours(his next one, actually). Been talking about retirement as it is only 10 years away. Kevin is taking leave Sept. 20th-Oct 2nd. We have some projects to do around the house like painting a privacy fence and the entire interior of the house. I will still be working, but I only work a few hours a day, then I come home and spend quality time with the kids. I only wanted a part time job for some spending money. Haven't been around much, but that's a good thing...means I am doing good! I have my yearly echo sept 22nd and my checkup sept 29th. The whole family is going with, unlike last year. I am really happy about that! Kevin takes his E-6 exam tomorrow. Wish him luck! Well, take it easy, and glad to see everybody is doing well!
Wrong -

Wrong -


See what a dummy I am when it comes to computers - I sent you the e-mail address rather than the website! Here is the website [at least I think so!]. If all else fails, do a google search!
That link works fine Peggy. Yes, you would need a scanner to share pictures that you have in your possession, unless they were taken with a digital camera, then you could just load them on your puter and resize them a touch and post em.
Digital Camera

Digital Camera


I do have a digital camera, so one of these days I can explore that option. Thanks.
:( I must be the only one technologically challenged left out here. I don't have a digital camera. :mad: :D
No Digital?

No Digital?

Well, I might have the camera, but I don't know how to use it! Might as well not have the darn thing. Took it to Homer, couldn't get it to go "on". Got out my old familiar 35mm automatic instead!
Camera for sale.....

Camera for sale.....


I have a nice, almost brand new digital camera for sale! Interested???!!!
No digital camera
No CD Burner
An old 500 PIII system

......but it works!

Sure I'm interested, but can I afford it?
Hi Ross-

You're not the only one who is technically deprived. I don't have a dig camera, nor do I have a scanner. However I do have a webcam and when I have to send a pic online, I take a snapshot of a photo and then edit it with infraview, then send it to the Hewlett-Packard site to put into an album so it will have a web address.

Talk about work-arounds!

But at least I didn't spend any money--cheap, cheap, cheap.:p

Don't feel left out!!! I don't have one of them there fancy picture boxes either. One of these days, though, I might just have me a little trip to Wal-Mart or Staples and get one. I'll be uptown then.:D :D :D
I don't have a scanner or digital camera or even a camcorder. I embrace technology only as a last resort. I don't even like noisy kitchen gadgets. I like cutting things with a quiet little knife. I like the simple things the best.


Speaking of cutting. What in the heck is tha new avator of your's..When you were in ICC for 3 months?:p Lost a little weigh? Huh?:D Bonnie
That is what a good case of Pulmonary Hemosiderosis looks like when the lungs bleed. Kind of scary huh? It is scary when it's happening to you. ;)
Sounds painful.............

Sounds painful.............

I think any bleeding in the human body is very painful...........let me tell ya! Ouch!
Just imagine a bad case of pleural effusion and pneumonia and you get the idea of how bad it hurts.

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