Hmm, Slowwww--What are you doing this weekend?

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What should have been a nice day in central Illinois landed up raining all day. Had a family reunion and no one stuck around too long because of the weather . Was nice to see the relatives. Been busy with painting and cleaning etc. Getting ready to go on vacation for a week in Wisconsin. Can't wait. I love to fish and just plain relax. When I get back, I am going to have another surgery on the 18th taking out some sternal wires. Guess I have a fracture. Sure is sore. Nice to be off 3 days.
Hmmm, you all have me beat! I worked all weekend, and when I got home...cleaned house. Same thing monday, only I don't work. Not too exciting. Everyday it's a new, who knew?????? My job is my excape from the hussle and bussle of home...kinda the opposite of what most people do huh?

Take it easy!
feel like i'm just starting my weekend!!!

feel like i'm just starting my weekend!!!

just got home from taking our daughter to gettysburg college... spent 5 fun days and nights setting her up in her apartment and becoming historically refreshed. ate at some great restaurants with waitresses walking around in civil war attire, we ate chicken pot pie, etc. good food, good drinks, and great town andhotel, etc.
loved the place. what a treat to leave NY for a few days!!!
now that we're home i think we'll do some cooking/bbq tomorrow after lounging around the house.
youngest daughter is completing her summer reading in a crunch....
i just finished the 5th harry potter_ love those books!
joey's watching the us open....
it's good to be home.
Well I missed a few days coming to this site.
What am I doing this weekend?
The same as every weekend and these days the same every day since I retired.



Still in the Orlando sunshine. And it is HOT, let me tell you. Our daughter is having the time of her life! We took her to swim with the dolphins a few days ago. One of those once in a lifetime type of things:D. School starts on Tuesday. So we will be busy for the next few days travling and getting prepared. Don't have time for a messed up INR..keeping those fingers crossed.

Hoping to make time to work on that reunion schedule this week as I see there have been a few requests for information. Will do the best I can;) We will, at best have a place to eat and meet every day. The rest will fall into place as we move along I am sure.

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend.

Talk to you all in a few days when life slows down.

Doing nothing..................

Doing nothing..................

When you are recouperating, each day is like the other day!

Hubby had sinus surgery on Friday, so the two of us are sitting here doing nothing but changing the channels on the TV. Exciting, huh?

We were supposed to go to a relative's pool yesterday for that last day of summer sunshine, but my husband wasn't feeling good enough and I can't drive, nor did I want to leave him alone, so we stayed home. It is raining today, so guess I will do what I have been doing all month..............checking the VR replacement board to see what everyone else is up to! LOL

Have a great day!

Much the same story here Gisele. Not a thing new or interesting. Raining, cold, yucky outside so we'll be spending time watching the T.V. and checking the forum.
I hear ya...........

I hear ya...........

Another day......sigh.............maybe I can bake something today, problem is, neither one of us has an appetite to eat anything! LOL

Norm usually does all the cooking, and I bake desserts. Since the chef is out sick today, I was thinking of doing something with the fresh blueberries I have in the fridge.

Any good recipes out there?:D :D
Hey Ross,
You should of joined us in the chat room yesterday. We had a good one and JimL ate stuffed green peppers in front of us all. Still the same around here today. Not much going on.
Hey Gisele,
I don't have any recipes, but you might save them for breakfast and have them on top of pancakes with wipe cream.
Take Care

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
The only thing that comes to mind when I think of blueberries is milk and sugar on top of them and chow down.
I took my brother out of assisted living home to the grocery store and he didn't want to go anyplace else, so we went back to the 'home' and I stayed for lunch with him - and all those other old folks. Wonderful ones, they are. There's Miss Margaret, the very first resident and she takes over and runs everybody else's business - if she can and that's what former school teachers do. They continue to teach. Miss Matty Lou just moved in and Miss Margaret grabbed her to show her the ropes. There's Miss Alice and Mrs Infinger who buried her first husband, then married someone 22 yrs younger than she was, buried him and is still looking for sex. There's Wendell and Miss Pavey and there's Miss Becky who sleeps in their communal living room all the time - except at night. There's Mr Roberts who has Alzheimer's and wants to go home - or at least take a walk. He sings You Are my Sunshine so much that they have made it their theme song. There's my brother's table mate, Miss Min who has two sons who visit her really often. When they go home, she complains that they never come to see her. Brother tries to protect her and reassure her as much as he can. Mrs C goes to the beauty parlor every single day (they have one there) and has her hair done and her nails, but she doesn't even know where she is. Brother's other table mate is deaf as a post, the most pleasant lady you ever want to meet and when we eat, it's all I can do not to help her with her stuff. Guess I am just trying to say how lucky we all are to be able to manage our own affairs - to take ourselves off in our cars whenever we want, go work in our yards or our homes or kitchens or shop as much as we like, go to our jobs, be our own bosses all the time and to enjoy a holiday like this one and to actually know it IS a holiday. You just have to mentally hug these others every time you see them. I have had a wonderfully fulfilling day. Maybe I shoulda held this one for Thanksgiving Day.
I must have my seasons mixed up.......

I must have my seasons mixed up.......

I?ve been doing ?spring cleaning?. Totally cleaned out and painted my laundry room and pantry... which led to cleaning the garage.

I?m off to help Sara give the dog a bath.........

Gisele.... BLUEBERRY PIE!! :D


yum. Whenever I'm looking for something different I go to Has its own little search engine.

I'm going to be in maine for a couple of days later this month and will be in bar har bor and I'm going to clean up on all the blueberry stuff they have available. They use those teeny little wild blueberries that are so sweet - such wonderful jam and ice cream topping. Oh, dear - I won't have room for lobsteh - right:D
Shame on you!

Shame on you!

Always leave room for lobsteh!!
Thats the best part of the trip to Maine, except maybe the scenery
My Maine vacation was one of the best I have ever had. Of course I had to marry a man that does not care for seafood!

Have a great week!
Had a great Labor Day Weekend

Had a great Labor Day Weekend

Took Friday off, drove to Homer, Alaska in the rain with Husband and 10 yr. old daughter [4 hour ride from where we live]. The 2 teenage boys didn't want to go along for the ride, but the 19 yr. old did drive down on his own for 1 night with us. Homer Alaska has got to be one of the best places on Earth. The rain stopped Friday evening and we had gorgeous weather. Saw otters, eagles, seals, sea lions, and minke whales [I think they were whales, too big to be dolphins]. Walked on the beach, collected seashells. Experienced a minus 1.9 tide so the water was way way down at times. You wouldnt believe the size of the jellyfish and starfish up on the beach at low tide. My daughter kept picking of the starfish and gently placing them back in the surf, hopeing they wouldn't die or become a seagull's meal while stranded at low tide. Homer is spectacular, wish I knew how to attach a picture here for all of you to enjoy. Kachemak Bay with surrounding mountains is a sight to see. Didn't read a single paper or watch the news for 4 days. Relaxed and rejuvenated. Maybe I can hang out in Homer for 6 weeks after my surgery! That would be grand. Back at the office today, same old, same old.

Well I've added my 2 cents worth and then some!
hello all,

Its been a long lazy summer for me. I spent most of my time in Maine. This past weekend my repaired center board on my sailboat cracked open and ended my sailing for the summer. So we went to Camden to the windjammer festival and boarded a 57 ft. sailboat for a tour of the area (at the time the windjammers were coming in.) Spent the rest of the week reading and hanging out. I read the Boston globe (4hrs.)" Of mice and men" and "the old man and the sea"
The weather has turned cool quickly, it seems in Maine when Sept. comes the warmth leaves.
You thought I was gone huh?? A bad penny always returns.:D

Hi Ram,

Great to see you have returned.

I know all about "sailors". It is just as demanding as golfing if you ask me. If not more. Call it the hubby illness.
Great activity if your childern are grown. For ladies like myself, it's torture at this point. Seems life just goes on for the guys no matter what. Keep telling myself. My day will come. Then I will not know how to handle myself, LOL


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