Ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr just venting

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
I'm losing it,
The waiting for Edmonton to give me an appt. My
Dr. calls there's forever recordings and i've had to
sit on the phone redialing for 15 min to finally get
a ring and non-recorded hello on the other end.
Friday they called regarding phone number to the
cardiologist in Regina,who would rather not do my surgery
but assumingly maybe they want him to,as they haven't
got back to me, don't know how two echos done in june
can tell me i need surgery within 6 months time which would
be Dec in Dr.thinking.Longest season here is jack frost and if
you've lived in a hot country one trip in winter in Canada snow
can open a whole new world for you.It effects every faucet of
life things like how long it takes to get to work,the scraping of
ice off cars,walks and driveways,shovelling out,driving can be
dangerous.Blizzards,dangerous combinations of temp. and wind
I wanna be able to see a Dr. and wait this out now,till spring:p
Yeah right:mad: dought thats gonna happen with my swollen legs
and sob and i'm so frustrated right now i've started smoking and i'm
so disappointed in myself,work has been so stressful i took some
vac time and look where it got me in a stressed mess from waiting
trying to advocate myself on the phone for an appt. hasn't even
helped and exercise is a halt,ive gained 24 lbs extra on my tiny
5'2 body is it fluid :eek: i don't know,but iv'e hit my bottom just
waiting for an appt.and not knowing what all the new test results
in edmonton will say in difference of junes 2 echos.....K i'm done
venting why don't i feel better? All i get from
edmonton is the referrals are on her desk and moving to Dr's desk
That was 2 weeks ago and when the dr calls from there he asked for
my family Dr's receptionist not my dr. and too phone back my dr gets
recordings and leaves messages cus he can't get through:mad:

I'm just frustrated and hopefully it passes!!!!!

Zipper2 (DEB)
Been there, done that! I hate answering machines, and that's all my PCP uses. It takes me at least a week of daily messages to get them to call back. Thankfully, the cardio is a gem.

Good luck,
My cardio has some kind of new funky answering system where they even recommend you e-mail for appts. Say what?
I'm trying to book for November before winter hits. She said to call back Oct.1
Deb, I will join you in a loud GGGGRRRRRRRR!
Thanks for the extra GGGGRRRRR"S they sure can be used
right now:confused:

Bad enough DH hasn't caught me puffin not just SOB puffin

So :mad:at myself

zipper2 (DEB)
I can feel your frustration Grrrrrrrr. My french temper would be boiling over by now.
I'd be on the phone everyday to whom ever and tell them:
- "its been two weeks and I'm not getting any better"
- "thats not good enough - I need answers"
- "enough excuses, what can I do or what do you need to speed things up?"
Tell them how you feel and call them back the next day, telling them the same thing.
Praying you get answers.
I'm losing it,
............ i'm so frustrated right now i've started smoking .....................

Zipper2 (DEB)


Come on get a grip. :) You know how stupid that is. Strangle the cat, jump into bed with the delivery boy, stick pins in a white coated Dr doll, start a controversial thread on here; anything , but please don't start smoking.
Bonzo,your suppose to make me feel better not worse:eek:

My small frame sits at almost 28 not 24 lbs i don't eat a whole
lot it,s likely fluid,but my clothes don,t even wanna fit right
The waiting,s gonna blow me up one way or another fat or fluid.:mad:
If they do surgery by freeze-up think of all the sitting round i have
to do this winter and last time i cleaned the ice off my car windows
snapped my credit card in half and couldn't shop,if they finally get
to surgery at all it's gonna be freeze-up for sure:rolleyes:

zipper2 (DEB)
Today is a perfect day for me to come over and slap you.
But I can't, cause I did the same thing.....grrrrrr

Ohhhhhh Freddie,
Bonzo,s no help in making me feel better gotta feeling
were all in poopoo:eek:and we do need a slap:confused:
This isn't good for the site....Canadians get kicked off:eek:

Zipper2 (DEB)
Maybe I should head off to N.B. Its only an hour away and the tank is full. Zipper and I could go hide behind one of those croaked trees.
I'm barely familiar with the Canadian healthcare system, but what would happen if you just went and sat in the doctor's office? Is there such a thing as "walk-ins"?
I had to read Bonzo's reply twice. *** has a very different meaning here, and I was wondering what Zip was doing with one in her mouth!
I think if Zipper was to go into a "walk-in" she'd be back to square 1............or make that -1. Some of them doctors ain't to bright.......if you know what I mean.
My GP had told me that if I got sick enough with heart probs and could not get an appt, then to go and sit in the ER of a major hospital where I was going to have surgery anyway.
No walk-ins for cardios.
They'd likely call security to have me removed:eek:
then i'd have to wait longer,no dought.

zipper2 (DEB)