uhmmm, did you guys forget about me? I had no wait time.
Told on a Friday that I needed surgery. Phoned two days later on Monday to be put on the "on call list" and had surgery that same week on a Friday. Of course pre-op tests where done the day before.
Either I was in serious condition or I was special. I'd like to think I was special.......a special pain in thier butt.
Freddie i'm just glad you got to that hospital in time
I imagine if something totally went wrong,i'm not sure where
they'd send me,as long as my family Dr. says i call him at home
before heading to emergency.Cus if he,s not there and hospital
will choose not to call him,usually our hosp they stay with dr. on call.
and do not try to call in your own,so decisions made by a dr you don't know.
Im not sure i'm making sence here ,tonite i'm spending more time reading than replying,NITESHIFTS and had 3 hrs all day of sleep and had other family issues
seemed all my kids came from distances with small but important little problems,oldest 28, and Ken my youngest moved away from town and
i'm lost today....no sleep got 4 more nites but as insane at work it looks good compared to insanity here today at home(lol)
I read your post and i'm thinking omgoodness
hope i can hold out cus sometimes never know
what plans in store for us for sure,good thing
we dont know.
zipper2 (DEB)