MY BAD!!! I was out of town last week, which for some strange reason gave me permission to enjoy all kinds of party stuff I normally would have said no to, so weighing in wasn't an option I wanted to take. Then I put on my thin jeans to wear and I knew I wasn't going to weigh in! This week a friend brought over a loaf of french salt bread; so not only did I pig out on carbs, but also ate enough salt to float a boat. I thought about weighing in yesterday, but I kind of know it won't be good so I'm going to let the salt, at least, to clear my system before weighing in. If it weren't for you guys, I'd probably give it up altogether until after the holidays. I do plan on renewed efforts for my health and weight (in that order) in 2008 and think that now that I'm a year out on this new experience into heart-land, I'm becoming less angry about my body failing me (after taking very good care of myself all of my life to avoid these problems~thank goodness, or I might not be here today and probably would not have been strong enough to have even had the OHS). It is a huge gift for me this Christmas to have found these threads, with so many kind, concerned, giving people with so much knowledge, so willing to share and help make my odyssey into this scary territory more tolerable.
So, I am not abandoning the throw down. Without it, I'm thinking I'd run amok~worse than I already have. I'm certain I'm over my last posted weight, but that is not going to deter me from trying again. I'll be happy if I maintain until all this craziness is over.
Gnusgal, my dear hubby fixes bacon or sausage and fried eggs for breakfast everyday he's around. The smell kills me, but I cook my two little slices of soy bacon and pretend it's the real thing. Believe me, it takes alot of pretending! He weighs only slightly more than he did in HS, which is no excuse for imbibing that much fat on a regular basis. It will catch up to him one of these days. Fortunately, I'm not wild about sausage, but your H's sausage rolls sounded pretty good.
Hey, Cooker, I'm voting for you for Prez! even if you have added a few extra pounds. Once you hit the campaign trail with a vengance, the pounds will fall off you.
Hang in there everyone!
P.S. Congratulations to all you losers! You should be really proud to have done it in this month of temptations!
P.P.S. I recently had an occasion to read the calorie content on one slice of Harry and David's's 750 calories!!! No way am I going to do that!