I had severe Tricuspid regurg for many(15) years before my surgery.My
PCPs and cardios told me I didn't need it immediately since I was asympto.
like you are now.I felt fine but also knew of the strain that was being put on
my heart.So I kept all cardio appt's and 'watched' it

Finally I begin
becoming symptomatic and now my cardios are telling me "you need it NOW
or you will die". How did we go from you are fine to dying? Deep inside I
knew the docs were wrong,knew it and allowed it for the sake of being able
to justify procrastination on my surgery. I finally got OHS and while it saved
my life, it did not salvage my heart. It had worked too hard for too many years.
I'm only 42, and post op I can only climb stairs at a snail's pace,get
SOB with exertion,and have difficulties with certain daily activities.
I just don't want this to happen to you.
I think what helped me was having faith in my surgeon and his team. I also,
as someone else mentioned,was not really scared,I think I must have suppressed it,
or I was just in shock and numb thru it all. You may have to draw upon unknown reserves..
but they are there if you look or call upon them.I wish you the very best-Dina