Can?t We Just All Get Along??????

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A Big Hug back to Mary

A Big Hug back to Mary

Most of you may not know..but, Mary is a very dedicated..teacher.. :) Teaching in a school ..where a lot of children are family deprived..she helps them everyday... :) like my son..who is trying to find a better place for our children in this world.... :) Mary is also a wonderful wife, Mother and Grandmother. :) :) and best of all. a GREAT friend to me... :) :) so..hugs back to her.. :) :) :) One of the main reasons..I'm hanging that Mary has NOT had Valve replacement yet...and I will be here for her and others who will be coming on..Everyday..asking about their fears, ect.... This is why Hank started this great website... :) Small talk is here for people wishing Happy Birthdays, ect... posting pictures of family..other than those. this old timer never gets involves... :p Bonnie
Thank you for the very nice comments. I'm so thankful that I've made many wonderful friends on the site, and you in particular!
This is for you!
Mary said:
Thank you for the very nice comments. I'm so thankful that I've made many wonderful friends on the site, and you in particular!
This is for you!
Hey where did you get that? The attachment that is?
Ross said:
Hey where did you get that? The attachment that is?
How much is it worth for you to know?????????????? :D :D
I'm open to negotiations or bribery ;) ;) ;) ;)
wise smith said:
*grins innocently*

Is that a baptist thing, "grinning innocently"? You can't fool us. We know all your "babies" are only chick magnets.

If that were true, I wouldn't be single :(.

wise smith said:
Now we in the Christian church, grin smugly, but we're actually bigger sinners that you baptist, hands down.

Interesting..... I'm, actually, Church of the Brethren...christian....

wise smith said:
For instance, I've almost gotten run over trying to get in or out of the church parking lot, and I drive a Chevy Trailblazer (which isn't a magnet of any type).

LOL! Ya never know ;).

wise smith said:
So, if you're "cruising", for the mere pleasure of it we know, then you must not be speeding. Go figure, Mr. Monte Carlo is slower than those middle-aged mercedes drivers on their way to church.

LOL! So very true...very very very true ;).

wise smith said:
I'm in a good mood this morning I guess. This is all meant in jest, Cort, especially since I've never had a e-conversation with you.

I wondered :). Glad that you are (or at least were) in a good mood :).

wise smith said:
BTW, I grew up in northern Indiana where classic chevys seem to be very popular. My brother-in-law and nephew have always been into the Malibu, which is of course distinctly different from the Caribou.

That it is.... Have any pics of that Malibu, by chance?

gadgetman said:

?????????????????????????? :D This old country boy can't follow them big thoughts too good. Did understand the SEX, SEX, SEX. Looked at your driving plans earlier--you ain't coming fer enough South (actually Middle GA) to drop in. And be careful how you "pick" them Gerga Peaches--I picked mine over 37 years ago and she ain't gone bad on me yet. Just keep the Air Conditioner turned up in the Summer and the Heat turned down in the Winter.

He he he....I'll keep that advice in mind...thank ya ;).

Yeah could always drive up north to meet me...just some food for thought ;).
Wise, Cort's our official car guy. Just ask, he knows 'em all, drives 'em all.

Debora - you go, girl.

Bon - I love all your posts. You have a unique gift, you know.

as all Baptists know, Baptists are either fussin or eatin.
Cort, sorry, I thought you were a baptist for some reason. Must have been lightheaded that day.

No, I don't have a pic of brother-in-law and nephew's cars. I will see if I can get one, though. They live in Knox, Indiana. Yes, I know, you don't know where that is. It's is a little south of South Bend, about a 45 minute drive. That's my original hometown.

Just heard this morning that Coach Weber served as assistant coach at Purdue for 18 years before his 5 years with Southern Illinois. He's had some good experience and apparently has honed his craft well. Go fighting Illini!!

I wear an "Extra Large" but it is getting too warm for a sweater. Can't have too much cake (unless it's sugar free).


Be careful of that attachment Mary posted. If you look real close you will notice their "middle finger" is extended :eek: .


I could follow that post (you kept the words at "eight grade" level). Thanks :) :) . And me go to Atlanta--ain't no way this here country boy is going to the "big city". I'd be like Dorthory in Emerald City, "I WANT TO GO HOME, I WANT TO GO HOME". Anyway I'd have to take down the Gun Rack in the Pick-m-up truck and leave the dogs at home. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Car Guys, don't they have a car web site for all that "Junk". I'll have to get mine off blocks before I take a picture. :D

May God Bless,

hensylee said:
Wise, Cort's our official car guy. Just ask, he knows 'em all, drives 'em all.

Hmm...I don't know about drivin' them all....

*grins devilishly*

I do have my standards, ya know ;). LOL!

wise smith said:
Cort, sorry, I thought you were a baptist for some reason.

NO need to apologize!!!! No worries ;).

wise smith said:
No, I don't have a pic of brother-in-law and nephew's cars. I will see if I can get one, though.

*shakes head*

I can't imagine not having a pic of cars....he he he. I'd be interested to see it, if indeed you can get one :).

wise smith said:
They live in Knox, Indiana. Yes, I know, you don't know where that is. It's is a little south of South Bend, about a 45 minute drive. That's my original hometown. far north of RT 30 is that? I went to college at Manchester College....

wise smith said:
Just heard this morning that Coach Weber served as assistant coach at Purdue for 18 years before his 5 years with Southern Illinois. He's had some good experience and apparently has honed his craft well. Go fighting Illini!!


gadgetman said:
I could follow that post (you kept the words at "eight grade" level). Thanks. And me go to Atlanta--ain't no way this here country boy is going to the "big city". I'd be like Dorthory in Emerald City, "I WANT TO GO HOME, I WANT TO GO HOME". Anyway I'd have to take down the Gun Rack in the Pick-m-up truck and leave the dogs at home.

LOL! Well, we don't have to meet in Atlanta...I'm sure there are other towns along my route :).

gadgetman said:
Car Guys, don't they have a car web site for all that "Junk". I'll have to get mine off blocks before I take a picture.

*raises eyebrow suspiciously*

Junk? Many websites/forums/clubs are dedicated to cars ;). These are just several of my many interests...he he he.

Hmmm....just what do you have, anyway?

*awaits answer patiently*
Oh sure, this morning I came to the forum for the first time in a week and read every post on the Terri Schiavo thread, got all riled and emotional only to reach the end and see it is closed. It is probably for the best though!! :eek: I did, however, learn that Hank and I defer a bit in opinions, so tomorrow ( friday ) for our 16th anniversary I think we may go to a movie and fill out some living will stuff.. Ahhhhhhh the romance.
That said and I am glad Terri is through suffering and my thoughts and prayers go out to all parties.
Michelle said:
I did, however, learn that Hank and I defer a bit in opinions, so tomorrow ( friday ) for our 16th anniversary I think we may go to a movie and fill out some living will stuff.. Ahhhhhhh the romance.
Married folks have different opinions? :confused: I was under the impression that you were united as one. Guess I've been out of the loop too long once again. :D Talk to me on June 7th and I'll tell you what the prize is for 25 years! :eek:

Hank have I ever told you how dangerous a She Beast can be? :eek:
We are connected at the heart, but not always the brain :rolleyes:
25 years that is AWESOME!!!!!
Ross said:
Talk to me on June 7th and I'll tell you what the prize is for 25 years! :eek:

If your 25th wedding anniversary celebration suggestions are anything like your Post Number celebrations, Michelle would be wise to look for other suggestions.

Our 24th is next month. So I have a year to get lots of suggestions.
You know what? Marriage is the perfect subject for a thread called "Can't We Just All Get Along??????" If it were only about marriage there may be more question marks though. It was 15 years this past December for Cindy and me. She truly is the "best thing that ever happened to me". Gladys Knight ain't got nothin' on me (if you're old enough to remember the song, that will make sense...otherwise catch the next midnight train to Georgia, then try out Gladys' Chicken & Waffles. Yum!). My middle name should have been bunny trail, since I tend to travel down so many. Oh well.
Ross said:
What, you have some sort of disdain for post count prizes? :D

YUP - I have decided to just let my 1000th come and go without comments when it gets here. You are way too close to where I live :D :D :eek:
hensylee said:
Wise, I saw Gladys Knight in concert about 2 yrs ago and she is just as beautiful and sings just as well as she always did.

Cool! I would've enjoyed that. Don't remember her being here. But, I usually know about those things after they're over.

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