Can?t We Just All Get Along??????

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Ross said:
For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about when refering to trolls, please read this link below. I do believe your all going to see some familiar things going on here contained in this article!

Thanks for the link, Ross.

Since a lot of folks have tuned out to the Schiavo thread, I wanted to take a minute to say I am sorry for my part in making it unpleasant. I did not intend to do so and I realize I got carried away and should have stopped sooner (or not started at all). Please accept my heartfelt apology. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Ross said:
This wasn't Nurse Murch by chance? :eek: I'd have told her get her tape and start taping cause I ain't writing another one!

Don't recall her name :) but she favored Klinger from the MASH days :D . Ain't gona argue with that :eek: . It was almost as bad as those "consent forms" they hand you just before they wheel you off to do only God knows what!!! Why does every form telling all the dangers always end in "DEATH" :eek: ? Why not just "final change of address" instead ;) ?

May God Bless,

No, he's not back yet, not until June 9th. I probably won't be on the site for a little bit after he returns :D I'll be busy putting most of my energy and attention towards Kevin!
I?m standing behind Hank 100%!

I?m standing behind Hank 100%!

Did Danny just called me a wet noodle?! :eek: lol hilarious!! :D :D And if so... who are my two wet noodle friends?? Would that be you and Ross?

I have so much respect for Hanks ability to moderate this site. He?s done a fantastic job over the years. Although I think we oughtta all know when to tie our fingers behind our backs and shut up........ obviously some of us don?t.

I was almost one of those people!! Hope I deleted the last post in this thread before anyone read it. :eek:

Geebee, I'm glad someone was there to stick up for Terri. I'm not nearly as diplomatic as you are... so I try really hard to stay out of those kinds of threads.
geebee said:
Thanks for the link, Ross.

Since a lot of folks have tuned out to the Schiavo thread, I wanted to take a minute to say I am sorry for my part in making it unpleasant. I did not intend to do so and I realize I got carried away and should have stopped sooner (or not started at all). Please accept my heartfelt apology. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I dropped out of that Thread weeks ago. For losing control you have to put your fingers in your pockets or sit on your hands for 15 minutes--starting now. That's like telling (no--asking) a woman to keep her mouth shut :D . Ooop!!! Hope I didn't start something.


Your comment "sex has been mentioned twice in this thread. Now that's a good subject. And fit for small talk." What is this reference to "small" :mad: ? You trying to start something too :D .

May God Bless,

It's been 15 minutes. Can I get off my hands now? Oops, I am typing so I MUST be off my hands.

Thanks Danny :)
Well you've all heard me preach now and I got it out of my system, so it's up to all of you to help make the changes. With that, I go back to my hole in the wall, curl up in the fetal position and resume sucking my thumb.
All right folks!!

All right folks!!

Well, since I'm still to meet a person who doesn't like talking about sex, here it goes! Guess what I'll be doing on April17th? It's my wedding aniversay and Robert and I will have been married for twenty years!! LOL!! That's a hard one, eh?!! LOL!!
Débora :D
hensylee said:
Too late Rain! It came in my email. :p You could write for 'you might be a redneck'. :D

Danny - 'small' - 'large' - I can't remember. I am old!

Id like to apply for the job of Redneck Writer. This pertains to Rednecks, Heart Surgeries, and Hand Held Urinals. I can imagine what kind of image yall have of this. I see a Doped up Redneck after surgery in his room beating down Nurses with his urinal. NO, couldnt be the farthest from the truth.

Well the 18 days I was incarcerated, incapictated I mean, Feb 14 came around. My dad and sis had to treck to Lufkin because he was fixing to have to head back overseas to work. Dad stopped and seen the Top of the Line Florists at Wal-Mart and got mom a dozen roses. They were very pretty and good quality. Well there seemed to be a shortage of vases lying around the Hospital so we used the next best thing. When you came in my room you were greeted by a dozen roses in water stuffed in a hand held urinal. Mind your this one was unused and brand new. Many people would walk in and just bust out laughing. Surprisingly they lived in the urinal for almost 2 weeks I think. Now that isnt getto that is Country Redneck.I toted them proudly out of the the front doors of The Methodist.
Ross said:
Feelings have been hurt, people are mad at one another, and the list goes on.

Grrr....hate when this happens. This is a major reason why I avoid those so-called controversial threads. Plus, I just don't have enough time, given the amount of message boards/clubs of which I am a member....


I've seen my share of arguments deteriorate into a black whole of hatred towards others. Frankly, I'm tired of people bickering among themselves, hurling insults/accusations/mean words to each other & generally treating others like crap (I avoided a much worse word)...and letting companies get away with murder.


Ah, well.... People will be people...and there will always be all sorts of discussions on any given topic...and, of course, views and hypothesis and opinions and such. That's the nature of life. If we all thought the same, it would really be boring. (Although, I suspect, that would mean that Chevrolet would actually be producing Malibus, Monte Carlos and Impalas these days....and, perhaps, just perhaps, the Cubs might've won the World Series by now. Yeah, I know...I'm a dreamin' again :(....)

*grins devilishly*

Now, about that sex topic.... I say it's no good unless I get some this time....


Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72,6,9/'81,7.hobbies.chdQB =
MC Guide =
MC's future =
To buy Dodge Charger or to buy Ford Mustang...THAT is the Q
"Most Complete Lineup," Chevy claims in ad ... but how?
What's it like to buy your favorite car brand new? Wish I knew...
Gotta get one of those new vases! That's the best laugh I've had all day. I can just picture it. Where did you put it once you got it home? Another laugh is due, I'll bet.

Deborah - didn't you just go on a honeymoon? Oh, just remembered, that was your birthday. You goin to another hotel - with flowers and candles?

Cort, your time is coming. You may have to go cruisin in the right places, tho.
hensylee said:
Cort, your time is coming. You may have to go cruisin in the right places, tho.

He he he....any idea where those might be? ;)

Hmm...remember, I'll be coming out east this coming August...coming through Georgia en route to Charlotte NC....
I am the one that started the Terry Schiavo thread. I did not mean for it too be this contraversial. I simply wanted to know how others felt about it.

I think of this site as different than other sites where one can chat or message. For one thing we all have kind of got to know each other even though some of us have never met. Some have. I respect the opinions of the members on here even when they don't agree with me. I have received to much valuable information and too much caring attention to not have a high regard for the very people I am depending on to help me through the hard times as they did though the hardest time I have ever faced. You were all there for me.

So just because I started the thread doesn't mean I wanted this to happen.

Please everyone, remember who we are. For me the rest of you are my support group and what your opinion is about Terry Schiavo has no bearing on my real reason for being a member of this site.

Thanks Hank and Ross for the wonderful job that you do and for closing the thead.

All any of us needed was an opinion and we more than got that.
hensylee said:
Cort, Georgia is magic and could be your lucky state. Ever see any of those Georgia peaches in their own environment?

*shakes head*

Nope....but, I will in August!

*grins innocently*
I did, but...

I did, but...

Hensy, I really appreciate the good life, and when I said I would live life to its fullest, I meant it!! LOL!! We're still making up for lost time! As well as that, with my fourth MVR on its way, I don't know how things will turn out so, since I'm still in pretty good shape, I want to remain active for as long as I can before having to take a break! LOL!! Hopefuly not retire! LOL!!
Débora :D
*grins innocently*

Is that a baptist thing, "grinning innocently"? You can't fool us. We know all your "babies" are only chick magnets. Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. Unless of course you're me and married as I am. Now we in the Christian church, grin smugly, but we're actually bigger sinners that you baptist, hands down. For instance, I've almost gotten run over trying to get in or out of the church parking lot, and I drive a Chevy Trailblazer (which isn't a magnet of any type). So, if you're "cruising", for the mere pleasure of it we know, then you must not be speeding. Go figure, Mr. Monte Carlo is slower than those middle-aged mercedes drivers on their way to church. I'm in a good mood this morning I guess. This is all meant in jest, Cort, especially since I've never had a e-conversation with you. BTW, I grew up in northern Indiana where classic chevys seem to be very popular. My brother-in-law and nephew have always been into the Malibu, which is of course distinctly different from the Caribou.

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