Our Last Reunion.
Our Last Reunion.
Wal, Miss Bonnie, yo' WUS even late fo' yer Funeral!!!
Now hush up Bubba!!!
Wal she was, by a few minutes!!
Well, our beloved Bonnie has been laid to rest in her favorite jogging suit (nothing fancy for our gal). You could tell she was looking down on us. Just before the graveside service a little rain shower came up. Just as she arrived, the rain stopped and by the start of the service the sun was shining. When everyone started leaving it started to drizzle again.
She arrived in style. Her procession was led by 4 motorcycle police escorts, followed by 7 police cars from Lawrenceville, where her son Wes works. Reverend Puckett gave a sweet talk of how Bonnie had touched so many in her short time here. He said when she had her valve surgery she didn?t do like a lot of folks would do, just go on about her life. She went looking for someone to help and found ValveReplacement.com. She touched and guided so many others that were facing what she had gone thru.
We had a good visit with her husband John, son Wes, daughter Adriane and Bonnie?s sister, Diane. We told them how much Bonnie had been loved by so many on VR.COM. She had touched many a heart around the world. John said he and Bonnie were at the grocery story last Friday and Bonnie noticed an elderly woman struggling to get around. Bonnie MADE John go get one of the electric carts to help her out. John got the cart and went off to do their shopping, leaving Bonnie talking (as usual) with the lady. Bonnie finally caught up with him about 15 or 20 minutes later talking about the 80 year old woman and that she was having valve replacement surgery Monday. She had told her all about what to expect. Adriane said they felt it was strange that the old lady she had helped was just down the hall from Bonnie at the hospital Monday. They didn?t know how she came thru.
On behalf of VR.COM I thanked John, Wes, Adriane and Diane for sharing Bonnie with us. John said he always knew where she would be at 5 PM on Sunday. He said he would go off to fix supper and when he called her to eat she would always say ?I?ll be there in just a minute?. Adriane said she had called her last Sunday and Bonnie reminded her she was on chat right now and would call her back.
I posted below the ?In Loving Memory? handout. With all that we face with our hearts, I thought ?God?s Call? was very appropriate.
Bonnie Gal, we sho'e gonna miss ya. Keep a lookin? down on us an' we will all meet up agin one day. Oh yeah, remember whut yo' see in hevvin, stays in hevvin. An' eff'n yo' git th' chance t'make a few erasures in His notes about Bubba, I'll sho'e appreesheeate it.
May God Bless, Bonnie,
An' Bubba (ah didn?t wears no cap an' ah had a coat an' (CHOKE) tie on.)