Bonnie Anderson "Granbonny" June 10, 1940 - March 11, 2008

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So sad............

So sad............

I am so saddened and sorry to learn of Bonnie's passing. I can only reiterate what so many others have already said. She was such a kind, compassionate woman who always had a kind word to say. She was one of the very first VR members to welcome me into the fold and never failed to respond with an encouraging word to my posts about Katie's latest plight. I remember a couple of her posts in particular and they bring more tears to my already damp eyes. What a wonderful soul. I looked forward to the day that we might meet in person. We can only hope to be as loved as our Granbonny.

Bonnie, a part of VR has died. You will be dearly missed. We will keep your family in our prayers. Much love and with a very sad heart, Janet
gadgetman said:
Wal, Miss Bonnie, yo' WUS even late fo' yer Funeral!!!

Now hush up Bubba!!!

Wal she was, by a few minutes!!

Well, our beloved Bonnie has been laid to rest in her favorite jogging suit (nothing fancy for our gal). You could tell she was looking down on us. Just before the graveside service a little rain shower came up. Just as she arrived, the rain stopped and by the start of the service the sun was shining. When everyone started leaving it started to drizzle again.

She arrived in style. Her procession was led by 4 motorcycle police escorts, followed by 7 police cars from Lawrenceville, where her son Wes works. Reverend Puckett gave a sweet talk of how Bonnie had touched so many in her short time here. He said when she had her valve surgery she didn?t do like a lot of folks would do, just go on about her life. She went looking for someone to help and found She touched and guided so many others that were facing what she had gone thru.

We had a good visit with her husband John, son Wes, daughter Adriane and Bonnie?s sister, Diane. We told them how much Bonnie had been loved by so many on VR.COM. She had touched many a heart around the world. John said he and Bonnie were at the grocery story last Friday and Bonnie noticed an elderly woman struggling to get around. Bonnie MADE John go get one of the electric carts to help her out. John got the cart and went off to do their shopping, leaving Bonnie talking (as usual) with the lady. Bonnie finally caught up with him about 15 or 20 minutes later talking about the 80 year old woman and that she was having valve replacement surgery Monday. She had told her all about what to expect. Adriane said they felt it was strange that the old lady she had helped was just down the hall from Bonnie at the hospital Monday. They didn?t know how she came thru.

On behalf of VR.COM I thanked John, Wes, Adriane and Diane for sharing Bonnie with us. John said he always knew where she would be at 5 PM on Sunday. He said he would go off to fix supper and when he called her to eat she would always say ?I?ll be there in just a minute?. Adriane said she had called her last Sunday and Bonnie reminded her she was on chat right now and would call her back.

I posted below the ?In Loving Memory? handout. With all that we face with our hearts, I thought ?God?s Call? was very appropriate.

Bonnie Gal, we sho'e gonna miss ya. Keep a lookin? down on us an' we will all meet up agin one day. Oh yeah, remember whut yo' see in hevvin, stays in hevvin. An' eff'n yo' git th' chance t'make a few erasures in His notes about Bubba, I'll sho'e appreesheeate it.

May God Bless, Bonnie,

Danny :(

An' Bubba (ah didn?t wears no cap an' ah had a coat an' (CHOKE) tie on.) :( :(

Thanks so much for representing all of us and posting such a detailed account. We were all there in heart and spirit.
Ann's reunion w/Bonnie:

#1: Carola (Bonnie's neighbor), Ann, Bonnie
#2: Bonnie, Ann, Carola
#3: Ann, Bonnie with bear in a local tourist attraction - a reminder of Bonnie's actual backyard bear who visited from time to time.
#4: Ann listening to Bonnie's tick-tick-tick
#5: John, (Bonnie's husband), Ann, Kameron (Bonnie's beloved grandson), Carola behind the swing
#6: The precious babies
#7: G.R.I.T.S (actual bag) GIRLS RAISED IN THE SOUTH.........

Bless out hearts.

Mary said:
June, 2006

Panama City, Florida

Granbonny, Gadgetman, Mary





Agree, the lovely and talented Ms. Ann!

I do have a need to take Adobe Photo Shop classes to enhance by business. Can't wait to see what I can do with it!;) At this point...hunt and peck:p
LUVMyBirman said:

Thank you for sharing. Lovely tribute!

How did you post your nice collage?

Ross must take credit for this collage. However, anyone can do it, too. I take a group of pictures, put them in my printer/copier and copy/save them to my pictures folder and there you have a collage. Really easy
I logged on today for the first time in several days to fess up to those in the weight loss throw down to find myself shocked and deeply saddened by this thread in the "in Loving Memory" forum. I have enjoyed Bonnie's down home contributions to for years and her sharing stories of her "Russian Blessin's," and other family members. I can scarcely believe she will post no more. I sit here in tears and offer to her family thanks for sharing your wonderful wife, mother and grandmother so she could be our granbonny.

With deep sympathy for your loss,
Bye for now, Bonnie

Bye for now, Bonnie

"LORD, please wrap Your arms gently around Bonnie's family and friends who are grieving. Give strength for today and hope for tomorrow. Let Your presence be felt in a special way because You are the One who loves us so much!"

We will surely miss your presence on this forum, Bonnie. You did your job well, you loved well and were well loved!!
Oh my goodness, what a shock! I received a private message from Hensley telling me the news. I haven't been on because of computer problems this last week. I had it in the shop and got it out yesterday. I didn't get it hooked up until a few minutes ago. I had never met Bonnie in person but I felt we shared a very special bond because we shared the same birthday. I will be 65 on June 10th.

My heart is so heavy right now and I don't have the right words to say. I can only say I'm so sorry. She was a very special lady. She had so much wisdom and knowledge and always a kind word to everyone. She was so proud of her chidlren and grandchildren.

All I can say is that heaven received another "angel" and another "angel" received her wings. God bless you Bonnie and I will meet you in heaven someday.

All my love and prayers to her precious family.
hensylee said:
Ann's reunion w/Bonnie:
#7: G.R.I.T.S (actual bag) GIRLS RAISED IN THE SOUTH.........

I love it!!!!

Indeed, more awesome pics ... thanks for sharing those, Ann.

And, Ann, I did get your message yesterday ... sorry I didn't call back. I was so tired, I just went to bed. Now, I have to catch up on all of my forums ... yippie!

I'll try to remember to call you tomorrow (Sunday)....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Who's gonna hold me tonight?" ... Trace Adkins ... 'Help Me Understand'
I just learned of the sad news. My heart and prayers go out to Bonnie's family. I loved reading her posts. You could just tell how vibrant and loving she was through her posts. She will be missed dearly.
I've had no internet for 3 weeks now and logged onto my email this morning to find a message from Mary telling me this heartbreaking news (thankyou Mary).

I was shocked and stunned and cannot believe she's gone. I spoke with Bonnie many times both on here, chat and in private and from all the way across here I felt some connection to this lovely lady.

I'm lost for any useful words,
Rest peacefully Bonnie

With love
Emma and Chloe
I have been away on vacation for the past week and I am so saddened to return to the news of Bonnies passing. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. I very rarely cry over someone passing that I don't know closely. But, I feel that Bonnie was a dear friend and I never even met her. I also live in Georgia and have camped often near where Bonnie lived. My words can't express how bad I feel.
signing the book

signing the book

Online condolences may be made to the family at

Barrett Funeral Home of Cleveland is in charge of arrangements.

Cort and I thought we should bring this up to the top again (like Harry did) so that you will know there is a place to personally express your condolences to Bon's family.
hensylee said:
Cort and I thought we should bring this up to the top again (like Harry did) so that you will know there is a place to personally express your condolences to Bon's family.



And, crud, that reminds me, I have another thread to start, don't I, dear Ann? ;)

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Time is a natural healer" ... John Conlee ... 'Years After You'