4 Weeks Post Op - Im new here

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Tim, I'm glad you found your card. It is comforting to know something about the valve and to know that should there be any problem, the company will have your contact information. I agree with you that it seems unwise to actually believe that a patient just three or four days out of heart surgery will remember much. That first day out of the ICU, I made a couple telephone calls of which I have no memory now at all. It was the week after surgery before I felt that the drugs were finally out of my system and my memory was trustworthy.


lol ya memory was trust worthy about two weeks out of surgery for me personally
One more thing to add, this is what I had
I had a "typa a aortic dissection, 7.5 cm ascending aortic aneurysm. Using a 29 mm St. Jude mechanical valve dacron conduit reumplanation of cornary arteries and hemiarch repair if aorta with 26 mm Dacron graft with right atrial to right femoral artery cardiopulmanry bypass."

I learned a little about it...dont know a whole alot about it. But Im happy to be alive.
One more thing to add, this is what I had
I had a typa a "aortic dissection, 7.5 cm ascending aortic aneurysm. Using a 29 mm St. Jude mechanical valve dacron conduit reumplanation of cornary arteries and hemiarch repair if aorta with 26 mm Dacron graft with right atrial to right femoral artery cardiopulmanry bypass."

I learned a little about it...dont know a whole alot about it. But Im happy to be alive.

Wow you were very lucky. I'm curious, Did you know about your heart before and seeing a cardiologist, or was this all a surprise? IF it was something you didn't know about, what made you go to a doctor or the ER?
Wow you were very lucky. I'm curious, Did you know about your heart before and seeing a cardiologist, or was this all a surprise? IF it was something you didn't know about, what made you go to a doctor or the ER?

Very happy to be here.
No, All a suprise. I was sick since October 2011 thought it was just bad cold, was coughing all the time. Then it got really bad in the end of January, was really weak and started coughing brown stuff almost redish. Then my feet started getting almost blueish and swollen, went to the ER they thought I had pneumonia. They sent me back home, to take some prescription pills for pneumonia. I got more sick when I got home, at this point I can bearly walk. I knew something is not right and my family. Went to the ER again, then they did some kinda scan found out about my aorotic was torn etc. Put me an helicopter and straight to surgery.
Very happy to be here.
No, All a suprise. I was sick since October 2011 thought it was just bad cold, was coughing all the time. Then it got really bad in the end of January, was really weak and started coughing brown stuff almost redish. Then my feet started getting almost blueish and swollen, went to the ER they thought I had pneumonia. They sent me back home, to take some prescription pills for pneumonia. I got more sick when I got home, at this point I can bearly walk. I knew something is not right and my family. Went to the ER again, then they did some kinda scan found out about my aorotic was torn etc. Put me an helicopter and straight to surgery.

Did you have pain? What a Blessing you knew something was really wrong and went back when you did.
I can't believe they sent you home the first time, did they do any tests before they decided it was 'just' pnuemonia? Were you also going to a regular doctor during that time or just the ER?
Did you have pain? What a Blessing you knew something was really wrong and went back when you did.
I can't believe they sent you home the first time, did they do any tests before they decided it was 'just' pnuemonia? Were you also going to a regular doctor during that time or just the ER?

Yes in pain and very weak. I believe they did like one test. Yes very thankful I listened to my gut instinct and my family feeling something wasnt right also..probably wouldnt be here right now..if I didnt make that second trip..crazy...extremely happy to be alive.

not really regular..but from time to time..and It would have been better..if I knew about this needed to be taken care of before and have this taken early…If I would of listened to my doctors in the past…would of done all the necessary test and found about this.. avoid the ER etc. But it is..what it is..that’s the past..no more mistakes not listening
Was your helicopter ambulance trip from Phoenix to Phoenix? Long trip? Faster than an ambulance?
That first hospital doesn't sound very impressive.

phx to phx

somewhat long

Faster than an ambulance?

maybe if the heart hospital was across the block..heheh

lol I know what you are saying..since the hospital thought I had pneumonia at first.
Hello, and welcome. I just wanted to address your concerns with your beta blocker. I'm on atenolol, when I first started taking it I was dizzy and absent minded for about a month, I thought I'd never feel normal so long I was on that stuff, but now 5 months after starting on that one I'm fine, all the pills I take that caused me grief in the beginning don't bother me at all anymore. Also it is normal for you to feel anxious and maybe depressed after this, but that will fade as well. I think it took me about 5 months to get over the depression and anxiety. Now I'm 7 months out (I think around there) and I often forget I had the surgery until I take my pills or see my scar. I have arrythmias but always have so other than the scar and the pills it is almost as if it never happened. I feel normal, and my doctors all tell me that I'll live a normal lifespan. I read way too much scary stuff in the beginning. This forum saved me from losing my mind. I sometimes reference the cleveland clinic website and the mayo clinic website but I will not venture into googling about this. No way. As long as you take care of yourself and don't have complications you will have the same life span as anyone else.
Hello, and welcome. I just wanted to address your concerns with your beta blocker. I'm on atenolol, when I first started taking it I was dizzy and absent minded for about a month, I thought I'd never feel normal so long I was on that stuff, but now 5 months after starting on that one I'm fine, all the pills I take that caused me grief in the beginning don't bother me at all anymore. Also it is normal for you to feel anxious and maybe depressed after this, but that will fade as well. I think it took me about 5 months to get over the depression and anxiety. Now I'm 7 months out (I think around there) and I often forget I had the surgery until I take my pills or see my scar. I have arrythmias but always have so other than the scar and the pills it is almost as if it never happened. I feel normal, and my doctors all tell me that I'll live a normal lifespan. I read way too much scary stuff in the beginning. This forum saved me from losing my mind. I sometimes reference the cleveland clinic website and the mayo clinic website but I will not venture into googling about this. No way. As long as you take care of yourself and don't have complications you will have the same life span as anyone else.

Hi Michelle thanks for the welcome and good information. Ya this forum is really helpful and helped keep me sane. About 5 weeks now, also feeling a lot better. Metoprolol almost don’t even notice it anymore. But still hoping not to take it anymore.

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