3 months and feeling better than ever....sorta

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I cannot believe it has been already 3 months now. I am back to work at UPS starting last week, same with school. I have gained back some of my muscle that was lost, about 12 lbs in all. I am running some still and look back at everything and the hospital stay and the vomiting and the lack of mobility and just feeling miserable and depresses and I cannot believe it happened to me!!

I just went to cedar point yesterday, which those in the midwest know its the best rollar coaster theme park in the world, and I felt terrific. I have had no set backs, my scar is looking better than ever.

However, unrelated to the surgery, I had to go to the ER this morning because I was pissing blood. I now have the joy of experiencing a nice little kidney stone in my right kidney. I can honestly say this is MUCH worse than the OHS lol. I am drinking water like its air, I do not recommend anyone ever having one lol. Ugh, but other than that I feel like a million bucks but only have about ten compliments of tuition;)

Thanks a ton for all the support over these months

The OHS piece is wonderful news. Life just gets better and better.

So sorry about the kidney stone, those can be very painful to pass, from what a friend of mine told me. Did they give you any pain meds? How about a strainer to catch the stone to tell what type it is? Hopefully you won't be a frequent stone creater. :eek: Keep pushing the water and I hope you aren't too uncomfortable. :)
Well hello Luke,
sure nice of you to let us know how well your doing
always a pleasure to hear from you and yeah my DH
has dealt with the kidney stone :eek: years back
not fun to have that,take care of yourself!!

zipper2 (DEB)
Ah gee man, sorry to hear about your stone......ouch! Hopefully it will pass soon.
On the lighter side, really good to hear from you........you little whipper snapper. Back at work, hitting the roller coaster and barely having a scar, sheesh.
In all honesty ..good for you.
Take Care and keep in touch.
Glad to hear you are feeling pretty good and back to work. I hear those kidney stones can be pretty painful. Take care and good luck w/your stone.
Hi Luke,

It's great to read about your return to activities but sorry to read about the kidney stone :( I've been there. I had one and drove myself to the hospital even though I was doubled over in pain. It was early in the morning when I got the attack and there was no one else to help. I had the stone surgically removed. I hope that you can pass yours so you won't need the more invasive approach. Mine turned out to be a result of diet (too much calcium intake) and I've been able to avoid another stone by controlling what I eat.

I know about the tuition thing too. I did pay off my student loans.:D

Best wishes,

Has it been three months already! Time sure flies. Glad to hear you are doing so well, except (of course) for the kidney stone. I hope it passes soon. Best wishes.
My husband had a kidney stone once when he was 38. The ER gave him a morphine shot, and some muscle relaxants.
2 days later it passed on its own.....he had to pee through coffee filters to catch it. EW.
good luck with this, and congrats on a good recovery!
haha thanks for all the wishes. Yeah i cannot believe it has already been 3 months either. Like i said, i look back and cannot believe this all happened to me and that I feel this great already! I realized that the 12 lbs of muscle I lost is a little harder to get back than i thought lol UPS kicked my butt the first couple nights but I'll get there.

And yeah this stone is a real pain;( I am peeing through this little strainer thing to and i get to carry it around to work and school and I feel like a tool lol but hopefully in another day or two she will come on out;)

Thanks again;)

p.s. yes i did ride the coasters:) millenium force was one of them at 300ft and upwards of 90mph....sigh....true beauty
An ER Doc told me that he sees more Kidney Stones 'here' (mostly from Limestone County :) than any hospital he's been at before. The pain-reliever of choice for Kidney Stones at our ER was Dilaudid. Went from "There is NO Comfortable Position" to "WHEW, that's not so bad".

Ever since mine, I filter my Drinking Water through a Brita Filter / Pitcher. I suppose in-line filters would be just as good...or better.

Bottom Line: NO MORE Kidney Stones! :)))
glad you are ok

glad you are ok

i am glad you are doing ok, you remind me of my son, you guys are about the same age, very active, and i wandered what valve you were going to choose, adam went with the bovine, we thought we were going to get a repair, they were pretty sure, but it just didnt work out, so, i have heard them say on here, what ever choice that you make is better than what it was before, adam is 5 months out as of 9/2, he seems to be doing ok, a little short of breath, sometimes, but is in rehab. did you do rehab? anyway good luck to you. this has been a big ordeal, for everyone in this situation, glad to see that you are getting along with your life. god bless.
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