Heart Rate/Yucky feeling Question

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
Hi all - I had my aortic valve replaced in May 2008 and returned to work on July 22nd, part time. My questions are this: Does anyone else have problems with their heart rate going through the roof, for no apparent reason? Mine will shoot up to 153 and it lasts for 30 minutes or more and then I will take a pill and it will finally start dropping back to normal after about 15 more minutes. Also, I have been getting more exhausted again, kinda like I was before surgery and short of breath too. I also have what I thought was a rash on my legs and arms, but what looks like little pinprick blood spots. My cardio saw them and told me to see a dermatologist. I have also been running a low grade fever for about a week and my appetite is not what it used to be, even though I am gaining weight. I am not eating more than I used to so I am not sure where the weight gain is coming from. Right now it is like 90 degrees in good ole Ohio, so walking is not an option unless I go out very late in the evening. Even then, the humidity is horrible and my heart feels like it is trying to take off on the race of its life. My heart rate shoots up even when I am watching television, reading, driving, doing dishes or even like now, sitting on the computer. My cardio seems to think that I am just feeling more because of the OHS but I know that something is wrong. I thought about going to ER but they will just call him and he will tell them to drop my heart rate and send me home again. Any suggestions? Thanks all...diana

Aortic Valve Replacement (St. Jude), ring around the tricuspid
May 16, 2008 - Dayton Heart Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
Dr. John Miller, Surgeon (angel doctor!!!)
Hi all - I had my aortic valve replaced in May 2008 and returned to work on July 22nd, part time. I have been getting more exhausted again, kinda like I was before surgery and short of breath too. I also have what I thought was a rash on my legs and arms, but what looks like little pinprick blood spots. My cardio saw them and told me to see a dermatologist. I have also been running a low grade fever for about a week and my appetite is not what it used to be, even though I am gaining weight. I am not eating more than I used to so I am not sure where the weight gain is coming from. Right now it is like 90 degrees in good ole Ohio, so walking is not an option unless I go out very late in the evening. Even then, the humidity is horrible and my heart feels like it is trying to take off on the race of its life. My heart rate shoots up even when I am watching television, reading, driving, doing dishes or even like now, sitting on the computer. My cardio seems to think that I am just feeling more because of the OHS but I know that something is wrong. I thought about going to ER but they will just call him and he will tell them to drop my heart rate and send me home again. Any suggestions? Thanks all...diana

Aortic Valve Replacement (St. Jude), ring around the tricuspid
May 16, 2008 - Dayton Heart Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
Dr. John Miller, Surgeon (angel doctor!!!)
How long have you been running a fever? and how high is it. You also
mentioned anorexia(no appetite)--how long have you felt like this?
If the answer to these questions is For over 7-10 days and the temp is
over 101 , your blood should be cultured -just to be safe.I think most
cardios are aware of postop infection dangers , but if you feel like there
may be something really wrong like endocarditis, don't chance it by waiting.
Either get a second opinion, or go to the ER and tell them your concerns.
You could also go to your regular cardio and push the issue...insist on these
labs/cultures and maybe an echo.
It is best to find out as quick as possible-just in case.
My Best-:)Dina
For all the signs your showing, I think a trip to the ER is in order. At the very least see your Doctor as soon as possible. This may be an emergency situation unfolding.
Hang In There

Hang In There

Hi all - I had my aortic valve replaced in May 2008 and returned to work on July 22nd, part time. My questions are this: Does anyone else have problems with their heart rate going through the roof, for no apparent reason? Mine will shoot up to 153 and it lasts for 30 minutes or more and then I will take a pill and it will finally start dropping back to normal after about 15 more minutes. Also, I have been getting more exhausted again, kinda like I was before surgery and short of breath too. I also have what I thought was a rash on my legs and arms, but what looks like little pinprick blood spots. My cardio saw them and told me to see a dermatologist. I have also been running a low grade fever for about a week and my appetite is not what it used to be, even though I am gaining weight. I am not eating more than I used to so I am not sure where the weight gain is coming from. Right now it is like 90 degrees in good ole Ohio, so walking is not an option unless I go out very late in the evening. Even then, the humidity is horrible and my heart feels like it is trying to take off on the race of its life. My heart rate shoots up even when I am watching television, reading, driving, doing dishes or even like now, sitting on the computer. My cardio seems to think that I am just feeling more because of the OHS but I know that something is wrong. I thought about going to ER but they will just call him and he will tell them to drop my heart rate and send me home again. Any suggestions? Thanks all...diana

Aortic Valve Replacement (St. Jude), ring around the tricuspid
May 16, 2008 - Dayton Heart Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
Dr. John Miller, Surgeon (angel doctor!!!)

Yes, you should make a pest either with your doctor or at the ER. I had my surgery around the same time (19th of May) and also by my first follow-up appointment, I made a pest of myself with both my Cardio and with the surgeon about my heart pounding in my chest. They increased my Toprol and it seemed to help. Now my only gripe is a burning/tearing sensation beneath my right breast. Have another doctor's appointment and I will continue to complain until someone figures out what it is that hurts.
Hope you get the answers that will ease your concerns. Keep us posted.
I am concerned that your doc sent you to a dermatologist for what sounds like petachia (sp?) or little pinprick spots. Are you on coumadin? If so, they are not very abnormal. What is your INR. Your other symptoms are worrisome also. Please get yourself checked out by someone competent.
I'm sorry - I did not answer all your questions.....my low grade fever has been around 99 (my normal is about 96) and it has been going on for about 2 weeks already. Also, yes, I am on coumadin and the doc says that he has never heard of pinpricks in the skin with coumadin. My appetite has sucked for the last 2 weeks too. I am just not hungry most of the time. When I do eat, it is mainly veggies since those taste the best to me. I will double check with him again tomorrow. Thanks again all.....diana
Did any of the Doctors you have seen give you a reason /cause for your elevated HR? (such as Atrial Fibrilation, Tackacardia of some sort, )

Do you have a stethoscope? If not, get one so you can listen to your heartbeat and give a more complete description of what it sounds like (fast but regular, random/irregular, regularly irregular, etc.)

Do you show signs of swelling (legs, ankles, feet)?
If so, you may be retaining excess fluid, which would explain the weight gain. Keep track of your weight every morning, after voiding, but before eating, with little or no clothes. A weight gain of 2 to 5 lbs is a likely sign of sudden fluid retention.

A *Good* Cardiologist should be able to sort this all out, including the fever.

'AL Capshaw'
Re: Walking / Exercise -

Many Heart Patients walk in (air conditioned) Malls or Stores. It's best to go at times when traffic is low.
I had symptoms very similar to yours, although my HR did not shoot up quite that high. Apparently I have developed a rare complication -- constrictive pericarditis (not regular pericarditis, which I also had.) Constrictive pericarditis usually develops quietly, over years and years. I developed mine very rapidly as an immune reaction to surgery.

The same immune reaction is also giving me that plural effusion (pocket of fluid) by my right lung. If you also have this, it will cause shortness of breath and unexplained weight gain.

I'm in the middle of a course of a very high dose of steroids, which are supposed to reverse the constrictive pericarditis. If they don't, I will need another operation to remove the constricting covering over my heart.
My INR is in the good range, though I am not sure what it is. I am taking 2.5 mg daily of my coumadin and he was started me getting my blood drawn every other week now instead of weekly.

I do not have any fluid retention in my feet or legs, even though my hands are usually full of fluid when I get up in the morning. Today, my head is pounding so bad I feel like my blood pressure is through the roof even though I have really low pressure usually. Even when I have a migraine, my pressure does not go up.

I do have a stethoscope and my husband listened to my heart last night and said that all he can hear is my valve and that as far as he can tell, there is no fast heart rate even though I swear it is gonna take flight out of my chest and it feels to me like it is fast. I know when I went to the doctor last week, it was 153 and then when I was in ER a couple days before that, it was 147.

I did put a call into my doctor this morning and am waiting for him to call me back. I will post after I talk to him. Thanks again all!!!


I was finally able to see my cardio after wearing the CardioNet monitor for 2 weeks. Between my doctor and husband, I think they thought that I was imagining or over exagerating my fast heart rate. But, lo and behold - it was actually showing up on the monitor 7-10 times per day, when I remembered to hit the "report an event" button! My heart rate was going up to 157bpm when my normal was 82bpm. And all this was happening when I was just sitting in the chair or laying in bed. It went even higher when I was cleaning, walking or working. My cardio put me on 2 separate medications to try and control the fast heart rate. One is digoxson (in the morning) and the other starts with an "M" (can't remember the name) that I take right before I go to bed. He said that they will both lower my blood pressure, so I must be careful about what I do (ummm, how am I supposed to drive to work if my medication can cause me to pass out?).

In 2 weeks I have to have blood drawn again so that they can check my liver and a few other things. I guess these medications can cause liver damage in addition to warafin causing the same. I have had doctors telling me to "stop drinking before you kill yourself" in regards to my liver for years and the funny part is that I don't drink. I was never a person to drink all the time and when I do take a drink it is usually once or twice a year! The doctor will see me again in 30 days and then we will go from there. At least now I know and my husband knows that I was not just being ultra sensitive because of my OHS. Thanks all for all your help and input!!!! By the way, my best friend was just diagnosed with CHF and is having OHS on Monday, October 6, 2008 and my surgeon is her surgeon. Go figure!!! diana

Aortic Valve Replacement (St. Jude), ring around the tricuspid
May 16, 2008 - Dayton Heart Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
Dr. John Miller, Surgeon (angel doctor!!!)
It sounds like you are now taking Digoxin and Metoprolol. Both are very good meds.
They will check your blood for the Digoxin levels that can affect your liver.
You can be very safe even when taking low doses of these 2 meds. I'm glad you have some answers.
I'm glad that it wasn't endocarditis. and that you are on some meds
that can help.
I had my OHS in Feb 08 and I am still not 100%--I have days where
I'm more tired or my heart rate will go up a little(90's). I was told that
this is to be expected within reason.
My best--Dina:)

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