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  1. Jason

    Hi Everyone

    Good luck, Brad. I look forward to hearing your surgery story on the other side!
  2. Jason

    4 month update so grateful!!!!!

    Very good news! Glad to hear it, and see you on the site.
  3. Jason


    Sorry to hear about your bout with A-Fib. I had several bouts after surgery, and was then put on amioderone in addition to metoprolol. I am still on the metoprolol, but was taken off of the amioderone a month after starting. I believe I will get off the metoprolol at some point, but as of...
  4. Jason

    Dibagitran / Pradaxa ( Do not Take it ????)

    Thanks for passing this along. My father is on warfarin for A-fib, and the medical experts were trying to get him to switch to Pradaxa. Other than the risks of a relatively new drug, the costs were astronomically higher. He chose to stay with the devil he knows. I am glad he did. I agree...
  5. Jason

    Flu Shot Question

    My cardio made sure that I had already been administered a flu shot at my 6-7 month post surgical exam. I would say this isn't conclusive and you should consult your own physician, but it made me comfortable with the prospect.
  6. Jason

    Post Surgery Update!

    Scott, sorry I missed this. For me the metoprolol does act relatively quickly, in that 15-30 minutes after taking it my heart rate will drop back down. It generally will increase throughout the day particularly around meals and exercise, and big meals throw my heart rate up quite a bit. I...
  7. Jason

    October 20th, 2011, 5:30AM

    I found this site very helpful to me after surgery, and wish that I had found it before. Instead, I found lots of misinformation on the web with a lot of just plain wrong conclusions and whatnot. It wasn't until after my surgery that I found this site, and it has been a godsend to me. I think...
  8. Jason

    has anyone had valve leak after surgery

    I thought it was standard procedure for them to listen to heart and lung function every time, regardless of whether or not you had heart issues. I think I would be looking for another doc, too, if they didn't do this especially given a mechanical valve. I have had the docs ask if they can send...
  9. Jason

    Surgery on October 13th

    I will keep you in my thoughts as the week progresses. I am sure it will go well for you!
  10. Jason

    Medical alert jewelry - what kind and what info

    I have two, quite by accident. I bought one based on the surgical team's recommendation from American Medical ID, or something like that, that has my name, MECHANICAL VALVE, and COUMADIN on it. After this I started browsing this site and found out about Medic Alert, and I bought one of those...
  11. Jason

    Almost bought the farm

    Glad to hear you are on the mend, Billy. Sounds like a scary ordeal!
  12. Jason

    Life is...

    Cort, I hope all is well. I will keep you in my thoughts as you progress through this.
  13. Jason

    Surgery date set - Hope it goes better than the preliminary planning!

    I will be thinking about you, and hope all goes well.
  14. Jason

    "Double Heart Beat" and "Tickling Sensation in Chest"???

    I have had the double beat with deep breaths since surgery, although not every time. It still happens today, and I think it is what someone said above that the lungs are intruding on the heart, so it kicks back. I still have it at times, and it doesn't seem to affect anything so doesn't really...
  15. Jason

    Post Surgery Update!

    Scott, I had a similar story in that I was readmitted to the ER after A-flutter. I had three bouts of it, and then they put me on a month of amioderone. I came off after a month, and haven't had any heart rhythm issues since then. I still take metoprolol, but I think that this will end...
  16. Jason

    NEED HELP: Body NOT responding to anti-coagulation?

    I also had a low INR for the first two months after surgery, and had the great experience of shooting myself in the belly with lovenox twice a day. It seemed like it took another 2 months for the bruises from those shots to go away, too! I did eventually get above 2, and the shots stopped...
  17. Jason

    2 Years and I forgot !!!

    It is great to hear you are feeling so good that you forgot about the date. Glad to hear things are going well for you!
  18. Jason

    Finally Moving

    Glad to hear you are getting moved in. Here's hoping you get good news quickly on the job front!
  19. Jason

    Operation Scheduled in 3 days!

    I am glad you have found the site, and will be thinking of you this week. Be sure to check back and let us know how it goes!
  20. Jason

    Checking in around the six month post op.

    Thanks, everyone. I am very happy with both the recovery and the car. Steve, I certainly understand the sentiment, and am really enjoying the car. It isn't the smoothest ride, but then that is what you get with a sport suspension! Bina, I still owe you a ride in it; maybe next summer!