"Double Heart Beat" and "Tickling Sensation in Chest"???

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Jun 20, 2011
Southern California
Hello gang, I searched the forum and didn't find any info on these issues I've been having. Sometimes when I breath in deep I can hear and feel my heart beat rapidly twice or very rarely 3 times. This only happens when I take in a deep breath, its just weird. It doesn't happen all the time but I do experience 2-5 times almost everyday.

I also experience what seems to be a tickling or quivering sensation in the middle of my chest around where my neck starts that is strange. Sometimes it makes me feel like I have to do a dry cough but not all the time. I think my heart is to blame. This doesn't occur with the "double beats" its a separate issue. Again this doesn't happen all the time but I feel it almost everyday.

I've told my cardio and he kinda waved it off considering I'm 8 weeks out from surgery. He thinks it should all calm down with time. Has anyone experienced similar issue, and if so did they resolve with time?
I think you are still in recovery mode. Your heart is still remodeling. It may take some time for your heart to get back to normal.
I'd have to agree with your cardio. You will have many odd beats during recovery; the big concern is if it does not go away, then I would call doc or go to Urgent Care or ER.
I agree with everyone about your heart being in recovery mode. In addition to that, I would think that the reason it seems to happen when you breathe in deeply is that your lungs expand a lot, and your lungs are right next to your heart. It could be that the lungs just sort of touch the heart in a way that sets it off (considering that you are in recovery mode).
I'm not sure if I had the exact same thing as your first issue, but many times post surgery, when I breathed in deeply, I just sort of felt my heart "jump" for a few seconds. It was quickly gone, no aftereffects, but was more than a little unnerving when it happened. Mine happened at least up to the 3 month mark, then started disappearing.
Julian - I had lots of strange feelings and situations for the first couple of months post-op. So many different things that I finally decided not to even catalog them or worry about them. Now, about 7 months post-op, they all seem to have drifted back into the noise, and I can't say that I have much of anything strange going on - except that my heart rate jumps up higher and I feel more pronounced beats for 10 or 15 seconds upon lying down. I don't pay any attention to that, either, any more. Give it time. As the others have said, it takes a while for your body to get over the "insults" of surgery.
As I was reading down throught these posts, my mind went the same say Bina's did. Thank you Bina for posting what I probably would not have.

Jullian, I am in agreement with the others. I believe over time, it will go away. I know I had similar sensations, but did not think about them to much other than to be annoyed. I get some pretty hard bets, but typically when I am dehydrated.
Sheesh... I wish it was love Bina. I needs me a wife that can rub my head and tell me its gonna be alright.

Well, I ain't your wife and my husband can barely put up with me, but I do think that you will be alright.
The premature heart beats feel like double beats, and the heart may "quiver" a bit here and there which is
very unnerving but as long as you are being followed by a doctor and an occasional Holter monitor shows nothing
serious going on, then things should improve. It can take a while....
As an update during cardiac rehab today they caught the "double" heart beat on the monitor. They believe its from the pacemaker! GRRR... I'm only being paced less then 14% of the time. Why would this happen only when I breath in deeply... Hmm... As I stated before it doesn't happen every time I breath in deeply but still...SIGH! I'm confident in time it will chill out or become less noticeable, if not there has to be some kind of adjustments that can be made to the pacemaker... Maybe the pacemaker is also responsible for the "quivering/tickling" feeling as well? Anyway onward!

I have the same issue with the breathing in thing. It just gets faster and stronger when I take a deep breath. Sometimes I try practicing my 3 part yoga breathing....and ease into a deep breath, just to work on building up my lungs and getting my heart more used to it. I think it's the AV... I also have couplets, and flutter and fib at times still, Doc is not worried, because I don't have any symptoms....its just more of a nuisance. I may just live with it. We are so close in surgery dates....it will be interesting to keep in touch on this stuff.

Susan. :)
Could it be a sternal click that you're mistaking for an extra beat? I would experience a little "click" in my sternum for a few months after surgery but only when breathing in. If you're not paying close attention it could sound/feel like another beat.
I have had the double beat with deep breaths since surgery, although not every time. It still happens today, and I think it is what someone said above that the lungs are intruding on the heart, so it kicks back. I still have it at times, and it doesn't seem to affect anything so doesn't really bother me anymore. I haven't/didn't experience the quivering, but did have tingling in my scar about 6-8 weeks after surgery, if I remember right. Any chance the quivering is on the surface, and is just the nerves rebuilding in your scar?

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